Wild Flowers
Wild Flowers
| 06 December 2000 (USA)
Wild Flowers Trailers

Seven seemingly unconnected fairy tales - glued together only by folklore, mood, color and light - make up this Czech collection of visual poetry. The original piece of literature, written by Karel Jaromír Erben in 1853, contained twelve tales.


One of my all time favorites.

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Most undeservingly overhyped movie of all time??

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Joanna Mccarty

Amazing worth wacthing. So good. Biased but well made with many good points.

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Orla Zuniga

It is interesting even when nothing much happens, which is for most of its 3-hour running time. Read full review

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This movie is superb! It is a great way to learn more about Czech and Slavic culture.I strongly recommend to read the book first, to get some idea what it is about. The movie itself gives useful hints how to interpret the ballads in the book. Some hints are really unexpected and may change your interpretation crucially. For instance the portrayal of the water spirit. It is breath-taking! Various bright and dim colors back up the overall mood and create amazing atmosphere. Some horror and/or thriller-like elements are used, making the overall impression stronger. It is not an easy movie at all. The life portrayed in the movie and our present day life have a lot of common features, too.

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F.A. Brabec did an amazing job of directing "Kytice" (wildflowers), which is based on the book "the Seven Ballads". I'm not familiar with the novel, but I must say that the seven Czech fairy tales within the film are extremely nightmarish. These are not fairy tales to read to children before bedtime. One tale concerns an underwater spirit, who takes women captive as wives, if they happen to fall in the water. Another has a girl praying for her boyfriend to return from the dead. He returns in soldier uniform and gives her the power to fly every time she denounces her religious faith. The stories teach bizarre moral lessons, and people end up paying for their bad choices. The cinematography is gorgeous, and should be studied by film students everywhere. The movie is dark, but very moving and filled with colorful life. Jakubisko's art direction is amazing. (he helped produce the film along with his wife) The soundtrack is haunting and will stay with you long after the film is over. In fact I ended up buying the soundtrack, and it is excellent. "Kytice" reminds me of Kurasawa's "Dreams", "Big Fish" and "Valerie and her Week of Wonders" all rolled into one bizarre dream. The Czech Republic is a country thats film industry remains undiscovered by western audiences. I have yet to watch a Czech film that I didn't like. For more dark unsettling Czech folk lore also view Jakubisko's "An Ambiguous Report about the end of the World".

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I saw this film before two weeks. It's kitsch, boring and totally unintelligible for people, that haven't read the original book. There are many fact mistakes too... actors plays rather poor, you must laugh even in the sad moments. It was a totally waste of time.

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Kytice (The Bouquet or Garland) is an exquisitely beautiful compendium of Czech fairy tales in an mature mode. These is not fairy tales ala Disney. Rather this is 'Marchen', the serious mythopoeic stuff. These are fairy tales with a very dark brooding Eastern European flavour. I happened to fall upon this by accident in Prague in December of 2000. I did not understand the dialogue since I do not speak Czech. But then again I really didn't need to. The images were absolutely stunning. The film is a collection of seven stories loosely bolted together with an over riding theme. Visually I was reminded on "A Company of Wolves" or even "Immoral Tales", the blending of the genuinely erotic with a very dark undercurrent of death and fate were however quite beautiful. The stunning visuals did not need American special effects (and predictability) to convey absolutely unforgettable images. I recommend this with the highest and richest enthusiasm. Hunt this down. On a trip to Europe if need be. And, if you can, bother some distributors to translate this and get it out to the English speaking world.I won't spoil the plot anymore... you must see it for your self. Gulag.

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