Alien Planet
Alien Planet
| 14 May 2005 (USA)
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  • Reviews

    Truly Dreadful Film

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    I am only giving this movie a 1 for the great cast, though I can't imagine what any of them were thinking. This movie was horrible

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    a film so unique, intoxicating and bizarre that it not only demands another viewing, but is also forgivable as a satirical comedy where the jokes eventually take the back seat.

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    The movie's not perfect, but it sticks the landing of its message. It was engaging - thrilling at times - and I personally thought it was a great time.

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    I was waiting for something better. What is the point in waisting my time watching a documentary of something that doesn't exist? They are not even close to being able to have such technologies they should have just made a sci fi movie and saved some money.Lot of people say it's genius but I think this is awful most of the creatures look like they came out of a video game and there is no way that most of them could exist.The cgi is poor I could make that with my own personal comupter within a week don't know why other people are like wow such good cgi (Now days it's so easy to make better cgi the people that don't know how are incompetent like a lot of movie producers).Like I read this is pure fantasy and in my opinion quite a waste of time. If you got time to waste go watch a documentary on animal that live on our planet at least you would learn something.This documentary was fully made by dreamers and not people that want to make the world advance.

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    Xander Seavy (RiffRaffMcKinley)

    Ordinarily, I hate documentaries. And I mean *hate*. So why is it that I love "Alien Planet"?Simple. Using cutting-edge animation technology and fascinating (not mind-bogglingly boring), jargon-filled interviews with experts in various fields, the makers of this real winner have successfully created an interesting testament to the fact that mankind is not even a drop in the bucket, cosmically speaking. This fantastically done doc almost plays out like a motion picture as it interweaves the documentary with pieces of interstellar adventure and drama. Particularly interesting is the segment featuring an alien life form called a "groveback."Take it from someone who is usually bored stiff by documentaries-- one look at this astounding, mind blowing extravaganza, and you want more. Immediately.

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    This "movie" is purely a flight of fancy of some "scientists" with nothing better to do than fantasize what they would "create" if they were God. The fanciful "beasts" they conjured up have no parallel in reality and truly demonstrate their warped "evolutionary" minds. The scripture says: "Declaring themselves to be wise they became fools" - that's God's opinion and mine.Accept it a pure fantasy and not having the remotest possibility of reality, then the "movie" is well done - the commentators speak as if it was an already accomplished fact and is misleading to the ignorant and openly rebellious to our Creator.

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    s c

    It seemed very interesting to me upon first glance, previous "documentaries" shown on Discovery had some scientific background...but this one seem to be mostly fictional...The whole time I was watching, I was hoping "so is there actually something factual we discovered that led them to make these surreal creatures? like they found some sort of tracks, or remains, etc(kind of like the shows they did on raptors- they had more proof... or are these just figments of imagination?" I was hoping for a better conclusion than "ooo, there's more possibilities to life in other planets than we first thought"...Watching it was interesting, but the fact that it was based on wild guesses and creations of mind without any actual findings is simply a turn off ... I believe there's extraterrestrial life too, but I didn't need to waste 2 hours to see a "documentary" to convince me, I could've just gone renting a Sci-fi movie if I wanted to be intrigued... The delivery of the story was good, the graphics were fantastic, but the realism, un-realism rather, is a major negative blow to the show...

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