Spun Out
Spun Out
| 06 March 2014 (USA)
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  • Reviews

    Lack of good storyline.

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    A Disappointing Continuation

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    In truth, there is barely enough story here to make a film.

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    There's a more than satisfactory amount of boom-boom in the movie's trim running time.

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    Victor Redd

    This show was a real stinker. I give it three stars out of ten simply because you earn stars for Dave Foley from Kids in the Hall being in it. He is similar to his role in News Radio where he is running an office, but it's a different character and really feels like he is just reading his lines to get his pay check here and who can blame him? The stories and jokes were awful, I hope these writers and producers never work again based on how stupid this show was. I hated all the other actors except the one brunette actress. Every actor in this over acts or does a pathetic imitation of another actor or is flat and simply not funny. The two leads are terrible with no chemistry and not a funny bone between them. Goodbye and good riddance to this horrible attempt at a sitcom that failed like a car crash.

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    Jordan Barclay

    I watched this show on a few Air Canada flights and then they've been rerunning it over Christmas. The cast is fun, they have good chemistry and Dave Foley is amazing. I remember when it came out it got lots of good reviews in papers but I didn't have time to check it out. I was shocked to see some of the comments on here. Some are so mean, wow! Anyways I think it's well written with good jokes and while I agree the laugh track seems too loud in spots and the direction is also sometimes wonky, it has huge potential to be a great office sitcom. I especially like the characters Nelson and Bryce, I think Beckett and Stephanie are really cute together and the roommate Abby is a nice balance for the craziness around her. She's hot too! It was awesome to see the Kids in the Hall together again, and I loved the girl who played Beckett's hilarious stalker. I guess I haven't liked some of the recent Canadian comedies with wordplay or soft jokes, and I find this has actual laughs and clever lines, so I am looking forward to more seasons. Check it out!

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    Truth in Comedy

    Let's first talk about what they did right. At least it looks like an American sitcom as far as technical aspect go. This is actually important, the American sitcom is a proved business model so if you want success start by not trying to reinvent the wheel. When you use cheap sets and bad lighting, sound, shooting (i.e. Satisfaction) it lends itself to being very hackneyed. Where Spun Out fails is in the writing and acting. From what I was able to discern from watching three episodes is that the character Nelson Abrams is playing a gay man. In many respects, this is the most homophobic portrayal of a gay man on TV. My reasoning is the only thing that makes this character gay is he say's "I'm" gay. Either the actor refuses to do anything "gay" on TV or the writers have never actually met a gay man. One episode had his supposed significant other completely obscured by a massive completely unreasonably large Karaoke trophy. In this same episode this gay character is worried about a female co-worker spending too much time with his significant other. Worried the same way a guy would be worried if his gal was spending a lot of time with another man. I don't know if these guys know how it works, but gay guys don't worry if their boyfriend is hanging around chicks. I'm not the first to say this, but who the hell are the people green lighting comedies this year? Do they not realize that there are so many amazing comedy writers that are waiting to hitch a ride south of the border? Stand-up comics are not always good at writing and neither are people who have resumes that feature the number of TV commercials they've been in.

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    Curtis Morgan

    I give Spun Out a 5 out of 10 which I think is a very fair rating for this show. I would call it an average show so the over all average rating will have to do for it obviously! The thing that really makes this show hurt in the over all enjoyment I have for it is the acting which is really over the top and bizarre for most of the characters. The worst culprit is the actor who plays the office's stupid guy, who takes his pants off for no reason and he makes a jingle that is nothing but him talking about cats or whatever. I get it that he is supposed to be the bizarre guy who is supposed to make us laugh just because he is so stupid and bizarre. But here is something to consider, if the guy is working at a recording board and taping himself and he has headphones plugged in and turned on then why is the music also playing loud in the office around him? Don't these people understand how headphones work? The bad acting and stupid mistakes like that really ruin this show for me. The only actors I like are the dark haired girlfriend (or ex girlfriend or girl who is just a friend I'm not sure what their deal is yet) and of course Dave Foly who is great in everything. All the other actors are trying way too hard or something especially the stupid guy I mentioned but also the dark haired guy (main character) and the blond girl. If they had people who could be funny maybe I could tell if the show is any good but for now I can't tell for sure.

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