Marvel's Ultimate Spider-Man
Marvel's Ultimate Spider-Man
TV-Y7 | 01 April 2012 (USA)
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  • Reviews

    It's no definitive masterpiece but it's damn close.

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    Fresh and Exciting

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    Brilliant and touching

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    Good films always raise compelling questions, whether the format is fiction or documentary fact.

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    This show somehow messed up almost every origin story it tried to tell

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    Imagine Dragons Firebreather

    Okay so, here i go. this show,, is absolutely amazing. it's incredible. it's always been written off as terrible, lame, or childish. i'm here to tell you that's completely false. what so many negative reviewers refer to when saying this cartoon sucks is the fourth wall breaking or the stops that spidey does during the show. i think it's absolutely brilliant. someone of these breaks are actually funny, if you loosen up instead of being super critical. these breaks are so important because they explain why spidey can or can't do something, they explain certain situations, and are good recaps. and even being older, they can be super funny. sure some of them are childish, but keep in mind it's still a children's show. in terms of peter parker's characterization itself, it's perfect. we see a TRUE heart of gold character. he's exactly how stan envisioned him. awkward, funny, and cares so deeply for the safety of others. going through the series, you'll understand what i mean. other characters are also great. a lot of people love nova, and for good reason. each character has, well, character. they're all amazing in their own ways. in regards to plot, it's spectacular. you really have to get past the buff of the first 6-7 episodes but by episode 25 of the first season, i was crying from how emotional i was. episode 8 really got into the "woah" type of plot. it gets darker than you'd expect this show to get when you first take a look at it. season 4 is especially heartbreaking. you have been warned. overall, this show is heartwarming and full of amazing plots and characters. i recommend this for people who like animated shows such as young justice or voltron, as well as people who like funny and emotional shows. it's amazing. it's the ultimate show.

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    What makes spider man work is he's a relatibilty person who struggle with a lot of Delmas from trying to keep good grades overcoming bully and financial problems so when You take away the struggle that make your hero likable you have nothing to work with when devopling a show for spider man and all there's is completely contrived bullshit to bulid up spider man the quote with great power must come great responsibility doesn't have any underline themeing to any story in ultimate spider man.when it comes to the other heroes in series just fit arcatypes which show no good reason to have them there.but overall there's nothing about this show that is salveable it not worth your time.stay way from this show and all the bullshit

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    Dray A. Leo

    Way Too comedic . . . not en-keeping with the history and story-line of spider-man. The new spin on the story line is way too childish and i personally feel it takes away from what we all know and love about spider-man. I watch the entire first season before giving my honest judgment on the show but the creators didn't do the spider-man character and fans justice. i can understand and appreciate adding new elements to a story-line but it seem like the creators of the show were bend on changing every aspect of spider-man characters origin and history. I am sorry for the young generation that will experience this show as their first reference to spider-men and miss out on the true history and background that makes spider-man so special . . .

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