Criss Angel Mindfreak
Criss Angel Mindfreak
| 20 July 2005 (USA)
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  • Reviews

    It's no definitive masterpiece but it's damn close.

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    This is a must-see and one of the best documentaries - and films - of this year.

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    Blake Rivera

    If you like to be scared, if you like to laugh, and if you like to learn a thing or two at the movies, this absolutely cannot be missed.

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    I think this is a new genre that they're all sort of working their way through it and haven't got all the kinks worked out yet but it's a genre that works for me.

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    Criss is an extraordinary man. His show pushes the limits of magic. He is constantly putting himself in life threatening situations. He may turn you off because of the Gothic style clothing (which I know for a fact he doesn't always wear) or the type of music he play's on his show Mindfreak. But I had the chance to talk to Criss himself on Thursday July 19, 2007 at the Luxor Hotel in Las Vegas.There is a stereotype that all Goths are dark and mysterious, but with Criss it just doesn't fit. He is one of the most respectful men I have ever met. Weather he is on his show or not, Criss will do everything in his power to make sure no one is hurt or injured, and if someone is Criss will do anything for that person. A reason I think he is so amazing, is because he does things people would not dream of doing. People think it's amazing the things he does, especially since he is turning 40 this year. But it doesn't surprise me with his amazing physical conditions, trust me this man is fit. I have seen Criss on many occasions without a shirt on. When I talked to Criss, he was so respectful he wouldn't swear or ignore people. There was a crowd of about 15 people outside the Luxor to see him, and he signed autographs and took pictures with every single person. He is very dedicated to his job and he loves it, which is great. He has been working 15 years to entertain people with his talents. And for someone to criticize him, without ever seeing him in person or seeing one of his performances live is not right. If you were at one of his stunts, it's no joke. What he is doing is real. I have personally seen Criss perform these stunts. There is no stunt doubles. I saw Criss drive 100 mph in a Lamborghini through a light cloud of smoke, and he and the car disappeared, it was just gone. There was nowhere it could have gone. This man is known worldwide, so obviously he's doing something right. And it's working for him. He has his own store at the Luxor Hotel. He has a Dodge Viper, a Lamborghini, and a Rolls Royce. He lives at the Luxor, which isn't cheap. So I say continue what you're doing and have a ton of fun doing it. I love you! Megan

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    There was a time when the only reality show on television was the news, and the rest of the schedule was full of fiction. Now it seems there's little but 'reality ' on the box, while conversely some of the most entertaining and comical fiction is on Fox News. The edges have become very blurred and Criss Angel – Mindfreak does little to clarify things.It's billed as a reality show about a magician, who's also a member of a heavy metal band. It also showcases his music, live street magic, some behind-the-curtain preparation and his family life. Part Marilyn Manson, part David Blaine with a touch of Alan Partridge, we follow Angel around as he spouts mystical nonsense, including this gem: 'A lot of what I do is completely real. There are no tricks. It really is the mind, body, and spirit connection. And a lot of what I do is an illusion. It's up to you to determine what is real and what is... illusion.' As well as talking like a tipsy teenage goth at a Ouija board party, he does some impressive tricks and stunts. These include levitation, setting himself on fire – to 'honour' his mother on her 70th birthday – and lying on a bed of nails as a Hummer drives over him. If you like magic tricks and the colour black, this show should entertain.He may well look and talk like the sort of person you'd never get tired of punching, but as tricksters go he's one of the best. The Academy of Magical Arts at Hollywood's Magic Castle – a place so pretentious it's powered entirely by the magicians' sense of self-importance – named him 2005 Magician of the Year. Angel is so confident in his abilities, he once publicly challenged magic's other infant terrible David Blaine, saying if Blaine could perform a trick that he couldn't replicate on the spot then he would retire. Somewhat tellingly, Blaine never took up the challenge, although to be fair, Criss is yet to live in a box for 40 days and be abused by Londoners.Most of the tricks have been done before by the likes of Penn & Teller (who are friends of Criss) but all the same, some of these stunts are really great fun. That is, unless you watched one of those 'magician's tricks revealed' series and you'll know how a lot of them were done. For those who didn't peek behind the curtain, this won't freak your mind as the title promises, but it will set it off thinking about how he did it. And these days, a TV programme that makes you think is a rare trick indeed.

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    I'm no expert on the subject of "magic," but I believe the term "smoke and mirrors" goes back to the 1800's and perhaps a lot farther.If you watch, say, David Copperfield, whether live or on television special (I've seen him in both), there still is a lot of "smoke," undoubtedly mirrors as well - and the state-of-the-art in the manufacture and use of these today would be far advanced from earlier times. You know the huge spinning saw blade isn't going to cut through him, but it looks like it does. We know this is an "illusion," and the practitioners in this area of show business use this term themselves, including Mr. Angel.There's some video on-line, purportedly produced by Criss himself, indicating the levitation technique. And while one program showed him levitating high above the ground, from one Las Vegas building to another, he still takes the elevator and stairs to his suite, steps onto and off of his RV, etc.Whatever, I enjoy his programs - the prolonged séance scene wasn't that entertaining, and (for me) some of his more extravagant bits (e.g. from the boat) are my less-favorite.I enjoy most some of his bits with cards, jewelry, other personal items, and some of the bits levitating others - especially when done on a crowded street, restaurant, etc. How did he not only toss a deck of cards from the sidewalk, with his subject's card then appearing stuck to the adjacent plate glass restaurant window (ON THE INSIDE, ON THE OTHER SIDE OF THE GLASS, YET)?? Hell, I don't know, but that's the whole idea and I enjoyed it.Some suggest the use of confederates from the "bystanders," and some camera trickery. This thought has crossed my mind sometimes, and some people's reactions and patter, and some occasional camera shots suggest this. But many observers are youngsters, ordinary street folk, and others, where, for a variety of reasons, it doesn't seem they could be "acting." A lot of it is simply great sleight-of-hand. And we know misdirection is usually involved, expertly, at some point(s).I've spent a lot of prolonged time in Spain on business, and have seen a man there who does CLOSE-UP magic, standing by a table with patrons seated there, and he does it WITH ONE HAND ONLY. Colleagues of mine have seen him live, and been participants, and none can deduce how he does what he does.Angel's interlocking a couple's wedding rings at a dinner table in a Vegas restaurant, having an older lady's ring reappear within an ice cube, and before a large crowd in a mall, throw a deck of cards scattered on the floor, and then having the "selected card" rise from the pile, were all entertaining bits.His sleight-of-hand is superb, and his demeanor is entertaining.Does he possess truly "magical powers?" I doubt it. But, who cares? It's an entertaining half-hour, and watching 2/3/4 of his episodes back-to-back is entertaining, and doesn't seem "over-long," if you have the time.Finally, where physical prowess is needed, this man's superb conditioning is admirable and fascinating to see, too.Just enjoy his talent and quirky, likable persona. A good program.

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    Initially, I was turned off when I saw previews of this show, even though I have an avid interest in magic. The reason was that I was incredibly cheesed out by the Criss Angel persona; everything from the Hot Topic clothes, Tommy Lee haircut, to singing his own theme song (I'm not a big Korn fan, but Criss is...) to the very name of the show:"Mindfreak." I basically ignored this show and never sat through an episode until a caught a re-run after the first season, and I have to say, I was really blown away. At this time, I would also ask you disregard the uninformed opinion of the previous review, called "MindFAKE", because the person writing it obviously doesn't know what he is talking about. I have been to several magic conventions, seen many, many magicians perform live, been to lectures and workshops, and have done magic as a hobby for 7 or so years, so to say all the tricks are based on camera editing is stupid. If this were the case, Criss Angel would have no career.Prior to having a television series, I'm sure he had to have built his reputation with live re-creations of many of these effects, so attributing it all to camera tricks/stooges/editing is silly. Not all of the illusions are earth-shattering, but a few (his levitations, both self and spectator, and walking up and down the Aladdin Hotel really, really blew me away. His float from building to building wasn't too shabby, either) are very mind boggling, especially since many of his presentations of these effects are unprecedented. You would be surprised how many modern magicians are still basically ripping off Harry Blackstone Sr. Criss Angel is one of very few magicians that I've seen that do things that are truly innovative. So despite the image, that guy has serious skills, and deserves recognition as an outstanding contributer to the art of magic.

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