WWE Survivor Series 1988
WWE Survivor Series 1988
NR | 24 November 1988 (USA)
WWE Survivor Series 1988 Trailers

Survivor Series (1988) was the second annual Survivor Series pay-per-view professional wrestling event produced by the World Wrestling Federation (WWF). It took place on November 24, 1988 (Thanksgiving night in the United States) and was held at the Richfield Coliseum, in Richfield, Ohio. The main event was a ten-man Survivor Series match between a team captained by The Mega Powers (Hulk Hogan and WWF Champion Randy Savage) and a team captained by The Twin Towers (Akeem and The Big Boss Man). Hogan and Savage were the sole "survivors" of the match. The undercard featured three Survivor Series matches between mid-card wrestlers.


Sadly Over-hyped

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In other words,this film is a surreal ride.

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Mabel Munoz

Just intense enough to provide a much-needed diversion, just lightweight enough to make you forget about it soon after it’s over. It’s not exactly “good,” per se, but it does what it sets out to do in terms of putting us on edge, which makes it … successful?

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Tyreece Hulme

One of the best movies of the year! Incredible from the beginning to the end.

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After watching/reviewing the first edition of the Survivor Series recently, I gave it a rather average rating with the caveat that it needed to add something to the simple tag-team format. Unfortunately, the 2nd Annual Survivor Series (1988) stagnates instead, adding absolutely nothing to the proceedings.If you like tag-team action, you'll like this event more than I. The tag format just isn't may favorite, and may prevent me from watching subsequent installments of this event.What drags this '88 edition down even further is that I didn't really even get the feeling that too many character arcs were being advanced or created here. It just seemed like place-holding. The WWF still had some great personalities at this time in history, so it isn't a completely train wreck, but this is coasting in its highest form.Thus, overall I was disappointed in the second installment of Survivor Series. If the event doesn't throw a few new things into the mix or find a fresher overall formula, I may not be tuning into subsequent installments.

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Live from Richfield, OHAttendance: 13,500Your hosts are Gorilla Monsoon & Jessie VenturaThe Ultimate Warrior, Brutus "The Barber" Beefcake, The Blue Blazer, Jim Brunzell & Sam Houston Vs The Honky Tonk Man, Greg "The Hammer Valentine, "Dangerous" Danny Davis, Bad News Brown, and "The Outlaw" Ron BassOrder of EliminationDanny Davis by Brutus Beefcake (sleeper hold)Jim Brunzell by Bad News Brown (Ghetto Blaster)Bad News Brown by himself. (He walked out on his teammates after Greg Valentine accidentally hits him)Sam Houston by Ron Bass (powerslam)The Blue Blazer by Greg Valentine (Figure Four)The Honky Tonk Man and Brutus Beefcake (double countout)Ron Bass by The Ultimate Warrior (double axe handle)Greg Valentine by The Ultimate Warrior (double axe handle)Your sole survivor: The Ultimate WarriorThis was a decent way to start the show, but this one kinda suffers from a lack of talent. There aren't any memorable moments at all. I also felt the ending was anti-climatic. It's certainly watchable and above average, though. It's notable for an early appearance by Owen Hart (The Blue Blazer) Of course, nobody knew who he was at the time. **1/2Demolition, The Brainbusters, The Conquistadors, The Fabulous Rogeaus & The Bolsheviks Vs The Powers of Pain, The Young Stallions, The Hart Foundation, The Rockers, and The British BulldogsOrder of EliminationThe Fabulous Rogeaus by The Hart FoundationThe Young Stallions by The BolsheviksThe Bolsheviks by The RockersThe Hart Foundation by The BrainbustersThe Brainbusters and The Rockers eliminate each other by disqualification after a huge brawl breaks out between them. The British Bulldogs by DemolitionDemolition by countout. (Mr. Fuji turns on Demolition and gets Smash counted out) The Conquistadors by Powers of PainYour sole survivors: The Powers of PainThe Powers of Pain celebrate with Mr. Fuji after the match, solidifying the double turn. This was quite the match! It was fast and furious, full of quick tags, and it rarely lets up. It's action packed from the outset. The double turn between Demolition and The Powers of Pain is awesome. Demolition was starting to get a lot of cheers, and it was the right move. I felt the turn was brilliantly executed. Overall, I rank this as one of the greatest Survivor Series matches ever.****Jake "The Snake" Roberts, "Hacksaw" Jim Duggan, Tito Santana, Ken Patera & Scott Casey Vs Andre The Giant, Dino Bravo, Mr. Perfect, Harley Race, and "Ravishing" Rick Rude.Order of Elimination.Ken Patera by Rick Rude (Rude Awakening)Scott Casey by Dino Bravo (side suplex)Harley Race by Tito Santana (flying forearm)Tito Santana by Andre The Giant (sit-down splash)Jim Duggan by disqualification (Since Duggan is a moron, he decides to waffle Bravo with a 2 x 4, leaving Jake Roberts in a 1 on 4 situation.)Rick Rude by Jake Roberts (DDT)Andre The Giant by disqualification (Choking out Roberts)Jake Roberts by Mr. Perfect (Perfect takes advantage of the damage done by Andre)Your sole survivors: Mr. Perfect & Dino BravoThis was a solid little match. Roberts played the perfect underdog here. He's easy to root for and I felt it was a much better choice than Duggan. For the life of me, I can't understand Duggan's popularity. His character is a foolish buffoon. I also didn't like that Dino Bravo survived. Rick Rude would have been a much better decision than Bravo. This PPV has been pretty good so far!***1/4Akeem, The Big Bossman, Ted Dibiase, The Red Rooster & King Haku Vs Hulk Hogan, Randy Savage, Hercules, Hillbilly Jim & Koko B. WareThe Red Rooster by Randy Savage (flying elbow from the top)Hillbilly Jim by Akeem (big splash)Koko B. Ware by The Big Bossman (Bossman slam)Hercules by Ted Dibiase (roll-up, thanks to a distraction from Virgil)Ted Dibiase by Randy Savage (roll-up)The Big Bossman (countout)Akeem by disqualificationHaku by Hulk Hogan (legdrop)Sole Survivors: Hulk Hogan & Randy SavageThe main event was totally overbooked. It was storyline progression in the long run for Hogan and Savage, but overbooked is still overbooked. At one point, Hogan is handcuffed to the apron, and The Big Bossman starts using his night stick. As far as the match itself is concerned, it was average. When you have talent like Akeem in there, you shouldn't expect quality wrestling. Overall, this match is all about the build of the Megapowers. **6.5/10 overall.

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1. The Demolition/The Bolsheviks/The Brainbusters/The Rougeaus Brothers Vs. The powers of Pain/The Hart Foundation/The British Bulldogs/Jim powers Team/ The Rockers - Noooo The winners are OMG variation on Road Warriors :/ Tss. 6/10 2. Brutus Beefcake/The Blue Leader/The Warrior/Jumping Jim Vs. Honky Tonk Man/Bad News Brown/Cowboy/Greg Valentine/Denny Davis - Please no more Mr. of 1000 Gimmicks Brutus Beefcake with gay outfit. Hate this man. 5 /10 3. Jake Roberts/Patera/Santana/Hacksaw/Scotty Moustache Vs. Dino Bravo/Harley Race/Curt Hennig/Rick Rude/Andre The Giant - Finally, Mr. Perfect! And with victory! 6/10 4. Barry Windham/KingHaku/Ted DiBiase/Big Boss Stiff/Idiot Vs. Machoman/Bob/Hercules/Hulk Hogan/Koko B. Ware 6/10

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Survivor Series made a return in 1988 and found itself in a world of Million Dollar Men and Mega Powers, a world of Rockers and new superstars who were "absolutely perfect." It found itself in 1988 and the WWE were building to one of their most successful angles ever.Now, last year's Survivor Series PPV had started with a Survivor Series match built around the Intercontinental Championship rivalry and so it would be this year. The Ultimate Warrior was in a feud with the Honky Tonk Man around this time and so they got teams together and had a match. And it was the Ultimate Warrior who was the only man standing as his team of the Blue Blazer (Owen hart making his PPV debut), Brutis Beefcake, Sam Houston and Jim Brunzell defeated the Honky Tonk Man, Greg Valentine, Danndy Davis, Ron Bass and Bad News Brown. It came down to the Warrior taking on Bass and Valentine, but he took out both of them to win the match for his team.Next up is another one of those twenty men tag team matches with a lot of cool spots that lasted forever. Powers of Pain The Warlord and The Barbarian, The Rockers Shawn Michaels and Marty Jannetty, The British Bulldogs Davey Boy Smith and Dynamite Kid, The Hart Foundation Bret Hart and Jim Neidhart, and The Young Stallions Jim Powers and Paul Roma defeated Demolition Ax and Smash, The Brain Busters Arn Anderson and Tully Blanchard, The Bolsheviks Nikolai Volkoff and Boris Zhukov, The Fabulous Rougeaus Raymond and Jacques, and The Conquistadors Uno and Dos. The Powers of Pain were the sole survivors, meaning the good guys won, but the match is just as well known for Demolition beating up Mr Fuji and becoming good guys.The next match on the card was a combination of other feuds gong on in the WWE at that time. The evil team of Andre the Giant, Dino Bravo, Rick Rude, Harley Race and Mr. Perfect defeated the good guy team of Jim Duggan, Scott Casey, Jake Roberts, Ken Patera and Tito Santana. It came down to Roberts left against Rick Rude, Andre the Giant, Dino Bravo and Mr Perfect. Roberts was able to fight off all four, pinning Rude, Andre was then disqualified for not breaking a chokehold. He head butted Roberts as he left leaving Perfect to pin Roberts, making Bravo and Perfect the survivors. Evil triumphed. What a downer.The final match of the night was built around the rivalry between the Mega Powers Hulk Hogan and Randy Savage and Ted DiBiase. But heat was added to rivalry in the build up with DiBiase's former slave Hercules, turning on his old boss and siding with the powers. DiBiase bought together his evil forces to take on he Mega Powers and their friends.And it was the Team of Hulk Hogan, Randy Savage, Hercules, Koko B Ware and Hillbilly Jim who pulled out the victory defeating the team of Ted DiBiase, Haku, The Red Rooster and The Twin Towers Big Boss Man and Akeem (formerly the One Man Gang). Hogan and Savage were the survivors. Bossman and Akeem both got themselves disqualified and Hogan (who was earlier handcuffed to the ring ropes by the Big Boss Man) and Savage were able to double team Haku, eventually putting him away with a Hogan legdrop. The Mega Powers had won again! Savage lifted Elizabeh on his shoulders and we were left wondering once again, who would be able to stop the Mega Powers? Within the next couple of months we would know the shocking answer.

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