Superstars of Dance
Superstars of Dance
| 04 January 2008 (USA)
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  • Reviews

    I am only giving this movie a 1 for the great cast, though I can't imagine what any of them were thinking. This movie was horrible

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    Rio Hayward

    All of these films share one commonality, that being a kind of emotional center that humanizes a cast of monsters.

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    Sienna-Rose Mclaughlin

    The movie really just wants to entertain people.

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    Story: It's very simple but honestly that is fine.

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    This show is truly awful. How can you judge different styles of dance on the same platform? The judges don't explain how they award scores other than telling us whether they liked it or not. If they're from another country they really wouldn't know the first thing about another country's cultural dance. And do they have to make the judges Russian and Chinese judges sooo stereotypical?! Seriously..I'm sure they would never be caught dead in those garish getups. Ridiculous!!! I can't believe this show was an idea from Nigel Lythgoe. Please stop this nonsense and bring So You Think You Can Dance back sooner! Let's get some dancers we can actually connect to!

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    I was so looking forward to seeing this show - but I have to agree with previous comments especially Kevin Smart's - It really should be called: Superstars of Circus.Three of the judges need to be replaced - Argentina, Australia and South Africa. They are so prejudiced - it is shameful. I don't want to repeat everything from the previous comment - because he said it so correctly.The judging is awful as is everything about the show. It has really been a disappointment.I would love to hear what goes on in the executive producers offices - Nigel Lythgoe and Simon Fuller - they can't be happy.

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    I agree with Pro Jury in that this show does not capture the magic of the dances and I think I know why - the absolutely atrocious camera-work. Even though I believe I would truly enjoy the show, I can't bear to watch it due to constant frustration with being unable to witness what I'm sure the dancers and choreographers want us to see. Additionally I agree that it seems difficult to judge such disparate dance styles. I'm no professional, but I couldn't understand most of the judge's opinions – they seemed completely arbitrary. One thing I can't agree with is that Michael Flatley is a good host – he is too rigid and everything he says seems forced and unnatural to me.

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    I saw this show for the first time at work knowing Michael Flatley was in it and have to say that it was very disappointing. I came in assuming I would see some A class dancing that only shows like Dancing with the stars and those PBS showcase shows with ballroom dancing and other forms of dancing would provide but I was bored. The only surprise (only inadequately ) was watching some Irish dancers (possible flatley's own) perform flatley's choreography from Lord of The Dance. Seen it , saw it, and I no longer love it. Show me something new please. Flatley was lame as a host as well and NBC could have done way better with this show.

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