The Middleman
The Middleman
| 16 June 2008 (USA)

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    Good story, Not enough for a whole film

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    I like movies that are aware of what they are selling... without [any] greater aspirations than to make people laugh and that's it.

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    This is a coming of age storyline that you've seen in one form or another for decades. It takes a truly unique voice to make yet another one worth watching.

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    An old-fashioned movie made with new-fashioned finesse.

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    "The Middleman" was a delightful, campy series that faithfully brought beloved comic book characters to life. It was full of quirkiness, enjoyable predictability, and good old down home humor that was refreshing amidst the doldrum selection of TV viewing currently available to viewers who just wish to be entertained. Kudos to the writers, creator, special effects crew, and the talented actors that made this series so full of happy moments and tongue-in-cheek humor. The story lines were full of surprising variety interspersed with unexpected twists and turns. The dialog was sharp, witty, and included the right amount of clever references to past sci-fi classic shows that gave even the nerdiest viewer a satisfying taste of nostalgia throughout this top notch series.I do hope it will return for a second season since the 1st season finale left us wanting more,more,more!

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    Michael Adam

    This is the lowest quality show I have seen so far this year. It has the apparent budget of a BBC show but without the good acting and writing that the British generally provide. The writers provide cliché after endless cliché combined with some of the poorest attempts at comedy that I have born witness to in what may have been the longest 45 minutes of my life. The Middleman actually left me feeling depressed. I haven't seen such poor television since the last time I accidentally flicked onto the Living Channel. And the main character looks like a monkey. However I acknowledge that just as some people enjoy watching the living channel, some people may conceivably enjoy this show, but if you are over the age of 12 I do not recommend this show (the fact that The Middleman seems well suited for children is the only reason I do not rate it with a mere one star). With a near endless wealth of far greater quality television available, this 'family' show will most likely drive the majority of any family into a catatonic state and certainly does not come close to it's competition. I noticed that one comment likened The Middleman to Chuck. Chuck is a well written show with a good budget created by Josh Schwartz (The OC). The Middleman is not well written, nor does it appear to have a good budget. Also coincidentally it does not have Josh Schwartz. Be warned.

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    What a great new show. I was compelled to write this after I saw a negative review of it up here. It's definitely not for everyone, but I found the characters charming, funny, and likable. I can't wait to see what happens in the future episodes! It starts off with Wendy Watson on the never ending job hunts, and she finally finds her job as a Middleman. Dealing with all kinds of odd creatures and evil that seem like they'd be straight out of comic books and sci-fi movies. I won't say anymore as I don't want to spoil it, but definitely check out this show! It's a good one :) I'm really excited for it, ABC Family has been stepping up their game, with shows like Kyle XY and Wildfire. It's awesome too that it's during the summer when most shows have just finished up their season.

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    A friend said I should take advantage of the free iTunes download, and it was great advice: The Middleman is the best show I've seen since Pushing Daisies. Both shows feature smart, rapid-fire dialog, but The Middleman features more action (and more jokes) with a lot less romance.Another reviewer thought the pop-culture references were current and disposable, but I don't think the show has that feel at all: there were far more jokes referencing (and name-checking) comic books and other pop culture from the 20th century. The show even self-references the fact that the "reality" of the show is like a comic book, complete with "monsters, robots... aliens?" Even so, you jokes are plentiful, and if you're not a comics nerd you'll still enjoy it (there were a surprising number of painting jokes, frex). The show should have no trouble holding up years from now.I was surprised the show will be on ABC Family. It doesn't really seem like a family show, but then again many of the more adult jokes may be over the heads of a younger audience. Frex, the heroine's roommate asks her what it is like to be a "beard." If you like The Venture Brothers, Men In Black, Ghostbusters, or the last bunch of Reaper episodes, you'll like The Middleman<. I've seen comments that it is a ripoff of MIB, Special Unit 2, or Reaper, but if the pilot is any guide is totally avoids the drama and angsty-ness that SU2 or Reaper occasionally indulge in: The Middleman sticks to laughs, and is more comic-booky. And I mean that in a good way.I've never entered a comment on IMDb before, but I felt the other poster's comments were so unfair that I was motivated to submit my own views.

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