Winston Churchill: Walking with Destiny
Winston Churchill: Walking with Destiny
| 20 August 2010 (USA)
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Walking With Destiny highlights Churchill's years in the political wilderness, his early opposition to Adolf Hitler and Nazism, and his support for Jews under threat by the Nazi regime. As historian John Lukacs explains, Churchill may not have won the War in 1940, but without him, the War most certainly would have been lost. Sir Martin Gilbert, historical consultant for the film and Churchill's official biographer, adds that had Churchill's warnings about Nazi Germany's racial policies towards Jews been heeded in the early 1930's, the Holocaust may never have occurred. The film examines why Winston Churchill's legacy continues to be relevant in the 21st Century and explores why his leadership remains inspirational to current day political leaders and diplomats.


the leading man is my tpye

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That was an excellent one.

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Janae Milner

Easily the biggest piece of Right wing non sense propaganda I ever saw.

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Excellent and certainly provocative... If nothing else, the film is a real conversation starter.

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Great documentary on Churchill. Covers the early years of Churchill up to where he meets with FDR in the US. Interesting interviews with Churchill offspring, as well as other, unrelated historians. Was kind of a Patton figure -- Damn the torpedoes, straight ahead kind of guy. Knew he was above getting injured in the line of duty, even while bombs are falling around them! lots of black and white footage of the evacuation of Dunkirk (they spent a LOT of time on that chapter... must have been special interest to the writers.) Churchill's rise, the military strategies, and right up to where he goes to America to convince us to join in. Its pretty widely believed Britain (and the U.S.) would probably both be toast if the USA didn't get involved in a big way. Narrated by Ben Kingsley, who has been in some GREAT films in his own right. This film highlights the repeated hesitation of A.H. to forge ahead; they were certainly spread pretty thin by this time, so I guess one has to pick their battles. Great watch. Currently showing on netflix. The director, Richard Trank, had won an Oscar for "The Long Way Home" back in 1998. Catch this Churchill time-line if you can... its a good one.

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This documentary presents a lot of new information for me.Not mentioned during the discussion of the RAF's success against the Luftwaffe is how the Chain Home early warning radar system enabled an outnumbered British air defense to succeed in spite of Germany's advantage.A prevalent message in this film is Churchill's horror at the Holocaust; by early 1942, he knew 1.5 million Jews (no. cited in the film) had been killed by the SS in Eastern Europe.Unfortunately, history indicates the Allies did very little during the War to stop the slaughter or to save and absorb refugees. This leads me to question the accuracy of this presentation. How was this reflected in Churchill's policies? Did he publicize what he discovered? How much did FDR know and, paraphrasing Mr. Baker, when did he know it? Interestingly, the only relevant mention in Wikipedia's Winston Churchill page indicates the opposite: "A newspaper article penned by Churchill and published on 4 February 1920, had warned that civilization was threatened by the Bolsheviks, a movement which he linked through historical precedence to Jewish conspiracy. He wrote in part: 'This movement among Jews is not new ... but a 'world-wide conspiracy for the overthrow of civilisation and for the reconstitution of society on the basis of arrested development, of envious malevolence, and impossible equality." ( Ugly.

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Winston Churchill was a great man...perhaps the best of the 20th century. Because he was such an important figure and did so much, I was very impressed by this documentary about Churchill's war years. This is because it has an amazingly rousing musical score--one worthy of a man of such greatness. This, combined with lovely narration by Ben Kingsley, made this film a pleasure to watch. However, one thing you should be aware of--the film ONLY covers the period from 1939 to the US entry into WWII in December, 1941! So, anyone looking for a complete look at the man should look elsewhere OR harass the makers of this film until they make more films about the life of this remarkable man (I am for the latter....but harass is perhaps a big too strong a word--just encourage them). The bottom line is that this is a great film...and it sure left me wanting more.

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