Überfall der Mörderrucksäcke
Überfall der Mörderrucksäcke
| 22 May 2006 (USA)
Überfall der Mörderrucksäcke Trailers

Die abscheulichen Morde eines Serienkillers halten die Bewohner die Kleinstadt Sountheim in Atem. Die SOKO „Vorstadtripper“ und Chefermittler Müller Karl Albertinari stehen vor einem Rätsel. Mitten in den Ermittlungen macht der SOKO-Ermittler Torben Win eine grauenvolle Entdeckung. Es lauert eine weitaus größere Gefahr als der Vorstadtripper auf die Bewohner Sountheims: eine Invasion zum Leben erwachter, fleischfressender Rucksäcke! Zusammen mit Inis und Jannette flüchtet Torben in ein unterirdisches Bunkersystem. Vermeintlich vor den Rucksäcken in Sicherheit, finden sich in den Gängen Hinweise, die darauf schließen lassen, dass der Vorstadtripper genau hier seine Morde begangen hat. Jetzt sind nicht nur die blutgierigen Rucksäcke hinter ihnen her...


Am I Missing Something?

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I think this is a new genre that they're all sort of working their way through it and haven't got all the kinks worked out yet but it's a genre that works for me.

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Derry Herrera

Not sure how, but this is easily one of the best movies all summer. Multiple levels of funny, never takes itself seriously, super colorful, and creative.

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Roy Hart

If you're interested in the topic at hand, you should just watch it and judge yourself because the reviews have gone very biased by people that didn't even watch it and just hate (or love) the creator. I liked it, it was well written, narrated, and directed and it was about a topic that interests me.

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It opens up with a backpack killing people in a studio (TV/film). It was kind of stupid. Not funny stupid, just stupid. After that the opening credits and then a couple arguing about the husband cheating on the wife. Then it goes to a crime scene. Apparently this is told in Chapters, that was the First Chapter. It lasted about 6-7 minutes (after the opening credits). The Second Chapter goes back to the husband and wife; apparently the wife was married to the police officer investigating the last death of a killer they dub "The Suburban Killer". She also finds out that the latest victim found was the first girl (that she knows of) her husband cheated on her with. She goes home, packs, gets confronted by her cheating husband, he punches her in the face and then says he's leaving her but then she beats him with a metal candlestick holder (I believe) and then she leaves goes to her ex's where he acts a bit nuts. It goes to the husband sleeping with another woman. End of Chapter Two.This is pretty much how all the Chapters begin and end in the sense of going from point A to point B etc., with some slow motion scenes (even voice slow motion), cut screens (even if they're in the same room) etc., like a teenager playing with the video of their camcorder and the different settings one can use. Then it goes into a sort of Run Lola Run montage of the wife being attacked by a backpack, and coming across other victims of killer backpacks. The cheating husband and his lover was killed by a killer backpack.Perhaps I just haven't seen enough German films to get their humor. This was not humorous, or even coherent, in parts. If you've seen "Attack of the Killer Tomatoes"; that's probably what they were going for but with backpacks and with a more serious somber tone. I don't know, just speculating. It's definitely different just not good different.

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