Star Trek Continues
Star Trek Continues
| 26 May 2013 (USA)
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  • Reviews

    I'll tell you why so serious

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    everything you have heard about this movie is true.

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    Ariella Broughton

    It is neither dumb nor smart enough to be fun, and spends way too much time with its boring human characters.

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    Lucia Ayala

    It's simply great fun, a winsome film and an occasionally over-the-top luxury fantasy that never flags.

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    Honestly, I didn't know what to expect when I watched the first episode on YouTube but this really looks and feels like the original series. The sets, costumes, the story lines, even the effects are spot on. The acting, for some of the crew was a little wooden at first, but by the latest episode, the entire crew has evolved and improved significantly. It's really remarkable what these people have done with their passion and such a small budget, as opposed to some of the garbage that comes out of Hollywood these days. I would love to see this get mainstream exposure, a bigger budget, a release on Netflix or on an appropriate channel like the SciFi network or CometTV. In my opinion it's even better than the recent reboot films and I'm not lying when I say that there are times where I'll be watching this and I'll forget that it's not the real thing, especially the actor that plays Captain Kirk, he really has the mannerisms down to a science.

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    I am a huge Star Trek fan and over the years have greatly enjoyed all of the Star Trek series as well as the many movies . My Favorite series was & always will be the original Star Trek, with Shatner, Nimoy & the rest.So when I was lucky to find Star Trek Continues, I was absolutely & happily mesmerized with it from the first episode on.The way it picks up & continues on from some of the original episodes is brilliant. The stories are very well written & the actors are top-notch in their roles. Vic Mignogna plays William Shatner's Captain Kirk to perfection & Todd Haberkorn does the same for Leonard Nimoy's Mr. Spock.Everything about this series is purely amazing, especially for the fans who started with the original Star Trek in the 1960's.I look forward to watching the last 3 episodes but will be saddened to see Star Trek Continues come to an end. I recommend this Web series to everyone!

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    Johnny H.

    I'm critical of 'fan-fiction' in general; the stuff can be hockey as sh!t and completely unbelievable and canon-breaking when the writers of those 'stories' want to see characters just f##k each other for no rhyme or reason. Star Trek Continues has NONE of those problems: I can assure you of that. This is a fan-created series that has stories to tell, not sh!t to spew. And this IS the continuation of The Original Series fan have been eagerly waiting for; if they weren't happy with the movies already.The queerest thing about this series, though, is that Funimation voice-actor Vic Mignogna (FullMetal Alchemist, DragonBall Z and several other animes) created this show and plays Captain Kirk in all of the episodes. And... he's done a thorough job emulating William Shatner's character. Sure it's not perfect and some of the time Vic is just saying lines, but the guy CAN act in front of camera. He's no dialogue-robot. He's a fan of Gene Roddenberry's legacy and wants to do it absolute justice: both on and off the camera. I don't think many fan films can say that the director, producer and co-writer was ALSO the lead actor of the project.Star Trek Continues: the best fan-made series ever. At least the best Star Trek fan-film series.

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    It is really hard to rate a fan production of any kind, let alone one that aims to recreate Trek's original series. It took me a couple of episodes to warm to the characters, but ultimately 'Continues' leaves all other fan series for dead. It is well written and generally well acted, and it is easy to mistake the meticulously crafted sets for the real thing.Vic Mignogna and Todd Haberkorn put in fine performances as Kirk and Spock. Grant Imahara is a capable Sulu, but looks a bit like he has gone to warp drive a few too many times. Chuck Huber's horrid hairpiece detracts from what is otherwise a very good performance as Dr. McCoy. The other main characters are a mixed lot, but none of them are in the 'total disaster' category (unlike other unnamed fan series). They even manage to nail the 'cornball corner' moments as well as any replicator out there. And there are 60s-looking babes aplenty (need I say more?).For mine it is the sets, costumes and production design that really distinguish this series from the others. A few CGI-FX tip that the series is well-and-truly beyond the 60s. Other than that, it would be pretty easy to pass the series off as the genuine item if it had of aired in 1970... and that's no mean feat.Don't expect great Trek, but if you are satisfied with a bit of nostalgic fun, this series is well worth checking out.

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