Hunting ISIS
Hunting ISIS
| 29 May 2018 (USA)
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  • Reviews

    Plot so thin, it passes unnoticed.

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    People are voting emotionally.

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    Go in cold, and you're likely to emerge with your blood boiling. This has to be seen to be believed.

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    The movie is made so realistic it has a lot of that WoW feeling at the right moments and never tooo over the top. the suspense is done so well and the emotion is felt. Very well put together with the music and all.

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    This series is by far the best docuseries on broadcast television and is miles ahead of any other programming on HISTORY. I wish television were as relevant, exciting, emotional, heart-breaking, moving and insightful as this series. It shows what it's really like to volunteer and join the fight against ISIS in Iraq and Syria, two countries I knew very little about. To see the effect of coalition airstrikes AS THEY HAPPEN and how they were critical in eliminating ISIS. The bravery and the principles of the young men and women who are taking the fight to ISIS is an example to follow. The consequences can be devastating when lives are lost in the fight (like Levi Shirley and many others), but they gave their lives doing what they believed in. I admire the men and women fighting evil in the world, and this show highlights a few ordinary men and women who dedicated their lives to fight evil. This show is awesome. Everything about it is engaging. I hope it can reach a wider audience internationally as well. Thank you for making this series. Hats off.

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    I've seen just about every documentary show about American military in the middle east wars (the "Forever Wars") since they started post 9/11. This show is told from several different points of view, from American, Italian, Swedish, and Norwegian volunteers in the endless battle against "ISIS". These men believe in what they're doing - "we are men of deeds, not words" but some, through the nature of the battlefield seem to have varying degrees of belief in just how much they are helping. Is this a show about American mercenaries like Blackwater/Xe or Executive Outcomes? No, it isn't - because as these volunteers are quick to point out, none of them are paid for what they do. Some fight or medic for the Peshmerga (the de facto Kurdish army) and others fight for the YPG (a sort of splinter group or auxiliary of the Peshmerga, also manned and commanded mainly by Kurds). Many have gone home then returned several times. Their motivations seem to vary from man to man, with perhaps the adrenaline-junkie factor being the most under-rated of all. And you just can't help but empathize with the medic Pete - an American vet of Iraq who does medic duty for the YPG. "Pete, 27, recounts how he returned to civilian life after tours of duty in the Middle East and found himself becoming an aimless alcoholic." Pete seems to be getting jaded before our eyes. All too many of his triage patients die later, including infants and children - and he wonders aloud just how much good he is really doing - and how much longer he can keep doing it until he suffers permanent burn-out. A sympathetic, poignant and sensitive look at war through the eyes of people who could have easily avoided it - but choose to return to the battlefield anyway.

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    This is how news in the Western World used to be presented. Awesome coverage, we had a lot of "pause and discuss" watching these!

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    Simple the most amazing thing I have ever seen regarding ISIS and the cancer they are as well as how hard it is to kill it and the toll it takes on the good men that are willing to step up so evil does not pravail. Thank God for these brave ppl else watch the handsmaid take as that is exactly what this world will be like if the world does not unite to stamp out the most evil group history has ever seen. cheers to all involved in this excellent production. Scary to see the stats of how millennial's have no clue or future if they don't step up and get their heads out of their arse and get in the f'n ring and fight back, or die. No other options. Anyone claiming it will just 'go away' and or can be ignored is delusional and already marked for death, thankfully I know several stepping up for the fight but sadly most are cowards and rely on others to support their existence let alone fight for their chance at a future. I paid my dues with paid and unpaid service and hope they watch this and get educated to the reality of the real world. Nothing else comes close to portraying the real world as this film so far. Only seen 3eps look forward to the rest, 10/10. No propaganda just facts.

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