Pit Bulls and Parolees
Pit Bulls and Parolees
TV-PG | 30 October 2009 (USA)
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  • Reviews

    What makes it different from others?

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    Intense, gripping, stylish and poignant

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    Scotty Burke

    It is interesting even when nothing much happens, which is for most of its 3-hour running time. Read full review

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    Strong acting helps the film overcome an uncertain premise and create characters that hold our attention absolutely.

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    I have been watching this show off and on and I like how she and her kids care for the Bit Bulls and helping parolees. I hope they resucue animals for a long time

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    Here we go with another intelligence insulting waste of air time.I don't understand why Animal Planet is so intent on churning out fake reality shows, I'm perfectly happy watching fifteen year old episodes of Big Cat Diary.But AP won't be happy until the entire channel is all dramatic recreations and total lies.I could break down Pit Bulls and Parolees scene by scene and point out all the times I can prove it was scripted but that's a bigger waste of time than actually watching this retarded show.Since the average American doesn't even know what parole is, it was very easy for them to make parolees whatever they wanted them to be.What did they want them to be?Brown men with long hair and white girls with tattoos.Imagine if Danielle Colby had five even uglier sisters and they all moved to BET.Then you have this show.They tug at your heart strings by pretending to be saving animals(that would kill you just for fun) and then kick you in the face with a scripted train wreck.This show is about one notch below Honey Boo Boo.That means it sucks, big time.

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    I have a hard time understanding how anyone could give this show low ratings.Tia herself, has several decades of animal training under her belt. She trained large exotic animals as well as dogs, and has tons of experience and training related to the behavior of dogs. When you watch her rescue even the most terrified dog, she does it with such care and compassion, you can't help but envy her.She moved her operation to New Orleans and has really taken on a huge challenge. The city itself is just FULL of pit bull breeds, it is practically overrun, and it seems as though the majority of the residents are incapable of taking care of the dogs they bring into the world. Tia and her group go to such extremes to help these dogs, I really admire her.Sure, her daughters are full of tats and have different colored hair daily, but how does that take away from the amazing people that they are? I could care less WHAT image they want to have, these people are awesome and so is their show.

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    Personally, as a writer, I view reality TV is mostly trash for cash. It needs to serve a purpose to warrant watching it. A helpful purpose. Other than Animal Planet channel, most channels do not offer a "helpful" reality show.This show does that. Pit bulls have gotten a bad rap. As a shar pei owner, I've seen people are often afraid and think the dogs are vicious. Only if they are mistreated. Eventually some of the dogs are adopted. It's not an easy job.I am giving Tia Torres a 10 for running the dog shelter Villa Lobos. One episode she visits New Orleans and rescues several of the abandoned dogs there. Also, thanks to the financial meltdown/foreclosure crisis in 2008, there are a lot of homeless dogs in need of help, people have lost their homes all across the U.S.At Villa Lobos, the dogs are maintained by parolees who help clean, walk the dogs, and maybe learn to like a dog in the process too.It is sad that in 2011 dog abuse and pit fighting still happens. This show has good factors to it in that it gives the dogs a second chance, most would be unadaptable or sent to a kill shelter, where the dogs are usually only kept for 2 weeks before euthanasia.Thanks to producers of a productive show like this, which maybe helps some of the parolees, and the dogs. That's not so for 99 percent of the other reality contests, and celebrity rehabs (yawn). Hope to see some rehabilitative animal shelter shows, and less celebrity trash for cash sensationalism in the future. Eventually, people tire of the same old thing.

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