The Swan
The Swan
| 07 April 2004 (USA)
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  • Reviews

    Horrible, fascist and poorly acted

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    Best movie of this year hands down!

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    It's easily one of the freshest, sharpest and most enjoyable films of this year.

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    Bea Swanson

    This film is so real. It treats its characters with so much care and sensitivity.

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    I think being provocative was the reason why this was canceled. I can't stand this falseness. I mean if any woman feels bad about her sight she can be more spiritual (but clearly the networks don't see that as profitable idea I suppose !), or stop smoking, eating junk food, yet that may destroy the commercials that feed these networks in the first place ! Or she can seek changing her character but BOO HOO there are easier faster ways; so they had to produce this Swan !! The thing that I hated about it is dealing with the human body as a machine that must be repaired. Ironically in the same year (Pimp My Ride) was made which – for that matter - doesn't vary much ! The scheme here is that they make kind of factitious artificial swan. Noticing that the human body is no car ! The program as a "show" loved that upheaval, this condition of (before) and (after). Hence the viewers will stay craving to see the new, outwardly better, sight of the troubled woman or simply the ugly crow ! It's more like the irritating devise that you put around your belly to make you thinner without practicing any sort of sports or spending any efforts ! It's clearly the opposite of (The Biggest Loser), or it's (Extreme Makeover) yet for sad - hating themselves badly – women ! Yes, it could push them to feel good about their look, which has an effective effect for sure, but it delivers them as plastic toys more than humans, and that's the provocation of the whole matter.I pity the women's own children, they had to adapt themselves to love this newcomer (read : The Swan that their mom turned into !). When you love somebody you love anything fine for them except making them another persons with another – even if beautiful - face ! It could be like living with the one you love yet while she's wearing a mask for all the time ! I was asking myself wouldn't those children feel a bit odd ?! But who cares ? Mommy wants another lover anyway, however could she be acceptable just for her look ? She may be dumped again, leading herself to The Swan 2, so the next stop : being the Joker of Batman ! OH MY GOD, it's a skinning case of life imitating black comedy (watch Death Becomes Her to understand my point !).Not enough shows about the inner beauty could be a reason to bash this one. But this very one in itself managed to be long, so boring, commercial for plastic surgeries, learning us that falseness has become the right alternate for nature ! Giving us the magical moment when the ugly turns into dazzling, forgetting to say that nothing is forever… That's ugly enough for me !On the same track maybe we'll have soon another show where they give you 5 Bullets and a pistol to get rid of 5 persons you hate ! Ahhh.. a dream comes true at last, they can call it (The Killer) or (Bullets), but would the producers shoulder the crimes after with the participant ? I don't think so, since they modify those women purely synthetically, telling them that this is the way to be a Swan, and these women AGREED, transforming, through this factory, into other humans less human, without one slight attempt to change from inside, convincing stupidly that swapping their bodies will swap their characters, so who's the criminal here ?! And who deserves the bullets better ?!Sometimes being good happens by stopping watching some TV shows !

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    for cash mentality. Fox must really need those ratings. This is literally the most morally bankrupt garbage ever (oh, except for "The Simple Life"). Reality TV has officially sunken as low as it can go.The surgeons on this show are a disgrace. They certainly make enough money in Beverly Hills, and hardly need this PR. Another reviewer has delineated several participants- who one can only feel sorry for. Yes, by all means, get surgery. This doesn't mean we want to see it on TV, or hear about their trials and tribulations (yawn).Remember the show where a contestant shot his friend-after being exposed on the Jenny Jones show? well- this show is damaging people's self-esteem; at the behest of "improving their lives". Do not buy into that manipulation. It is about money, pure and simple, making people feel worse about themselves, with no professional regard.The creator of this trash should be held liable for defamation of character.At the end of the show is the real humor, where a collagen victim Nely Galan purports to have some kind of "advice" for the participants. Yeah, we want advice from a TV station manager- about real issues. It is utterly laughable. 0/10

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    Has Fox morphed into the Reality Channel?It would seem that way. Every season Fox looks for ways to get more and more extreme with their primetime reality shows, not to mention more and more low-class. 'The Swan', Fox's newest reality endeavor, takes a group of women with no self-esteem and promises to make them beautiful. The ladies, who are in obvious need of more help than just physically, believe that their new beauty will fix their present lives and help them forget a lousy past. The idea is to select only a few of the most beautiful ladies from the group for a big beauty pageant at the end, to see who the ultimate Swan is.In a society where self-respect is nearly extinct, shows like this only make the situation worse. The problem is seriously underestimated. I watched the first episode of The Swan the other night, and I was actually disgusted by the plastic surgery results. Ladies that look normal, healthy, and beautiful just the way they are, are being turned into plastic dolls with street-walker makeup. Many of the women on the show are wives and mothers, and I shudder to think what sort of example they are setting for their families and children. True beauty comes from the inside. Face lifts won't fix inner problems with self-esteem. These superficial women obviously have no clue.I really don't know who is worse: the people who want to participate in this show, or the people who intend to keep watching it. I am sorry I wasted my time to view it, much less write a review on it. I keep hoping the human race will wake up and smell the coffee, but I guess it won't be happening anytime soon; at least not before the human race is given a face lift, a tummy tuck, and hair extensions.

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    I know that everyone probably thinks I like to smoke crack rocks for saying this but this show is a great idea. These are some severely depressed women who are getting a chance at a new life....a life they always did deserve. It sucks that they have to get all doctored up to feel good about themselves but whatever helps them out is a good thing...even if it is for the ratings. You can't help but feel happy for these women when they see themselves for the first time. Their lives are changed for the better as they now feel good about themselves. It's just too bad that these women were made to believe that they couldn't feel good about themselves unless they were "beautiful".

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