Star Trek: Of Gods and Men
Star Trek: Of Gods and Men
| 22 December 2007 (USA)
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  • Reviews

    Good start, but then it gets ruined

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    This movie was so-so. It had it's moments, but wasn't the greatest.

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    Neive Bellamy

    Excellent and certainly provocative... If nothing else, the film is a real conversation starter.

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    While I liked this film (I gave it a 9 out of 10 for both effort and attention to detail, not to mention the cast and crew's loyalty to the fans in making this film), there are 2 small problems with this film. The 1st, as some have already said, is an obvious, fairly low budget which show in the production value. Truthfully, there are a few "fan series'" out there, that while they don't have any original actors in them, have noticeably higher production value and special-FX. This in part brings me to the 2nd problem, which is for this to be a "film" (granted it is a "web film", but a film nonetheless), it plays more like a old TV episode from the original series, due to both the (as previously mentioned) lower quality FX/production, but also the overall pace and "feel" of the film. HOWEVER... In my opinion, all this being the case doesn't detract from the film, but in some ways makes it all the more cool in that Tim Russ & the rest of the film's crew have captured the essence of the original series which laid the foundation from which all things TREK sprung. The actors performances range from pretty good to excellent (Koenig & Ruck, I thought were especially good; both better than I'd ever seen from either of them). I loved also how it was an all encompassing project, pulling in actors from the entire spectrum of STAR TREK 's various series', even including actors from the fan based Web series STAR TREK: PHASE II (originally "NEW VOYAGES"). Then I guess my final comments would be to praise the fact that the film incorporates major plot elements from at least 3 different episodes from the original series, as well as STAR TREK GENERATIONS. I was a bit disappointed that 90% of the film took place in an alternate time line (this again is very reminiscent of the original series), but in spite of this I cannot honestly say that it didn't make for a terrific story line and plot. Ultimately, what I think it will come down to is, are you a fan of STAR TREK or not? A real fan? (Not an:"I think it's kinda cool" fan, nor someone whose 1st experience with the franchise was seeing the new "Reboot" films). If you are a fan of the old series and original film series then this will be right up your alley. The cast and crew said they made this film as a "gift" to the fans. This would be YOU. If you are not a true fan, "Please move along, nothing to see here"; this film will likely do nothing for you.

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    I had expected something really bad, with cardboard sets and ridiculous dialogue. You know, like the original Star Trek. The production values were very low, with inferior computer graphics, bad montage, actors that looked like they were volunteers, but the dialogue was not that bad, the story was OK and the people working were clearly enjoying themselves.So, in fact, this was exactly what I didn't expect: a good movie! I can easily overlook low budget constraints when the story is nice enough and the actors are making the effort.Bottom line: this is more related to Star Trek the original series than with other Star Trek movies or incarnations and therefore must be seen as a continuation of TOS and not something to rival Next Generation. The plot was not brilliant, but it did the job and was consistent with what one would expect from a Star Trek movie. Overall I was pleasantly surprised and I enjoyed watching it.

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    Overall this film was terrible although many trekkies will love it.I have to disagree with some of the other reviews regarding the performances of Nichelle and Walter. A few scenes were good but the performances were generally wooden and hollow. Alan Ruck as a Star Ship captain was abysmal. When the ship is about to self destruct he asks Chekov casually "what do you want?" .. like he's taking a pizza order. As he is about to confront Chekov he is warned that it could be a trap. "Really?" he says sarcastically. Terrible.The one shining star of the film was the performance by J.G. Herzler as Koval. He has performed previously as the Klingon Martok in the DS9 series. If the rest of the performances had been this solid and believable this would have been a terrific movie.

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    It was interesting that they were able to pull so many of the old bit characters back into the story and in many cases with the original actors. The story was basically stitched together from loose ends lying around and the old alternate reality gambit.The dialogue is tongue-in-cheek much of the time and the directing dragged noticeably in a few places. The acting ranges from very good to forced and pain inducing.Despite the many flaws, it compares favourably with a lot of the stuff that has been put out by the full budget Paramount crew (which says something about the inconsistent efforts by Paramount). I am sure this crowd of amateurs had fun making it and it is clear they really want to make a good product that captures the feeling of the original series. All power to them. too bad that nothing that is done now can recover the lost opportunity when the original series was cancelled.

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