Love My Way
Love My Way
| 22 November 2004 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    Myron Clemons

    A film of deceptively outspoken contemporary relevance, this is cinema at its most alert, alarming and alive.

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    Roy Hart

    If you're interested in the topic at hand, you should just watch it and judge yourself because the reviews have gone very biased by people that didn't even watch it and just hate (or love) the creator. I liked it, it was well written, narrated, and directed and it was about a topic that interests me.

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    Great movie. Not sure what people expected but I found it highly entertaining.

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    Staci Frederick

    Blistering performances.

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    'Love My Way' is, by far, Australia's most distinguished and outstanding drama ever to hit our screens. I cant think of any other time I have watched an Australian series, that has left me in awe and feel so many emotions. The scenery is impressive,the background in each scene is astonishing. The acting is phenomenal. The issues raised are real, absolute and heartfelt. Each character you will learn to either love or hate, but ultimately, you will care for them. When I think of 'THAT' episode, (for those of you who have seen it, you will know which one Im referring to), the last twenty minutes of that episode is arguably the finest and most convincing acting I've ever seen on an TV series or film. The reactions of the characters to the incident will forever be embittered in my memory. I don't think we'll ever see such a perfectly written drama ever again from Australia.

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    Love My Way made getting cable totally worthwhile. When I first heard of yet another Australian TV drama, I expected a very ordinary predictable show which I'm sorry to say, so many Australian dramas can be. There is nothing ordinary or predictable about this show. It just came out of the blue. I'm so glad I gave it a chance. I place it in the same class as "The Sopranos" and "Six Feet Under". It is truly an emotional roller-coaster which takes you into the lives of some very ordinary and some very damaged individuals. Its keeps its Australian flavour without shoving it on the viewer which can sometimes happen in Australian dramas. The direction is fantastic. Its almost European in some of its scenes as they don't overuse dialogue or spell everything out.Claudia Karvan and Asher Keddie are particularly fantastic but the whole cast is an incredible ensemble. I hope to see more wonderful drama series like this in the future.I look forward to seeing more of Love My Way in 2007.

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    I began watching this show from the start of the first series. I was immediately hooked. The cast are so talented and they really do become their characters. I have always watched anything that Claudia Karvan has starred in, I loved Secret Life of Us and when i saw that John Edwards was involved i knew this was again the special magic that both him and Karvan create. The scripts aren't soapy, this drama is written with such passion and talent, it is extremely clever, heart warming and sometimes tragic. I honestly cant remember watching a show and really feeling like you are intruding on peoples everyday lives. I have laughed and cried watching this show and i truly believe this is the best Australian Drama ever produced.

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    As I don't have Foxtel, I decided to rent the first series of Love My Way on DVD one weekend. (All 10 hours) Anyway I wasn't disappointed, this Aussie drama is fantastic. I have tried to get Foxtel just so as I can see the second series, but as I can't get this will have to wait for the second series to come out on DVD. The acting is amazing and so convincing, you actually feel like you are watching people in their real lives. I love the acting between Dan Wylie and Asher Keddie, and one particular episode was so amazing I watched it again. I have never cried so much watching television as I watched this episode unfold, and this was a tear jerker. Claudia Karvan's acting abilities blew me away in this episode.Definitely a must see if you have Foxtel and if not then rent or buy it on DVD. I can't wait to see the second series, and look forward to the third which has recently been announced as being produced shortly. I give this drama 10 out of 10 and 5 stars!

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