Star Trek: New Voyages
Star Trek: New Voyages
NR | 16 January 2004 (USA)
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  • Reviews

    Slow pace in the most part of the movie.

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    It's fun, it's light, [but] it has a hard time when its tries to get heavy.

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    an ambitious but ultimately ineffective debut endeavor.

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    This is one of the few movies I've ever seen where the whole audience broke into spontaneous, loud applause a third of the way in.

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    Joe Bob Jones

    Very short review, more of a simple yawp of praise. These kinds of fan based productions are amateur jewels made on the passion and dedication of everyone involved, even coughing up their own cash. Trek Phase 2 is filled with gloriously, and I think purposefully, skewed acting and dialogue, sprinkled with surprisingly good special effects. In fact, they are far better than the original, and dialed back for our retro enjoyment. The cast rotates in both an effort to find both cohesion, but also a dedicated group donating their time and talents. It varies, and also improves. The best part of this series is quite simply that these people are creating a labor of love. It reminds me of The Lord Of The Rings: The Hunt For Gollum, another fan based production which was a pure joy. Negative critics and poo-pooers of Star Trek Phase 2 should just shut their yaps, because I have no doubt that all of them, universally, are not contributing toward anything even approaching to this level, for free no less, to the ungrateful and testy internet world. Dog bless EVERYONE involved with this production, because it is simply wonderful. Thank you.

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    Thomas Westlake

    I don't believe this stuff!Concept for this show is a total miss -resurrecting the dead is always a bad idea. It's like reading newspaper 30 years old. Plus it's very limiting to live in the past... and funny too :-). All things considered, story of episodes i've seen isn't all that bad.But whoa there! Easy on SFX! What we have here is a bunch of trek fans that are neither doctors nor they're actors (Deforest Kelley rulez! rest in peace man!), and their act sucks plus too much facial expression, and they're surrounded with (almost!) state of the art SFX. I say ALMOST because, for instance, in the episode "In harms way" the entry of the Enterprise NCC1701A was spectacular up to the point where it accelerates like the coyote from the looney tunes. What a mess-up. Why'd you go and do that for. Actually all ships move around like cartoon characters with no feasible physical connection. Hello! Duh! even in Star Trek there's physics. You can't accelerate instantly at impulse speeds. Man, i just wanted to cry when I saw THAT! And if you're gonna be doing scenes in front of green screen, PLEASE use CGI (these people obviously have rather talented 3D artist) to make the sets not screen captures from other movies for sets. OUCH! There's just too much contrast in these two areas (special effects and acting) to be able to watch the show without the feeling of a dull knife entering my skull. I swear, the guy playing Kirk hypnotized me once with his facial gestures. Can we get a real director to get this guy in line. Sometimes he's more Ace Ventura than James. T. Kirk.Guest stars are also problematic. Walter Koenig's appearance was confusing. Did he die of old age at the end of that episode or not? They don't say. And if he did, who's Pavel Checkov in ST:The motion picture? IS THERE A SHAPESHIFTER ON THE LOOSE HERE PEOPLE? Long story short: They're walking a fine line between feeding their ego and making trek lovers sick. If you're going to make a show, then find a critical enough director. You know, that guy who says cut and makes you do a scene 3000 times. This might do some good and make this show worth watching.I'm giving one this 2 out of 10 and i'd like to give myself 7 of 9 LOL!

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    Every year it becomes harder and harder to say that you like Star Trek. These "New Voyages" dorks are putting the final nail in the coffin.The thing I don't understand about fan fiction or fan films is the desire people have to live in someone else's art. It's one thing to make homages. It's one thing to be inspired. But to outright copy something? It's just so intellectually backwards. The whole point of pulpy sci- fi like Star Trek is to entertain and make you think. Doing fan films and fan fiction is downright pointless.The fact that many Star Trek regulars are part of this joke just makes me lose respect for them. Are the people in Star Trek now as nerdy and directionless as the fans? All the production problems with this thing are obvious. But the writing is so generic. D.C. Fontana---WHY? I couldn't even watch the whole episode. Economic crisis with Federation Credits? Generic attacks from the Klingons? Chekov catches a disease he already had? I don't mind the Strange New World short stories that come out every year from pocket books, but this kind of trash is just pointless. Stop making Star Trek fans look bad! All of you!

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    It took me about 10 minutes to get past not having Shatner and gang in their roles, then I really started to enjoy myself. The snub to NBC gave me a chuckle right off. The objections I've read seem to fall into 1. It's not the original cast. Well it couldn't be now could it? These are characters. For instance how many James Bonds' have their been? Also, I feel its totally unfair to call it a 'rip off' since one of their conditions is to not make a profit. If it would make it easier for you, consider this a parallel universe. 2. The effects are cheap. What they have done is to re-create the essence of TOS by duplicating the plywood sets of the original but replacing models (expensive and time consuming) with CGI (which was adopted by TNG and the successive shows) where feasible. I'm impressed and appreciative that these young people have taken the bull by the horns so to speak and basically said "If they won't make it, we will!" Shades of The little red hen there. Congrats on the effort gang.

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