TV-PG | 13 April 2003 (USA)
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  • Reviews

    A Brilliant Conflict

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    I am only giving this movie a 1 for the great cast, though I can't imagine what any of them were thinking. This movie was horrible

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    The movie is wonderful and true, an act of love in all its contradictions and complexity

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    It is an exhilarating, distressing, funny and profound film, with one of the more memorable film scores in years,

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    My friend introduced me to this show, and I laughed so hard at these Asians doing stupid things, I actually cried. The only other time I cried while watching some comedy movie was Super Troopers. But this show has great dubbing, hilarious cracks and jokes, and funny spills and crashes. I honestly don't know how someone could even get back up on some of the falls that happened. I remember watching one where one guy tried to do a back flip, but in midair, his head smashed into the dirt. He got back up, and continue running, but fell over again. This show is painful, but hilarious to watch. Also, listen to these words of advice: DON'T WATCH THIS SHOW ON MUTE!!! It takes the fun out of it, and you wont laugh as hard. -$tanley

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    Watch as contestants run over rolling logs mid-air, Intentionally run into walls at full speed, Run through a maze and belly flop into gritty toxic sludge looking water. Run across floating boulders only to slip and land face first on one, Leap over obstacles teen feet in the air on a moving wake board. Not to mention running up hill toward massive boulders rolling down a very tight fitting path. MXC features hilarious Voice Overs and even more hilarious spills, falls & flops by the most moronic people ever permitted on cable television. The hosts are just as funny as well, Constantly making fun of the contestants as they hurt themselves in the weirdest and most painful ways. On Location Hosts like the mighty Captain Tenneal or the perverted Guy LeDouche will havethe tears running in no time with their many hilarious antics. This is a Must-See for comedy lovers especially if you think people doing dumb stuff at will is funny cause this is the Godfather of "People doing dumb stuff" shows!

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    m thingmaker

    Why do I love this show?! I crack up non-stop and it's completely absurd! It's brilliant and strangely innocent in its semi-violent soft-porn formulaic presentation. It has a silly charm that most shows will never approach. It's this Japanese game show called 'Takeshi's Castle' messed up and joked on in English translation, each episode is 1/2 hour. I love everything about it, the main characters Kenny, Vic, the Captain, and Guy, plus the gladiator-types, all made to relish their roles, at least in the funny translation. I haven't investigated the straight translation, anyone tried that? I wonder how funny that would seem to me. I also wonder if Japan broadcasts MXC in Japanese, how that would translate, you know? The games are excellent, I especially love 'the rotating surfboard of death'. There's even something I enjoy about the settings, the backdrops, the whole outdoors thing. The costumes are great, the video game graphics used to demo the games, the top 10 most painful eliminations of the day. The dialogue is best of all, brilliantly goofy, Guy's suggestive comments crack me up endlessly, Captain's 'Get it on!', and Vic's 'Right you are, Ken'. Some episodes are better than others, but the basic premise assures a nice constant level of humor. I might be addicted, but fortunately I think it's only on once a week (for three hours in a row, but I don't usually get sucked in for all 6 episodes). 'She's full of spunk! She's spunkalicious!'

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    *May contain spoilers... Sort of.* An interesting show comprised of extremely difficult and often painful games. It's Japanese, originated from another show, forgot the name. The two hosts are Vic Romano and Kenny Blankenship, who are very odd hosts to say the least. Their often said... Sayings are: "Indeed" and "Right you are, Ken". Examples are "Sinkers and Floaters", a game comprised of running across floating rocks. The amusing thing is, of course, when they trip and possibly receive a spot in the infamous hall of fame of MXC. I am talking about "Most Painful Elimintation Of the Day"! And often, they are quite painful. Overall, the show is extremely comical, and quite possibly, the best show on Comedy Central. I give it a 10/10 (Can you rate a TV show?)

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