NR | 11 September 2015 (USA)
X+Y Trailers

A socially awkward teenage math prodigy finds new confidence and new friendships when he lands a spot on the British squad at the International Mathematics Olympiad.


Most undeservingly overhyped movie of all time??

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Best movie of this year hands down!

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It's fun, it's light, [but] it has a hard time when its tries to get heavy.

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In truth, there is barely enough story here to make a film.

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So as a fan of math and Asa Butterfield I really expected something out of this film...And from the trailers and clips I watched I thought this is going to be great...But it turns out the film in general is too BLAND. So there wasn't much excitement within this film. The between romance between Zhengmei and Nathan in this film is also quite bland, with a bitch on the UK math team that eventually ruined it. The romance between Mr. Humphrey and Nathan's mom didn't come to a full circle either. After all the kisses and such,did they marry each other finally or live together? There are a lot of things that leave the audiences to question and I personally don't like that. So the ending basically made the film worse. A lot of other things didn't come to full circle neither. How did the UK team do on IMO? Did nathan escape with Zhangmei or something happened(I just can't figure it out it's really vague at the end when Nathan holds Zhangmei's hand on the train)? When Mr. Humphrey locked the other man (I forget his name) in the IMO room what happened? At the end it just feels like: Oh what, that's it?But there are still some good things: the cultural exchange portraited in this film is quite interesting. And the fact that this film is about math and autism made it unique. It was nice to watch except at the end, and it kinda motivates me to study math.

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SacHin Aggarwal

I randomly selected this film to watch and as i started to watch it, i gone into flow. Impressed with the actors work. Although somewhere the connection drops but it again makes strong connection. Beautiful way to show inner conflicts on the screen. Transformation is average. Overall this film is a good cinematic entertainment. As a film maker me also like to work on conflicts and temptations, so these kind of films are treat to me.

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Gonzalo Bourren (Gonzob)

X + Y or A Brilliant Young Man is a really good movie. I thought this movie was going to be an average 6 because I usually don't like this genre, but I have to admit I was wrong. I gave it an 8 because it mixes lots of good stuff. Firstly, I loved the cast. I think that Asa Butterfield suits perfectly for the role of Nathan. Sally Hawkins is great too. In regard to the characters, I have to say that they are so powerful and real that they make you think about lots of aspects of life. For example, I think that Zhang Mei is one of the best characters in the whole movie. She gives something to the movie that I can't explain.Secondly, I think the story is inspiring and provocative. I don't want to say much about it… I'm just going to say that it's a bit slow and it lacks a fixed plot but it's just like life itself. So, if you want to watch something moving and touching and all that kind of stuff, watch it. If you want to watch something fun, watch it too. And if you want to watch just a movie and have a nice time, watch X + Y. I promise you this movie is worth watching.

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When you're looking for one of the feel good movies of the year a film centred around the cut throat world of competitive mathematics and the mind of an autistic boy who lost his beloved father in a fatal car crash doesn't exactly scream out as a candidate but low and behold documentarian turned feature film director Morgan Matthews X + Y (also known as A Brilliant Young Mind) could well be the feel good film of the year.Creating a coming of age love story and trial against adversity narrative from his experiences documenting those with autism attending the International Mathematics Olympiad (title of that documentary is Beautiful Young Minds), the nerds version of the Olympics that is really one giant exam, fun right? Matthews showcases an innate ability behind the camera that would suggest his future in the feature film industry is one to get excited about. Matthews handles the films myriad clichés (you're never in too much doubt about where the story is headed, although the ending subverts expectations) with a deft touch so that the film never feels overly manipulative or even familiar despite its feel good playbook ticking's off and with a winning case X + Y delivers equal amounts of smarts, laughs and emotional punches.Last seen making a mark in Martin Scorsese's Hugo and long rumoured to be in the final runnings for the newest Spider-Man gig, Asa Butterfield delivers a considered and well put together turn as the "different" Nathan Ellis. It's not at all an easy role and one that had it been overplayed or underplayed would've ruined the picture but Butterfield succeeds with flying colours and his interplay with the films experienced elder statesman in the form of Sally Hawkins, Eddie Marsan and in particular Rafe Spall create a winning case all round with any scene between Butterfield and Spall either outright hilarious or heart-warmingly sincere.I know I don't find maths in any way shape or form exciting but no matter how you feel about the beautiful world of numbers and problem solving X + Y will be a winner for the whole family. With the right amount of wit, intelligence and with an affable likable cast, X + Y is one of the year's most enjoyable tales that embraces its clichés and delivers them with a fresh spin meaning that Marshall's film ads up to an all-round winner.4 complicated takeaway orders out of 5

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