Treehouse Masters
Treehouse Masters
TV-PG | 31 May 2013 (USA)

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  • Reviews

    Wonderful character development!

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    Purely Joyful Movie!

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    Micah Lloyd

    Excellent characters with emotional depth. My wife, daughter and granddaughter all enjoyed it...and me, too! Very good movie! You won't be disappointed.

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    Tyreece Hulme

    One of the best movies of the year! Incredible from the beginning to the end.

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    Really great show. The tree houses are pretty amazing. Pete seems like a great guy with a great energy about him. Some other reviewers have commented on his corny sense of humor and terrible jokes but, because he's such a nice guy, he can get away with it and it makes it charming. Not a lot of people can pull that off! I think it's just an overall 'feel good' show that leaves me with a good feeling.

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    This show would be good if it didn't feel like I was watching a show made for a child. I'm not a fan of reality shows. The "Reality Show Format" is awful. A reality show should not have a script nor a formula; it should feel more like a documentary. If you have seen one of these shows, you've seen them all. Each episode is predictable and mind-numbing. These people explain everything, if someone farts they have to make a narration and repeat it 4 times. We the audience couldn't give a damn about the rich bastards who hired these guys to put up a tree house. I would like to tell them that hiring someone else to make a tree house is about as special as taking a manufactured home camping with you. A TREEHOUSE DOES NOT NEED AN INTERIOR DESIGNER!!!!!!!! No wonder people are moving away from cable, they do not want to be comatose in front of a television having everything explained to them like children.

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    As far as the production of the show, I have no complaint with it other than my general refusal to watch nearly all "reality" TV featuring no-talent nitwits performing mundane tasks in front of a camera for an audience of people who have no lives to live.As for the premise of the show, I have big problems with it. I'm an old guy, having been around a long time and have seen a lot. One of the things I saw back in the 60s and 70s were real tree-houses that real people lived in. No, not quarter million dollar redwood, oiled teak and triple-pane glass fantasy "clubhouses" with secret doors, an observation dome and ADA-approved access ramps, but salvaged wood, metal and glass and concrete homemade structures that sheltered people from the elements and provided a safe place to live. AND the tree-houses were built by the residents themselves,. They scraped together whatever they could, poured the concrete, cut the wood (often with a chainsaw because they had no power), hammered the nails, and finished they job the best way they could with what they had. Maybe some friends pitched in to help and in return got some help back on their next project. But NONE of them ever hired any professional carpenters, riggers, or cabinetmakers to do the job for them. They couldn't afford it.And that is my problem. Young upscale, yuppie losers hiring professionals to build them a fantasy tree-house is just all wrong. Having your main home built by contractors is OK. Unless you are really skilled and have more time than money, a contractor home makes sense. But you are supposed to build a tree-house yourself. Hiring a pro to do one for you is like hiring someone else to whittle you a wooden whistle, do a crossword puzzle for you or paying someone to play hopscotch in your kid's place. With people out of work, having to share housing or living on the streets, there is something really wrong with professional tree-houses. As for the guy with the tree-house company, I can't blame him if there is a whole country full of rich dipsticks who want something quaint and charming cranked out for them that they lack the class to do for themselves. If he can make an honest buck doing carpentry, good for him. But putting it on TV is where I draw the line. I don't need to be reminded about these vacuous morons and their excessive lifestyles. So the answer is obviously to not watch the show and beyond the three episodes that I wasted my life on, I don't watch it. One star is generous of me.

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    I agree with the last reviewer about this being scripted and boring however, this seems to be the case for all of the pseudo reality shows produced now. Lazy, uninspired and cheap production defines TV currently. This show falls right in line with the Honey Boo-boo mindless dribble of today.Where I differ is the quality of the tree houses built. The nit-wit in this show basically throws a garden shed in a tree and calls it a tree-house. Wholly uninspired and classless builds. Anyone that pays this guy to build them a tree-house just got taken for a ride. The only saving grace to this train wreck is when the host "visits" tree-houses built by others and are in need of some "repair". Some of those tree-houses are awe inspiring compared to the big box store shed he tosses into trees.

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