Low Winter Sun
Low Winter Sun
TV-14 | 11 August 2013 (USA)
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  • Reviews

    A Disappointing Continuation

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    The film creates a perfect balance between action and depth of basic needs, in the midst of an infertile atmosphere.

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    Although I seem to have had higher expectations than I thought, the movie is super entertaining.

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    It is an exhilarating, distressing, funny and profound film, with one of the more memorable film scores in years,

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    Mort & Spunky the awesome cat

    I could have gotten over the annoyance at how my city is portrayed. The media and most other non-Detroiters seem to get off on looking at the very worst Detroit has to offer. We're used to that. Though, of the TV shows and films I've seen that have been made in Detroit since the State of Michigan introduced subsidies and tax breaks for the entertainment industry, this is the most exploitative.There's nothing there. The acting is subpar. They story lines I watched weren't intriguing and the dialog could be a parody of Hollywood's worst. If we were back in the bad old days of pre-cable, three networks plus PBS and a few independent stations, this might come out as an average show. But we aren't in the 60s or 70s. We're in a whole new millennium where one can find (on-line streaming) shows from countries with 5-10 million people that make every aspect of this look like amateur hour.

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    Jesse Kellestine

    Low Winter Sun, on paper, has a lot going for it. Mark Strong & Lennie James lead a strong cast of great actors you'd recognize but not know by name. The cinematography matches the grittiness of our locations. The theme from the pilot is super thick. It's "A" grade material on paper.So if that's all there, why am I left with C+ results?First off, Low Winter Sun, I don't think really knows what show it wants to be. It kicks off with the murder by a policeman by two other detectives. From there, we learn it was a revenge plot. Cool. The internal affairs is investigating. Great. Then... we don't EVER stay focused on that, we constantly veer to side stories that are so loosely connected to the main story that it gets VERY frustrating. Especially when it burns so slowly.Breaking Bad, The Wire, The Sopranos, The Shield, Damages etc. These shows ALWAYS linked things back, not only to the main story, but our main CHARACTERS. I know these are some of the best shows ever written, but when you throw your hat into the "crime drama" ring, you face off with these shows.Low Winter Sun doesn't throw an punches that haven't already been thrown and it doesn't do it as well. Too Bad.

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    Besart Prishtina

    I have waited to watch the last episode of Season 1 only to allow myself to really make up my mind about the show.The first episode really captured me and left me wanting more of this and as i expected so did the episode 2 and on and on.The cast is just great, they were new to me (except for Lennie James that i saw him in couple episodes of The Walking Dead) so i kinda knew that he's going to be very good, but also the others turned out to be at the same level.The plot is good and the script too, but there were a few errors, not in the production it self but in police and investigation technicalities that i am not going to talk about.To sum this all up i liked the show, it kept me on TV and i started liking Sundays, i will be waiting for this to return and based on this season my expectations are that the 2nd season is going to be greater than first one.

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    If you like smoldering, drama's this is your show. Its gripping, full of suspense, and the characters are gonna grow on you, as is the story line. I've seen negative remarks about this show. These types are usually the ones with the attention span of a gnat. There are a lot of shows on now days that don't blow you away the first episode, but always leave you wanting more. This is one of those shows, Breaking Bad is a prime example of that. Look how slow that show started and where it is now. I'm not saying this show is that good, but we will need a new show after the next few weeks, because BB is gonna be over. This show has the potential to be that fill in, at least it does for me..My advice is watch it and get into it..I am glad I did...Enjoy

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