| 16 August 2014 (USA)
Yasmine Trailers

Yasmine, a high school student from Brunei, fed up with studying and her strict father, decides to learn silat, a martial art practiced in Southeast Asia, after a boy displays his own knowledge of silat in order to impress her.


Entertaining from beginning to end, it maintains the spirit of the franchise while establishing it's own seal with a fun cast

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Tells a fascinating and unsettling true story, and does so well, without pretending to have all the answers.

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It's an amazing and heartbreaking story.

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This film is so real. It treats its characters with so much care and sensitivity.

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I loved The Karate Kid, but the absence of the lead character's mother from most of his affairs didn't let me believe in the story as much as I'd have liked to. In this film, father/daughter interaction, portrayed pretty convincingly, is an important part of the story. This is still a coming-of-age piece, but it has more depth than Kid did, while retaining an excellent sense of humor, as well as showing a mature respect for the subject matter.The filmography is beautiful. The score is uplifting. The acting is compelling. This is truly an amazing debut by many of those involved.There are a few flaws, and they make it hard to follow the sequence of events here and there, but it all makes sense before the end.We watched it with our fourteen-year-old son, who liked it. A good family film for middle schoolers.

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movie is fine, it impressed me, acceptable, but sometime looks a bit rushing.its not new in term of story style, but its a very good effort. i like the cinematography."the best movie better than Indonesian and Malaysian"? i wouldn't say so. it is the best movie in Brunei produced by Bruneian director. but i will not compare it to neighbors countries like Malaysian and Indonesian. it sounds bias and could sound racist if Bruneian starts to give a maximum compliment on this movie.. plus its irrelevant.because as you can see, a BIG percentage of the actors are not from Brunei. look at the main supporting characters. sufficient enough to make us notice that we didn't produce an awesome movie with only our local actors. so don't be to loud as if this "Bruneian 1st proper Movie" is so awesome and can beat all other's Malay Movies. this movie supported a lot by Indonesian and Malaysian and please remember that before you bark loud.my comment, i like it, yet i would love to watch this with pure Brunei spontaneous slang. not a standard Bruneian slang and not a new "Bruneian mixed slang" which sounds more like Sarawakan and Indonesian. the movie is good. maybe the best in Brunei for now. i wouldn't say its the best in SEA. and i don't think Siti Kamaluddin is the 1st Female Director in SEA. do Google female directors from Malaysia and Indonesia and the rest of SEA. but yes, she maybe the 1st Female director… but thats in Brunei.and yes, its a fine movie. thumbs up.

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Abdul Malik Omar

My initial expectation of the movie weren't that high. But after seeing the movie myself I can't help but feel so wrong! This movie's great! What truly struck me was the movie's videography, drama, comedy (the Bruce Lee-like teacher is funny!), plot, sound, and suspense; I mean it was that amazing and done that professionally.Especially amazing after realizing, from IMDb, that this was Brunei's first ever featured film after more than 50 years! Talking about the ultimate comeback! I may be biased as I am a Bruneian myself but I kid you not, this is truly a great movie! A must watch for ever Bruneians!To Siti Kamaludin and the Yasmine team, I am so proud of you!!!!

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Adi Safwan HD

OK, since this is the first national movie Brunei ever made, my expectation wasn't that very high, but still expecting some nation wide qualities. To my surprise, I was more than thrilled, the soundtrack, comedies, and acting are all on par with national movies, and it is easily said that it is the best movie so i've seen so far being produce by Malaysia, Brunei and Indonesia. To me, this is by far better than any Malaysian or Indonesian movies. It's is even more impressive for a small nation to produce its first movie with an excellent qualities. Can't wait for the sequel! I salute the director, which is also the first Female director in SEA, and also the writers, and everyone involved. I salute you. If there was ever a movie to present Brunei, this is it. wonderful cinematography. p/s Don't expect Hollywood standard kind of movie , its more like an easy going, teenage friendly kind of movies that has a 'what do you learn' kind of end. FRIENDSHIPs and funny jokes wasn't short from this movie Highly recommended

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