Stargate SG-1
Stargate SG-1
TV-PG | 27 July 1997 (USA)
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  • Reviews

    A Disappointing Continuation

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    I am only giving this movie a 1 for the great cast, though I can't imagine what any of them were thinking. This movie was horrible

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    The film makes a home in your brain and the only cure is to see it again.

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    While it doesn't offer any answers, it both thrills and makes you think.

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    I love this series, and every one of the Stargate series. I started watching in season 7, but quickly went back and binged every episode on DVD (netflix wasn't a thing yet). I now own all of SG1 and SGA. I've watched every episode of SG1 at least 5 times, SGA about 3 times, and SGU about twice. I think I'm pretty much obsessed with this series.

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    It was great. The characters gelled very well. The producers only resurrected 2 characters to survive from the movie. O'Neil, in the movie, O'Neill with 2 L's in the TV show. Richard Dean Anderson's O'Neill seemed to have free reign on the character. Anderson made the character became funny. Didn't seem to have much discipline, how on Earth this man became a full bird colonel is beyond me. But it's a great character. Dr Jackson's character pretty much stayed the same. Michael Shanks I'd guess didn't have as much freedom on the character as Dean. The character changed after the show became so popular. I liked the change in Jackson he became physically fit and stronger. The Carter character was new and it was the first show that showed a woman and a physicist could kick ass. General Hammond seemed like a very disciplined military general. But again after a bit seemed to mellow and be very family. Teal'c was a good addition to the show.This show had actions galore in it and set with current day technology. The only downfall with this show in my opinion is it ran to long. I really enjoyed the first 8 series. It gave closure to all plots. Series 9 and 10 however seemed to be just an exercise in money grabbing & destroying an excellent series.The huge problems they changed the entire history of the ancients and obviously had to create an even more invincible enemy. To be fair to the show there was good episodes in the last 2 series. But the bad really outweighed the good.The very last episode was very disappointing. Ending on a very low note. Instead of a high one if they'd ended it, as intended, on series 8.

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    This review is about Stargate SG1 and not the related / following series.After having watched all 10 seasons I believe there are some major flaws around some admittedly very good basic ideas. Here are some serious objectionable points in no particular order.I liked watching the four main characters on successive missions. However you cannot have a physicist and an archaeologist routinely eliminating enemy combat teams, down to the last episode of the last season. Please.The Goa'uld are a species of immense knowledge and history spanning many millenia of total domination over lesser Earth beings. They possess powers and technology unimaginable to humans of the 21st century. Yet, time and time again, every single SG team, and their dog, can stroll into the Goa'uld starships, and wreck havoc almost unopposed. After a while it becomes comical; instead of being awed by the presence of a Goa'uld on the set, we just want to laugh.Planets are ... planets. It means vast. Yet every time the SG teams visit a planet it seems the whole of the planet is a tiny village situated a walking distance from the Stargate and that's about it. You'd expect the exploration of a planet to take years, decades even, yet the Stargate teams manage to report on a planet and the people that might live on it, after a 10 minute visit.The language, as mentioned by almost every viewer. With a main plot based mainly on ancient Egyptian history, myths and deities, it is incredible that the peoples of every single distant planet on the galaxy speak English.The Asgard, who possess knowledge and technology surpassing that of the Goa'uld, are becoming extinct due to the silliest reasons the writers could come up with, as if their unimaginable technology and knowledge cannot solve the most basic biochemistry problems... And again , completely unnecessary, whether the Asgard become extinct, or not, makes absolutely no difference to the plot, so why add such a weak sideline to the story?I just could not stomach O'Neill's replacement in the last two seasons. He adds nothing to the team in terms of dynamics and the team would be better served with a new member who is not trying desperately to copy O'Neill but rather introduce a completely new personality and/or field of expertise.And Vala. They show so much of her all the time and dedicate so much screen time to her, it is not a sci-fi series anymore but has become a cheap soap opera.No cohesion to the story. The Goa'uld baddies come and go as they please. Sometimes they are dead, then not, they can appear at any episode, regardless if they were dead in the previous one, just to fill in the story lines. Many episodes are side stories of no consequence and with the most casual, if any, links to the main story line. The Asgard, Tok'ra, Ancients, Ori, Goa'uld : any and all may appear or not at any episode at will.

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    I created this account only to address the three main complaints the SG-1 naysayers, haters, and otherwise completely ignorant individuals and their raucous babbling keep griping about. Most, if not all, of the negative reviews are composed by those who have only a residual amount of higher-order thinking. With that said, critical thought for these poor souls is a sort of brownish-yellow after-birth, useless; base; and pitiful. So, lets get down to brass tacks, separate the wheat from the chaff, and yolk this contemptuous beast of non-sense. I took the liberty of quoting three "prolific" authors in order to showcase, in their own words, how ill-founded and otherwise illogical their reviews really are.MAIN COMPLAINT #1: "How is it that everyone can understand each other perfectly without devices like universal translators or translator microbes? Did the creators of this show realize that people who were taken from different parts of the earth, in different time frames (Attilla the Hun wasn't a contemporary of preliterate Hellenic cultures, nor were the Vikings contemporary to the Pyramid builders) speak different languages and can never develop a language so similar to modern day English(except for the inflections they "do not" use), which has been influenced by Latin, ancient Greek, Danish and French?" - Aaron DriessenRETORT #1: Given the average episode length of roughly 44-45 minutes, having to establish new methods of communication every time the SG-1 team encounters a new race would consume significant portions of time, time better spent establishing and adding to the plot. The creators do acknowledge, several times through character dialogue in-fact, that different human cultures have been taken at different times throughout the course of earth's history. Dr. Jackson, the linguist, frequently comments on the language differences, as well as pointing out many root words that have similarities to Latin, Greek, and Mongolian. Also, the Hellenistic cultures were not pre-literate, they were arguably one of the most influential cultures in terms of advancing mathematics, astronomy, philosophy, and literature. MAIN COMPLAINT #2: "What bothers me the most, is that the show was shot in Canada. I know it's cheaper, but they should have shot it in California, so we could have had scenes in the desert. That would have been more true to the movie. The first scene where they are outside in another world is in the mountains, with lots of pine trees where it looks cold. That does'nt feel very Egyptian. What worked so well in the movie was that it felt like you were in the ancient Egypt. Here it feels like they're running around fighting aliens in a Canadian forest. And it's so lame that apparently, on other planets, the fall comes as well. You can see leaves on the ground in the forests that all look like forests outside Vancouver. It just makes the show even more unbelievable and dumb." - krycek19RETORT #2: Krycek, you are either incredibly stupid, or possess an impressively short attention span. The episode you're referring to is the pilot, where the team travels to the planet "Abados", a desert planet, where they meet up with Daniel Jackson and subsequently Skaara is taken by Apophis. Unfortunately, you must have been playing with yourself when they left Abados to travel to Chulak, an entirely different planet, where yes, evergreens along with a different climate exist. Furthermore, why would you argue against fall existing on another planet?! It's a completely logical assumption that, due to the axial tilt of the planet, certain hemispheres could easily experience what we call "fall". Krycek, I advise you stick to shows that require minimal effort on your part, like Bad Girls Club or Pawn Stars. MAIN COMPLAINT #3: "I have to admit that my review is based only on the first half of the first season… Who said that all planets should have a breathable atmosphere? How come all the "military" personnel, besides saying sir, do not behave like, or take any decision like a military man would? How come they are so reluctant to use advanced "alien" weapons, which are scattered everywhere because the race that conquered hundreds of planets cannot hit four poorly trained and armored soldiers." - Andrei ARETORT #3: Since you didn't watch the whole show, you missed out on the numerous occasions in which the SG-1 team encounter atmospheres and climates that are not breathable, in fact there is one where they almost die from narcoleptic induced sleep by a hostile airborne bacteria. This is why writing a review on something without knowing anything about it makes you look like an ass. Concerning your military question, how would YOU have them act then? Are you some military expert? Furthermore, it's a show for TV, of course not everything is going to be entirely realistic, so unclench your butt-hole and enjoy the show for what it is, space exploration, not military imperialism. They are neither reluctant to use advanced alien weapons and technology. Again, countless times throughout the show, they request to use, borrow, and have many different technologies encountered throughout the series. In fact, the whole point of SG-1 is to discover new cultures and acquire new knowledge and technologies for Earth, so your question is entirely irrelevant.

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