| 06 March 1988 (USA)
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  • Reviews

    This Movie Can Only Be Described With One Word.

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    Purely Joyful Movie!

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    Am I Missing Something?

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    It's not great by any means, but it's a pretty good movie that didn't leave me filled with regret for investing time in it.

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    I had the good fortune to have worked with the crew for the movie "Final Countdown" and managed to get a couple speaking parts and several visual scenes. One thing I can tell you is that the crew of the Nimitz edited a lot of dialog that would have been....un-realistic. Peter Douglas (producer) and Don Taylor (Director) were onboard for this and in fact encouraged our participation in the production of as authentic scenes as we could without taking away from the story line. THAT'S why the Final Countdown has become a favorite cult classic. We also enjoyed working with this crew. They treated us with respect and seemed to enjoy working with us as much as we enjoyed working with them. Peter Douglas was like a kid in a candy shop and his dad, Martin Sheen and Farentino were the same. It was a blast. I was in this show as well (right place right time......again) This show????? Not so much. The acting was weak and there was not a single big name in the cast that could hold the show together. The cast were all snotty wannabes who at no time seemed to genuinely enjoy what they were doing or working with us. The one guy that even talked with us was playing the part of an enlisted sailor whose job was similar to ours but even then I felt like it was mostly condescension rather than an interest in what we did. The premises of how the ships systems, crew and the Navy in general worked were ludicrous. I remember one scene in particular where the lead, sh!t hot, Ops Specialist had diagnosed a radar contact as being a Russian bomber and when the captain (who was in CIC despite the fact that the captain's job is on the bridge) asked "how do you know that". The dialog had the actor telling the captain something like "Do you hear that 'ping, doyng doot' sound that we're getting on the radar? That's the sound that this Russian bomber makes." First of all radar doesn't make sounds in the radar operators headset. Second only Electronic Warfare techs "listen" to RF emitters, not Op Specs. To add a humorous note to that episode: The consoles we worked from had intercom communications between them. We were all manned up making CIC look like we were on an underway footing and we all kept activating our intercom to this actor's console and telling him "ping doyng doot" over and over. We were driving him crazy and it was pretty much the only time we enjoyed doing this show. We hated this show and we hated being associated with it because it was stupid. And as was correctly pointed out in a previous comment/review the Navy did eventually pull their endorsement BUT it is important to understand that the ONLY episode that was actually filmed on the aircraft carrier was the pilot show. There were 8 episodes and none of the other 7 episodes were filmed onboard the ship. They were filmed in sets to emulate the ship. So just because the Navy pulled its endorsement there was no reason they couldn't continue to film the show. There are lots of military shows that have no military endorsement. But it was just an awful show and they knew it.

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    Michael Part

    Excellent as in excellent to work on. I was story editor on the series, but not the pilot episode. We shot mainly on a stage in Santa Clarita with exteriors at the Long Beach Naval shipyard. The Navy tried to censor most things (sailors gambling, having family lives, drinking in bars, etc), tried to rewrite all the pilot dialogue so no one could understand it and the Navy Guy (An Admiral named Mike) liked to also send jokes over. We had a Navy man as a consultant on set so we could get things right (like funerals at sea) and of course Captain Dale Dye was one of the stars, so he could consult somewhat militarily.The Navy pulled the plug when we did a show that took place in an unknown country in Central America. We had sold jets to their dictator and his brother, who was getting guns from Cuba, started an uprising against him and they flew our own jets against us. We did 2 more episodes the WGA strike hit and closed us down and when the strike was over 6 months later, we couldn't make it back. There were no bad guys like Saddam back then and the Navy refused to help.

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    I was an extra in a scene in the berthing compartment of the USS John F. Kennedy CV-67. It was a drug bust scene, it took forever to finish because the actor couldn't get the simple lines right. He kept messing them up, it took no less than 6-10 shots per scene to get it right, and then the director wanted to shoot it from 5 different angles. They filmed a ton of flight deck footage while we were out. If I remember right we left Norfolk and did "Doughnuts" for like 4 days just for this show to shoot. The crew was psyched to do the shoot, when they first got there. But after we saw the episodes no one was happy with the result. Another reviewer stated the fact, it was a good idea, but the Navy did not like how the characters portrayed the service.

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    the show was great even better than that wannabe movie top gun. it only had one flaw it told the truth and the navy just like always can't handle the truth. the only reason the navy pulled support for the show was that it showed people a side of navy life that the navy didn't want them to see the truth

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