NR | 04 May 2013 (USA)
Wither Trailers

Ida and Albin are a happy couple. They set off to a cabin in the vast Swedish woodlands to have a fun holiday with their friends. But under the floorboards is an evil that waits to be unleashed.


Truly Dreadful Film

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It is both painfully honest and laugh-out-loud funny at the same time.

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Mischa Redfern

I didn’t really have many expectations going into the movie (good or bad), but I actually really enjoyed it. I really liked the characters and the banter between them.

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Hayleigh Joseph

This is ultimately a movie about the very bad things that can happen when we don't address our unease, when we just try to brush it off, whether that's to fit in or to preserve our self-image.

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This Swedish zombie film "Borrows" a lot from several horror classics including The Evil Dead (1981) Despite this it finds its own identity and actually has a fairly decent premise behind it.The zombies look interesting and stand out from the average, the movie has a budget behind it and the performances aren't entirely terrible. So why the low rating?The problem with Wither is it simply isn't very well made. Despite a lot of action the movie is oddly boring, the sequences are highly uninspired and the subject matter seems wasted in the hands of someone who didn't know how to utilise it.Wither isn't bad, it's just a drag. A slow, unexciting, unoriginal drag.You know what this undead vs young people in a cabin in the woods needed? Bruce Lorne Campbell!!!+ The concept + The creature effects - The pace - The action sequences

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A group of friends head out for a weekend of fun at an abandoned cabin in the woods but unwittingly unleash an ancient evil that begins hunting them one-by-one.So originality is not a key factor with 'Wither' but then it isn't supposed to be. What 'Wither' is though is an okay little cabin-in-the-woods story that evokes the gritty and primal feel of old school horror flicks of the 70s and 80s - the good and the bad.The good: (1) There is minimal back story before we get to the "goods"; (2) The cast do an adequate job of looking pretty one minute then terrified the next; (3) There are some pretty neat practical effects throughout; (4) From the setting to the use of film grain, the entire film looks very gritty which helps set the atmosphere; (5) The horror set pieces are entertaining for the most part (and gore fans are well catered to).The bad: (1) Things happen a bit too conveniently in order to push the film along and there are some breaks in the film's logic that were a bit jarring; (2) Although it's to be expected, there are A LOT of "Why would anyone do that?" moments which are really infuriating; (3) The neat practical effects are counterbalanced by some not-so-neat CG effects; (4) The film starts to drag towards the end and peters out into a bit of a ho-hum conclusion.'Wither' is no classic but is enjoyable enough if you don't expect too much from it (and we all need films like these once in a while, right?). This is a simple cabin-in-the-woods story: no muss, no fuss. Worth a view.

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I have had it! Everyone had been ranting and raving about how this film was the Swedish "Evil Dead" and then they have voiced their disappointment . This movie DOES embody the essence of Evil Dead with a 21st century twist. It's cheesy, its gory, its actors are looking for their break. ITS AMAZING. People say the plot line is ridiculous and that movie plays out terribly. That is basically Evil Dead in a nut shell. But its those amateur things that bring us the greatest cinema. The Swedes made some magic with this film. If you can appreciate a simple piece of horror, this film has it all. Ridiculous amounts of blood, sentimental feelings for the deceased, and lots of old rickety cabin scenes. This movie is great!!

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Yeah I also read all the buzz about this movie being the new Evil dead or whatever they were saying. I suppose it is like evil dead plot wise, group of kids go to a cabin (or abandoned house in this case)are all one by one possessed or infected by evil. Then gorily kill each other off.Unfortunately that kind of comparison is unfair to Wither as it gives you certain preconceptions. Unlike Evil dead this movie has no sense of fun. It is far too serious and given the quite silly plot this doesn't work in its favour. The only laughs I had were at the main guys hair becoming quite crazy during one of the fights the brother characters generally cheesy appearance and the subtitle coming up for a quite obvious shouted expletive, twice. Also none of the characters seem to have a problem killing each other. These people are supposed to be long time friends but they quite happily shoot and stab each other in the blink of an eye. It is fairly gory but if gore is what you're looking for it doesn't even do that in an original way. None of the kills are inventive. I had seen nearly every kill bar one (the one with the stool) done before. The effects are in the majority done with practical effects with a bit of CG help. There are a couple of CGI blood squirts which I loathe because the blood just vanishes. Overall the gore effects are good but not as extreme as some reviews claim. The possession make up for the actors is pretty good. More effort does seem to have been made with the brother character than anyone else though.The Gore effects aren't the only time CG rears it's ugly head, there is added heavy rain in certain scenes that doesn't appear to be making the actors very wet (oops). Also some over the top clouds of dust and debris.The ending is also a massive anticlimax you wait the whole movie to see the thing that caused all this mayhem. when you do finally see it it's a bit of a non event.I was really looking forward to Wither I enjoyed the directors other movie Blood runs cold but this one lacked something for me.

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