| 14 October 2017 (USA)
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  • Reviews

    terrible... so disappointed.

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    Lack of good storyline.

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    Brendon Jones

    It’s fine. It's literally the definition of a fine movie. You’ve seen it before, you know every beat and outcome before the characters even do. Only question is how much escapism you’re looking for.

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    Francene Odetta

    It's simply great fun, a winsome film and an occasionally over-the-top luxury fantasy that never flags.

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    There are so many wonderful twists and turns. It is fun to watch even with subtitles. There is plenty going on here... Supernatural Grim Reapers, a tale of love, a tale of corruption, comedy, action adventure, the good, the bad, the ugly. Actors are fantastic, the writing is good. The show, the characters keep you coming back and definitely wanting more. This show is hard to replace. I am trying desperately to try and find another one like it. While waiting for the next season of Supernatural....I'm happy to have found this show. Omly downside is that I don't know if there will be MORE seasons. I sure hope there are. I will surely miss this show if there are not more seasons.

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    9-10 for acting/music -4 for holes/conveniences/inconsistenciesEntertaining. Well played. I laughed and cried watching this series, but...One must suspend one's disbelief really high to keep watching. Not just because it's a fantasy/supernatural thriller, but because of plot holes, inconsistencies, and conveniences that leaves one's head scratching. And the ending is the biggest head scratcher of all. It made me wonder what was the whole point*Spoilers below**Major plot holes/conveniences 1. Why didn't she see the shadow inside her dad the previous 444? 2. Why didn't she see the shadow inside Leo (revealed to be have been taken over since the beginning by 444's grim reaper fugitive partner)? 3. At first, I thought that not seeing the shadow inside Moo-Gang was a plot convenience. But when it was reveled that 444/Joon was inside the body of his brother which had part of his original body, his heart (hence why he couldn't get out of the body) could perhaps explain why no shadow was visible.Plot inconsistencies 444 allegedly erased from existence coming back to pick up her soul after she lived a long alternate life, and then she suddenly remembers him? That's contradicting their own plot. This connection supposedly NEVER happened. No suspension of disbelief can give that ending any sense.These flaws aside, still enjoyed most of it.

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    It's ridiculous to read reviews of people who only watched 10 minutes of the pilot episode. It's like judging a book after just reading the first page. I thought this was Chinese TV to start with, turns out its south Korean. VERY NICE. Important to get all the details or else you will lose track of whats really happening.Enjoy!

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    Lynne A Phillips

    Mt wife and I watched the first two episodes. We had a lot of trouble making sense of various plot elements. We kept waiting for things to be clarified, but they never were. This is one of the worst series we have ever watched. Don't waste your time.

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