Samson and Delilah
Samson and Delilah
| 08 December 1996 (USA)
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  • Reviews

    This movie is the proof that the world is becoming a sick and dumb place

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    Stylish but barely mediocre overall

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    one of my absolute favorites!

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    One of the film's great tricks is that, for a time, you think it will go down a rabbit hole of unrealistic glorification.

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    This movie can be graded differently. If you are looking for a movie that stays true to the content of the bible, this movie is very subpar. They rewrite many scenes of the bible. I understand maybe adding scenes (like filler scenes) but to take parts from the bible and then re-write them can be upsetting. If you are looking for a movie that somewhat tells the story as a whole of sampson, then i can see giving it 5 or 6 stars. I unfortunately saw the 1949 version and because of such, I couldn't help but compare these two, and it made this movie look like a kids play. Three boring hours this movie was. Two of the three hours was pure talk.

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    This is the third version of the Biblical tale that I've watched - or fourth, if you include the peplum SAMSON (1961); the best of the lot, clearly, remains Cecil B. De Mille's 1949 spectacular.Since this is part of a series of made-for-TV films highlighting famous stories from the Bible, one is surprised to find a celebrated and talented director such as Nicolas Roeg involved - though they all managed to attract a vast array of international and upcoming stars. That said, Roeg's career has been steadily on a downhill slide ever since the mid-80s - surely one of the saddest declines in recent memory! This film was actually written by the director's frequent collaborator Allan Scott (including the masterpiece DON'T LOOK NOW [1973]), but the magic is seldom in evidence on this particular occasion - and the end result is as bland as its TV origins suggest...Even so, it's not entirely worthless if clearly overly-padded at a length of nearly 3 hours: while the look of the film is curiously drab, the star cast offers compensations - best of all, perhaps, are Dennis Hopper (as a prescient Philistine General), Michael Gambon (the Philistine ruler) and Daniel Massey (as a learned Jewish elder). Still, though Liz Hurley is ideally cast as Delilah, her performance is too modern - and, consequently, the character's ultimate redemption lacks conviction; as for Eric Thal's Samson, the script may have made him more conflicted than Victor Mature's take in the De Mille version - but again, rather than evoke the traits one should associate with this Biblical character, the actor's boyish looks merely bring to mind the pumped-up heroes of juvenile sword-and-sorcery films and TV series of recent vintage...Incidentally, I only rented this because my father had been whining about "The Bible Collection" on DVD for months (I brought him MOSES [1995] at the same time but, even if it featured Ben Kingsley, Frank Langella and Christopher Lee, opted not to watch it myself); eventually, he too - who had caught many of Hollywood's classic historical epics when new - was ultimately unimpressed, and readily admitted that these newer incarnations offered no competition!

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    Marcin Kukuczka

    Biblical epics, since there have been many of them made so far, can be divided into three main subcategories: the high camp spectacles, the loose and distorted interpretations, and the truthful biblical productions. While the best example of the first group are the films made by the showman named Cecil B DeMille, the best example of the third group is SAMSON AND DELILAH (1996), one of the new international biblical productions. Among other new productions, including ABRAHAM (1994) with Richard Harris, MOSES (1995) with Ben Kingsley and JEREMIAH (1998) with Patrick Dempsey, this movie stands out as particularly entertaining, not because it is directed by Nicholas Roeg (who is a good director), but because of its very specific content, exceptionally interesting and up-to-date.The story of Samson is the story of strength, calling, love, suffering, revenge, lust, treason, and, finally, forgiveness. When I was a child and listened to biblical stories, I was particularly touched by this very one. Then, as a boy, I was interested primarily in Samson's strength. It appealed to me as a story of a man who could win alone over the army. Yet, when I grew up, I noticed that there is something more than the story of a giant. I noticed some remarkable psychological aspects of his life story. Samson loved his people, the Israellites, but, since he loved the stranger flesh, lust drove him to his enemies, the Phillistines. When lust turned into love, treason appeared... and we all know how miserable his fate with short hair and blinded eyes was...This very specific content is a pearl for making a movie. While Cecil B DeMille focused primarily on spectacle in his 1948 movie, Nicholas Roeg focuses on the psychological aspect. In this film, a viewer may lose the time distance because of some very profound, universal thoughts presented. "I think that I know myself so well but sometimes, I think that I do not know myself whatsoever" ... The best and richest reflections are the ones by Generale Tariq (Dennis Hopper), a Phillistine, who, though being an eminent person on the royal court at Gaza, claims to be the wrong person in the wrong place and at the wrong time. Although he is reasonable, he doubts his deeds and "the great victory" over such a weak enemy. He is also the only Phillistine who predicts the end - "Go, boy! Leave the gates of Gaza immediately!" which he says just before the temple falls, and it falls so realistically in the film! This role is wonderfully played by Dennis Hopper. Delilah (Liz Hurley) first sees the benefits galore from betraying Samson, but as their love proceeds, she hesitates to dare treason. In the end, she totally regrets but it is too late... Prince Sidqa (Ben Becker) is a proud young man who, unlike his teacher of fighting Generale Tariq (Dennis Hopper), sees the victory in slaying rather than tactics. The Israellites are rather primitive people, not only because they don't use iron, the new weapon of their masters, but because they cannot manage alone, without Samson. "God desires war now", which they shout after the claimed sign in the sky. Yet, there are proper characters. Nevertheless, it is clear that the Phillistines are showed as people searching for something rather than knowing everything. Therefore, the reality of that period is very accurate in the film in spite of the fact that some characters are fictitious.The performances are particularly remarkable. Dennis Hopper, already mentioned, is very appealing in the role of Tariq; Liz Hurley is a beautiful Delilah with a huge potential in acting talent; Eric Thal is accurate as Samson since he looks very good and portrays a real man of strength betrayed and conquered; Ben Becker gives an authentic performance as Prince Sidqa expressing his pride and extremely sick ambition; yet, Michael Gambon portrays the king, Re Hamun, as someone who is not an absolute monarch but someone open to advice, particularly the advice of Tariq. Therefore, SAMSON AND DELILAH may be considered to be a masterwork of performances. The reality of the biblical period (more than 1,000 years before Christ) in the times of judges is presented accurately. The costumes as well as some details from people's every day life make a wonderful journey to that, such a distant period (consider the iron used by Phillistines). There is also a historical emphasis on different lifestyles and believes of primitive at that time but monotheistic Israellites and modern but polytheistic Phillistines.See SAMSON AND DELILAH. You don't have to be a fan of the Bible! The story is so great that it cannot be treated as the biblical story only. And that is what the film does. Strength, power, lust, murder, revenge, treason, forgiveness... Isn't that universal? 7/10

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    Although their story in the Old Testament only spans three chapters in the Book of Judges, the popular tale of Samson and Delilah is stretched out into a three hour entry mini series here. All the characters (many not mentioned by name in the scriptures) are elaborated upon, as is the situation between the Israelites and the Philistines. The Gaza court is well (if a bit predictably) portrayed: Michael Gambon as wise King Hanun is constantly bickering with his hotheaded (and red bearded) son Sidqa (Ben Becker). Well cast Liz Hurley plays the part of Delilah both slutty and posh as the king's niece, while top billed Dennis Hopper portrays the smart and sarcastic General Tariq. Hopper gets some of the best lines, but fails to give them that George Sanders delivery and is the only one looking out of place in these settings and costumes.Delilah only really figures in the last part of Samson's story, but there are enough scenes featuring her and the Philistines to justify her name in the title. Actually, the two main characters almost meet in part one, where she turns out to be the main reason why Samson fought that animatronic lion from Jim Henson's Creature Shop. In the title role, Eric Thal is a virtual babe magnet himself, rescuing the outspoken Naomi (Jale Arikan) before choosing a Philistine bride (Deborah Caprioglio) to the dismay of his parents (reliable Diana Rigg and Paul Freeman). Screenwriter Alan Scott put great emphasis on Samson's search for a purpose in life, making him comes across a very modern (i. e. constantly worried) hero.One point repeatedly made in the Book of Judges is the lawless nature of this time period (between 1200 - 1000 b.c.). This is addressed in a new sub plot concerning the brothers Jehiel and Amram. They betray Samson in order to become rulers themselves, leading to the familiar scene involving the jawbone of an ass. Most of these action sequences are filmed with skewed angles, making Samson look even more like a comic book superhero. To this effect they could not show him mishandling 300 foxes to burn down enemy crops (as it was written). Unfortunately the chapter about tearing the town gates from their hinges is more implied than shown, but this does lead to an interesting bit of foreshadowing for Dennis Hopper's character in the temple. Director Nic Roeg makes effective use of flashbacks during two crucial scenes, adding greater meaning to both of them. First the love scene between Samson and Delilah is interwoven with scenes from the lion fight and secondly Samson relives his ultimate betrayal when forced to 'witness' the defeat of the Israelite army. The latter scene also resolves the plot strand concerning Jehiel and Amram in a satisfactory way and indeed every character arc is neatly resolved before the end. Shame about all those bouncing foam pillars during the climax though.8 out of 10

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