Pound Shop Wars
Pound Shop Wars
| 06 February 2014 (USA)
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  • Reviews

    Very well executed

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    Lack of good storyline.

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    Mandeep Tyson

    The acting in this movie is really good.

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    A terrific literary drama and character piece that shows how the process of creating art can be seen differently by those doing it and those looking at it from the outside.

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    Behind the scenes of...a pound shop.It's not big, it's not clever but this programme is oddly entertaining as it tries to educate us about just how important pound shops are and introduce us to the people who work behind the scenes.There is a 'drama' every episode that must be dealt with and each week the camera crew introduce us to one of the lovable employees who to be honest by the end we actually quite like.No, this is not the most exciting programme on television, it will not win awards, but for 30 minutes of noise in the background it does enough for me.

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