Safe House
Safe House
TV-MA | 20 April 2015 (USA)
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  • Reviews

    What makes it different from others?

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    The greatest movie ever made..!

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    I gave it a 7.5 out of 10

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    Humaira Grant

    It’s not bad or unwatchable but despite the amplitude of the spectacle, the end result is underwhelming.

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    Pretty formulaic stuff here, nicely made in a picturesque Lake District location. It kept my attention throughout, but failed to offer any particular thrills or surprises. It did raise my blood pressure on a number of occasions though, albeit unintentionally. Mainly because it failed to offer any likeable characters to root for. By the fourth episode I was pretty much hoping that every single person in it would die a horrible death - which I suspect was not the intention of the show. Still, the one character I didn't loathe - the young boy - gave a solid and believable performance, which actually eclipsed all of the more experienced adult talent, with the exception of Christopher E, who gave his usual strong but by-the-numbers turn. Fairly typical ITV drama. Not great, not terrible.

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    Quite obvious that Brits have a very low standard as to what a Safe House is. Perimeter Sensors, hardwired Motion Detection Video Surveillance Cameras with night vision internal and external to the Safe House, Bars on the windows releasable from the inside, interior steel shutters, steel doors and door frames painted and textured to look like wood, interior steel bolts for all doors, a large "Safe Room" with air filtration, Panic Buttons to call the Local Police, Loud Sirens, emergency radio communications with the antenna well away from the Safe House to prevent jamming, one foot diameter concrete posts to prevent vehicles (car bombs, truck bombs)from getting close to the Safe House, Water Reservoir located in the roof tied into a water sprinkler system with a poison detector, storage room with weeks worth of water, food, emergency medical equipment and weapons connected to "Safe Room" by airtight steel door, Electric Generator inside a air tight room exhaust goes outside either to the roof or high enough to prevent tampering a separate air intake hidden on the roof as a minimum. And an even lower standard as to who and how the Safe House is run. The persons running the Safe House would have already had experience as "Safe Housekeepers" like those that Run the CIA's Safe Houses, British MI Safe Houses.Before even going to the Safe House the "Guests" would surrender all their Cellphones, Smartphones, radios, and scanned to see if they have any kind of radio frequencies emitting from them or anything they have. The "Guests" would arrive in a Van without windows, they would wear hoods, the Van would be old and not have any computers that also have GPS or optional Tracking (most Vehicles after 2000 have Tracking even if not visible). So that even if they contacted the outside World they could not reveal were the Safe House is located. Before Guests arrive the Safe Housekeepers lock their Cellphones, Smartphones into a 100% grounded steel safe, and start using "Burner Phones" that had the GPS circuit cut. All Guests wear transponders that do not transmit on the same frequency and have limited range. The computer with internet access uses multiple proxy servers. "Guests" are tucked in at Night each room has their own bathroom, snacks and a mini refrigerator, the doors have sensors to alert the Safe Housekeepers if "Guests" have left their rooms, opened windows.

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    I was really enjoying the plot and potential twists,the story line addressed some good real life scenarios with a dramatic effect which would of gripped many people, however the final episode was unrealistic in so many ways and so poorly constructed,the ending was particularly poor. The acting was good and the scenery was spectacular set in a beautiful part of England I felt really let down by the fourth episode and indeed questioned whether that was the end and subsequently wished I hadn't wasted my time. This type of series seems to be on the up, however I like a real conclusion that is believable in some way, this was not. Would not watch a second season based on the ending here.

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    My ears only perked up over this because it's starring two people I tend to watch in anything.It starts off with a cop who decides to moonlight as a safe house keeper (I don't know the proper terminology for person running a safe house) and a family who needs a safe house. There's a bad guy who might turn out to be batshit, or he might turn out to be justifiably provoked by the so-called innocent family... They don't commit to any thing in the pilot other that to let you know this is probably going to turn into a home invasion/ psycho on the loose type thing, by how strongly they reinforce "sketchy cop with backstory", "Psycho in the wild", "remote location", "No one can hear you scream". That last one is implied, but altogether, the suspense and mystery is strong in this one, and I'm pretty sure somebody will be murdered by someone they didn't expect to be murdered by. The cop, not exactly disgraced, but retired, almost definitely might have some secrets he's keeping from his friends, his boss, his wife or all three. The wife is almost suspiciously hot, and I feel there's some story there as to how that works... It is equally likely one of them is a psycho - it sort of has a vibe that makes you thing the season finale could wind up being Trauma (Colin Firth suspense thriller).It's based somewhere British, I don't know where because I'm horrible at accent deviation, but it's nice to look at at least and nice to listen to. It looks like a valley where someone would find loch ness monster pics

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