| 07 February 2005 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    Kattiera Nana

    I think this is a new genre that they're all sort of working their way through it and haven't got all the kinks worked out yet but it's a genre that works for me.

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    The greatest movie ever made..!

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    Just so...so bad

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    Mabel Munoz

    Just intense enough to provide a much-needed diversion, just lightweight enough to make you forget about it soon after it’s over. It’s not exactly “good,” per se, but it does what it sets out to do in terms of putting us on edge, which makes it … successful?

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    I discovered this show while visiting a friend in Denmark last year. During some downtime, my friend convinced me to watch a few episodes of Klovn on DVD, proclaiming, it's a Danish Curb your enthusiasm. Before I knew it, I bought the entire box set to take home to my friends in Australia. This show is fantastic, it really draws you in and commands you to watch episode after episode. I laughed myself stupid throughout the whole series and I could easily watch the whole thing repeatedly. Some people have called it a Danish Curb your enthusiasm, but I would dare say that this show is better. Curb maintains it hilarity for about 3 seasons, before becoming predictable and unrealistic. Klovn stays funny and true to itself for the entire 6 seasons. Also, as a side note, if you've ever been to Denmark, this show transports you back there, it's a really beautiful country.

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    eve ann

    This show is just so funny! I have been wanting to see this series after reading up on it, but when we got the DVD i was disappointed that it had no English subtitles. So my boyfriend (good thing he's Danish!) took the sweetest task of translating for me as we watched, and we couldn't stop laughing! We wonder how it could happen but it did... we guess it must be because Frank and Casper's facial expressions and movements are so silly, and the two women Mia and Iben are really seriously funny as well. And of course, my boyfriend's way of translating the dialogue was done with a real talent and i love him for it. Great show guys!

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    Everything happens to Frank, and its because he's so stupid. You think: Now it would be a really bad idea to do THAT, and then the second later he's in the very situation you would hate to see him in. A very good piece of entertainment if you are into the danish humor, which is very ironic and harsh. For instance they make fun of being a racist, which is kind of a tender topic these days. But it seems alright in the series because it's only the "bad" guy Frank who is a racist and he is totally voted down on this point of view and it bites himself in the ass in the end. They really had a good idea when they made this show happen because after their big hits like "Far from Las Vegas" they needed a new face in front, they've been using Casper Christensen all the time and Frank has been along the side from the beginning. So the switch of focus has not only been a success but they made Casper an asshole and that is quite funny for the Danes because everyone knows that he is very nice in real life.

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    Per Kristensen

    The best way to describe this to Americans is: "like Curb Your Enthusiasm... only actually funny!" Yes some say they stole the idea from Curb, and they admit that they where inspired by that show, but I never thought Curb was very funny. However Klovn is great fun. Not many shows actually make me laugh out loud, but this one sure does. Frank Wahm is a master of expressions and one look on his face can make you laugh. Also the show seems to go way beyond the normal tabu subjects and have no problem using cancer or what not as a punchline. The humor can be very "dark" at times, but thats one of the things that sets it apart from the norm.

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