TV-MA | 10 April 2016 (USA)

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    Pretty Good

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    It is a performances centric movie

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    Good idea lost in the noise

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    The plot isn't so bad, but the pace of storytelling is too slow which makes people bored. Certain moments are so obvious and unnecessary for the main plot. I would've fast-forwarded those moments if it was an online streaming. The ending looks like implying a sequel, not sure if this movie will get one

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    Peter Dee

    Wow! I saw this was coming out and I thought this would be a half- cooked Dice comeback attempt.Boy was I mistaken! This is so well done. I've watched the entire series over and over and keep finding new jokes.I'm not sure how this would go with someone who didn't know who Andrew Dice Clay was, but if you are a fan or are at least familiar with his work... stop reading and watch it now!!!

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    Anthony Felice

    After watching the first season multiple times, I have come to the conclusion that Dice is one of the best comedies of this year. Andrew Dice Clay has been out of the scene for some time and I think this is the era he will comeback. Every episode is well thought out and brilliant. If you have the right mindset going into it, you will love it from the start. This show has me laughing constantly the whole episode and I am positive it will grab you too. Watch for the little things Dice does, that is what makes this show great. If you have not seen it yet definitely give this show a go. It would be a shame to not give this show what it truly deserves.

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    Dice returns, pot belly and shoe-black hair in tow.8 out of 9 reviews already posted here are positive which shows me that they have been planted since only people who are bored - like I am right now - would watch the little (unfunny) trailer and write a review.... and none of the reviews would be supportive unless they were written by plant -- or a drunk.Dice is going through what Arsenio Hall went through a few years ago. Nobody knew what to do with Ars' or how to present him anymore. After his talk show, he stumbled and fizzled (by the way, he's still stumbling and fizzling). Now it's Dice's turn.Watch if you want, but I bet you have something better to do, don't you?.... yeah, that's what I thought.

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    The resurgence of older comedians/entertainers has been doing a lot lately. Louie and Maron among a few. Like Maron, Dice is a fictionalized version of the stage persona.The jokes are great. Just the right amount of political incorrectness to not be so offensive, but make someone laugh. He's a wise talking, ego driven, mans-man, with attitude. And he portrays it very well.Having Vegas as the backdrop is perfect. There are many great celebrity cameos too. Natasha Henstridge plays his girlfriend perfectly. The two have this chemistry that really made me think they are an actual couple. And Kevin Corrigan who plays "Shake" does a great best friend role and accentuates Dices ego perfectly.It's definitely worth a watch.

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