Salad Fingers
Salad Fingers
TV-MA | 01 July 2004 (USA)
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  • Reviews

    Very interesting film. Was caught on the premise when seeing the trailer but unsure as to what the outcome would be for the showing. As it turns out, it was a very good film.

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    Robert Joyner

    The plot isn't so bad, but the pace of storytelling is too slow which makes people bored. Certain moments are so obvious and unnecessary for the main plot. I would've fast-forwarded those moments if it was an online streaming. The ending looks like implying a sequel, not sure if this movie will get one

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    Sanjeev Waters

    A movie that not only functions as a solid scarefest but a razor-sharp satire.

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    I think this is a new genre that they're all sort of working their way through it and haven't got all the kinks worked out yet but it's a genre that works for me.

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    The reviewer at the bottom of this list had it right. Salad Fingers is great mood. But what does it actually show? The world it portrays is a world of ONLY the Shadow; The Shadow and isolation - nothing more. But this is a purge: it does not show the truth of the world: only Miyazaki does that. Spirited Away does it best.A world of only shadow appeals only to those who blind themselves to light.*** I still give this 7 for the mood and for nostalgic reasons. I like it when the red water comes out.**** I refer to the Shadow as Jung described it; that hidden, darker aspect of the unconscious.

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    The animation in the Salad Fingers cartoon isn't bad. The problem is, it's incredibly strange. I love weird things, I love The Addams Family, The Corpse Bride, Eating Raoul, etc. but Salad Fingers is weird to the point where not only is it not funny, it's just more annoying and dull than anything else.The story of Salad Fingers appears to be that Salad Fingers was a normal guy, but after a nuclear bomb was dropped, he is the lone survivor and is getting sick - mentally and physically - from radiation. As he is the lone survivor in what looks to be post-war Britain, he has gone mad and begun inventing imaginary playmates for himself.There is an interesting plot here, but one of the other reviews seems to think it was a cartoon made to raise awareness of the environment and pollution. Clearly it is just meant to be comedic and to appeal to those out there who love creepy things, not everything has a message behind it. Salad Fingers has little, if any, soundtrack. It has one, maybe two, voice actors. For an independent cartoon you can see that effort has obviously been put in, but there are some moments to recall that are not only strange, but perverse and disgusting, frankly pointless: 1) Salad Fingers picks up a rusty spoon and says aloud, "the feeling of rusty spoons against my salad fingers is almost orgasmic". What the hell? 2) Salad Fingers pokes himself with a dead nettle plant and says "the nettle makes the milk squirt from my teat." Uh, what the hell again? 3) Salad Fingers' "birthing scene" in the last couple episodes... ugh.4) he appears to murder a small child and then dreams of being in a meat locker.5) He pops a sowbug named Bordois open with his finger.6) he stabs himself and says, "I like it when the red water pours out." Sometimes it's best just to listen and not see for yourself.Honestly, avoid this cartoon, it's a waste of time to watch, is at times something only psychopaths would find humerus, it's just not worth it. Its current 8.3 out of 10 rating makes me very worried for society.

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    Another reviewer wrote, "it really does open your mind to what the world is coming to, what we're doing to the Earth, and in time what we could do to ourselves if we succeed in perishing our world. People who appreciate art, and appreciate a profound storyline will enjoy Salad Fingers: contrary to the belief it's an absurd cartoon with little meaning."Art is a slippery concept. There are artistic elements here: the character quirks and gentle psychosis of salad fingers, the dream-like, minimalist animation. But mere creation of a mood does not, in my mind, rise to the level of art. I don't mean to condemn the attempt with my low rating. Experiments must be made. But this is a failed experiment, and because it lacks any structure, conventional narrative, or beauty, there's nothing left to like after that failure. There is no profound storyline. Salad Fingers does not speak to human experience, not even the experience of delusional psychotics. There is no reasonable, interesting, apparent interpretation of the events, no way to make sense of it. (And don't tell me that "not making sense is its sense!" Kafka did that right. This is not Kafka.) It's a bunch of random creepy stuff thrown together, made independently without any story or plan.

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    Salad Fingers, a singularly disturbing Flash cartoon by David Firth is a unique experience. A series of bizarre animations that are mere random messes to those who are simply too lazy to think hard, but beautiful and bewildering to those who wish to interpret and analyze them and those who appreciate art.Salad Fingers is set around a lonely, mentally disturbed mutant who resides in a wasteland with only his finger puppets and his imagination as company. We hear that the world around him perished during a great war. He sees and does strange things that often end him up in surreal and frightening situations.As we follow him through his nightmarish experiences, we grow to like him and care about him, despite his sickening habits and hobbies. It is hard not to feel sorry for him when he breaks down and feels miserable and alone.Salad Fingers is truly a one-of-a-kind Flash series. No other series I can think of has been this surreal, strange or beautiful. Many have tried to mimic it, yes, but that has not always ended well.

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