Beverly Hills Teens
Beverly Hills Teens
| 21 September 1987 (USA)
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  • Reviews

    The Worst Film Ever

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    So much average

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    The movie is wonderful and true, an act of love in all its contradictions and complexity

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    Mandeep Tyson

    The acting in this movie is really good.

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    I found this cartoon early one morning around 3 A.M. I don't even remember why I was awake but 5 minutes into it I was thinking what a load of Crap! For whatever reason I didn't like it. The next thing I know it seems to be on all the time! At first I watched it because it was so bad it was funny. But it grew on me and I was HOOKED! My favorite characters were Bianca & Wilshire, although I HATED the way she treated him. But if I remember correctly she was nice to him at least once. Thinking back now I cannot believe the 80's were that bad! LOL! Unfortunately I don't remember much else about it. Most of the cartoons from the 80's were horrible but there were a few gems like this one. Maybe some day they'll show it on cartoon network.

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    This show follows the incredibly rich and popular gilded gang known as the Beverly Hills Teens. There's the beautiful blue-eyed blonde bombshell Larke, her preppy boyfriend Troy, jealous and crazy Bianca, super-smart Chester, uptight and arrogant Pierce, the human doormat Wilshire, gossip-hungry Switchboard, the friendly southern belle Tara, beautiful equestrian Blaze, surfer-dude Radley, fun-loving and overly-dramatic Nikki, punk-rockers Jett and Gig, and the smart and confident Shannelle. It's fun loving Amercian teenagers facing typical teenage concerns...or so the summary on the back of the video tapes say. The plots were really about hanging out at the Teen Club, shopping on Rodeo Drive, surfing the waves in Malibu, having fun with your friends, and passing exams at high school. The cartoon is superbly 80*s and fun and entertaining to watch.

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    I watched this show all the time and I still have a little crush on Tara and I like the little girl Jillian Thorndike, sometimes I wish she was my little sister.I love the concept of rich spoiled teen-agers that I wouldn't mind being one. How about that being one of the Beverly Hills Teens. Btw the huckster of the group was Buck Huckster not Radley. Radley was the surfer dude who prefer waves instead of school.I would love to have had more episodes made of this show it deserves to have had more episodes made and not to die off . Well I guess we're just have to wait on that one.Any way I hope there are a lot more people out there who enjoyed and is enjoying the Beverly Hills Teens as I did.

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    It always amuses me that IMDB has references to some of the most obscure things from my past. I was just a 10 year old kid when this cartoon was on, but I recall watching it religiously during the summer. I loved the glamorous characters, especially Larke Tanner, who I felt was the "perfect" teenager. :) It was an amusing cartoon!

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