Planet Earth II
Planet Earth II
TV-G | 06 November 2016 (USA)
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  • Reviews

    Disappointment for a huge fan!

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    I am only giving this movie a 1 for the great cast, though I can't imagine what any of them were thinking. This movie was horrible

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    Sameer Callahan

    It really made me laugh, but for some moments I was tearing up because I could relate so much.

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    Staci Frederick

    Blistering performances.

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    It is a worthy investment to buy the DVDs and also still see it on BBC if they air it for special reasons. Never will you regret it and never will you see such imageries captured so beautifully. To watch all the Planet Earth, Blue Earth series is such a humbling experience to realize that we have millions of other co-habitants on this home called Earth. With the expanding population faster than ever, industrialization, it is heart-breaking to see other species slowly disappear. We are all indirectly responsible for them too, maybe it isn't too late to ponder as to what tiny steps we can take to care for our home .

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    The combination of 2 living legends David Attenborough + Hans Zimmer. How better it could be. Thanks BBC Earth and the unsung heroes (The crew)for dedicating years for this amazing project. The music of Hans and the narration of Mr.Attenborough are the highlights of this show and it just doesn't get out of my head !!!

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    Kumar Gaurav

    Having seen the first Planet Earth, I had lot of expectation from this one because Technology has advanced so much since then. But more than the visuals, I was somehow impressed by the compelling storytelling in all of the episodes. The Penguin one from the Island episode was amazing. But for me the best one was the from the Jungle episode involving Wilson's bird-of-paradise. The build up to that story and climax was just brilliant. Keep your ears open along with your eyes of this one. Sir David Attenborough's narration is just the perfect icing on the cake.

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    I have seen 4 episodes thus far.Episode one had one remarkable scene. Episode two I loved to death. Episodes three was more and less the same we - fans of nature documentaries - have seen tens of times before. Episode four was better than 3rd, but not by much.I experienced about as many "not this Sh!t again" moments as I had "omg, this is awesome" moments. That's not a good ratio. I definitely recommend watching this, but I can't feel but disappointed. My expectations were definitely not met, but even after saying that, the series should have never gotten the usual 5/10 from me - but that's exactly how good it was. I would be more pleased to see 100 hours of unedited footage without the jokes, slow-motion and musics than I am with this "Took 10 years to make, lasts under 6 hours" cinematic experience which execution reminds me of Michael Bay movie. If you take a look into the episode rating, the series rating doesn't make any sense. 9.7/10, but the episode average is 7.9/10. Seems rigged, I know. It looks like people want to get this on top rather than to rate it for what it is. Planet Earth 1, Life, Frozen Planet, Africa, The Hunt, even Human Planet all are better than Planet Earth 2 is. Just to name few. Even here on IMDb, the episode ratings are better for every show. All of those are solid documentaries. Planet Earth 2 isn't.

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