Michael Strogoff
Michael Strogoff
| 23 December 1975 (USA)
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  • Reviews

    Masterful Movie

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    just watch it!

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    A Brilliant Conflict

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    The acting is good, and the firecracker script has some excellent ideas.

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    I have watched this series again a few days ago, and i must admit that it is still quite as good as it was when i watched it for the first time, that means on a small black and white TV screen when i was a kid maybe 30 years ago. There is adventure all the way, and the music by Vladimir Cosma is highly enjoyable and suits marvelously. He is certainly one of the best European film composer. The only thing that has suffered with the years may be the image, which is sometimes much too dark, and sometimes very pale... but well, what could be appreciated on a small black and white TV screen... What's interesting when you watch it now also, is that you now understand the plot, which was of lower importance it seems when you were a kid. Just like when you read Tintin comics. The influence of Verne on Herge appears quite clearly here (well, i'm not as brave as to read Verne's novels in order to check that up). The British reporter and his french counterpart remind me of the Thomson & Thompson duo too... pretty funny characters actually. Well... Anyway, to cut a long story short, 'Michel Strogoff' the series is highly recommendable. Attention les yeux!

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    the movie i've seen wen i was a year of 12 it was beautiful. the music also. but if i can get my hands on it with English or dutch subtitles i'm a lucky guy, but those stupid french people put every subtitle on but no English and dutch was it a great problem to put that on the DVD?????? i ask myself but maybe in the future it will be available. about the movie the actor Raymund is at it's peak performance. the music i can still recall from memory, great job Maurice . the cast is also well chosen.these 8 hours of movie are best spend time i've ever had with a movie it's a shame that's the DVD not lying in the stores ,while there's so much crap instead. i hope to see it again real soon on DVD.

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    J.S. Dijkstra

    I remember it as very exciting and strange, featuring a handsome hero with a secret mission in an old Russia threatened by Kozaks and frozen rivers, wearing woolly hats and serious faces. Recurring curious characters who were on the hero's side. All the while everybody is traveling to somewhere in Russia to do something of world-importance. As you may notice the details have eluded me. What's left are some images like described above, and a longing to see it again, slightly apprehensively because a re-acquaintance might prove disappointing.The DVD of (part of) the series is currently only to be found in French with no subtitling on Ebay or http://www.2xmoinscher.com/DVD/detail.asp?id=16410.

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    I can remember those days when this magnificent series was on German television quite regular. I always watched it since it was really a wonderful piece of work. Unfortunately, I can't figure out the movie company that made this series, or that has the rights on it, or I would mail them to request a DVD-release...It is a series based upon Jules Vernes' famous novel "Mikhail Strogoff - courier of the Tsar". I've read this book as well and I find the TV series really close to that piece of work, which is -IMHO- one of the best works of Vernes. As far as I can remember it after all these years, the entire series is well made. Good acting, good atmosphere, wonderful costumes and locations.The series take quite some hours, but never become boring at all.I can only recommend this work to everybody who enjoys good adventure and travel films.

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