Who Can Kill a Child?
Who Can Kill a Child?
R | 26 April 1976 (USA)
Who Can Kill a Child? Trailers

A couple of English tourists arrive at the island of Almanzora, off the Spanish Mediterranean coast, where they discover that there are no adults in a small fishing village, only some children who stare at them and smile mysteriously.


When a movie has you begging for it to end not even half way through it's pure crap. We've all seen this movie and this characters millions of times, nothing new in it. Don't waste your time.

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Asad Almond

A clunky actioner with a handful of cool moments.

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One of the best movies of the year! Incredible from the beginning to the end.

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Close shines in drama with strong language, adult themes.

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Carlos Idelone

This movie really shocked me and haunted me long after I'd seen it at its original release. Even when I reviewed it many years later, it still creeped me out. The most frightening thing about it was the atmosphere, the loneliness of the deserted island and the eeriness of the silent, sullen staring children. It took a normal situation on a beautiful sun-drenched Spanish island and turned it into something very alien, very uncanny and very dangerous. The main characters, along with myself, became confused, disoriented and disbelieving of their situation. Here, the children's laughter signified something totally different, to that to which we are used to. I think, that the scariest movies are those, which take ordinary circumstances where we all feel at ease, and then flip them into something unrecognizable, that leaves us without our footing, our confidence and vulnerable to the "unknown".

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In the 10/27/66 episode of "Star Trek," the one entitled "Miri," Capt. Kirk & Co. beam down to a planet on which all the adults have long since expired, and only feral children reign. Well, although taken from a wholly different source, a similar setup can be found in the surprisingly excellent Spanish horror film "Who Can Kill a Child?" (1976). But while a planetwide virus was to blame for the extinction of the adults in the classic "Trek" story, the film gives us an even more sinister explanation. In that film, we meet a young English couple, Tom and Evelyn (Lewis Flander, filling in when Anthony Hopkins' services could not be obtained, and Prunella Ransome), on holiday in the Spanish coastal town of Benavis. Tom is a biologist, while his wife--a beautiful blonde who almost resembles the early '70s Joni Mitchell--is pregnant with their third child. The couple hires a boat and goes to the small island of Almanzora, four hours off the Spanish coast, but when they arrive, they realize that there are no adults around; only dozens of giggly children. And this is only the start of a progressively nightmarish ordeal for the decent British couple....As I watched this film for the first time, the thought struck me that what we have here is an ingenious mash-up of Hitchcock's "The Birds" (1963) and Romero's "Night of the Living Dead" (1968), substituting young, fresh-faced moppets for the avian terror and the lurching undead. And in one of the interview extras on this great-looking Dark Sky DVD, the film's cinematographer, Jose Luis Alcaine, voices that same opinion. But whereas no explanation was vouchsafed in the Hitchcock film for the winged attacks (other than that order for a chicken dinner in the luncheonette, perhaps), "WCKAC?" spells things out for the viewer quite plainly. Interspersed throughout the film's opening credits, we see a good 10 minutes' worth of B&W documentary footage from the Auschwitz death camp during WW2, from the India-Pakistan War of 1947- '48, from the Korean and Vietnam Wars, and from Biafra...along with the numbered tallies of children killed in each conflict. Children, it seems, always get the worst of it in these upheavals, and this barrage of newsreel footage will make the viewer wonder why the young ones on planet Earth have not homicidally rebelled against all the adults even sooner!Featuring exceptionally fine acting from its two leads, meticulous direction by Narciso Ibanez Serrador, outstanding photography by Alcaine, and a creepily effective lullaby theme that permeates the film--alternating with the effective and realistic use of silence--"WCKAC?" is a minor horror masterpiece; a real find for the horror fan who thinks he/she has seen it all. The picture edges toward the supernatural as it proceeds, and Evelyn's ultimate fate is one of the most brilliant and shocking sequences in any horror film that I've ever seen (and believe me, I've seen quite a number at this point!). The film builds tension slowly, spaces its shocks wisely, and is not overly dependent on gore to get the job done, although it certainly does not shy away when the time is right. As Alcaine tells us in his interview, the picture was shot not in one island village, but rather, and incredibly, in four locations: in the inland sites of Madrid and Toledo, on the coast at Sitges and on Minorca, in the town of Fornells. Matching the harsh sunlight glare of the inland sites to the hazier light of the Mediterranean locations posed a problem, apparently, but the viewer will never be aware of it. I would have sworn that the film was shot in this one sunbaked island village, and could almost feel the heat rising off my television screen. In case you couldn't tell from my 10-star perfect rating, which I rarely give out, I absolutely love this film, and more than heartily recommend it to the discerning horror fan. Watch it for yourself, and then see if YOU can answer the tough question that the title poses....

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An out of date movie. A kind of mix between The Birds, The Village of the Damned and Verano Azul. However, a pleasant discovery. The director, Narciso Ibáñez Serrador, created a famous TV show (1,2,3) that appeared on television all along Europe. Becoming the children in our society an increasingly scarce good and becoming the same children more selfish each succeeding generation, we can expect that this cycle will tend to escalate in the future something we may also call the generational conflict, but that will have nothing in common with the conflicts that we had known in the past, because the dispute is no longer about values, as happened in May 68, but will be about the well-being of each of the generations estranged.

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This film made be consider breaking through the 4th wall and kill these morons myself. I know some people like it. I don't get it. I'm sorry, but his is one of the dumbest films I have ever seen. It's just plain F-ing stupid. I suppose people like having their braincells get massacred.Children turns into evil killers, OK. We have seen that in Children of the Damned. Evil "zombie" children can work. But here we have a idiot tourist couple who sees loads of people murdered/dead and act like nothing is going on. That idiot leading man just walks around and leaves his wife defenseless time and time again though he knows that the children are killers. And even worse! They have a problem with killing these children? Why? It's not a moral dilemma if they are trying to F-ing KILL YOU! It's just ridiculous. And the opening? What? Yes children die all around the world, so what? A horrid attempt to play smart. Ah so the point is that the children are fighting back, how brilliant. First of all the way they are all just hypnotized and turns into monsters on the spot is just dumb, at least in a movie that tries to be about "reality" and suffering. If it had been some supernatural fairytale or if we knew the origins it could have worked somewhat better, but lets just drop that. No matter what this is just ridiculous and horrible.It was nicely framed though. That and the fact that it actually makes you want to rip out the lungs of these children, which I suppose was what they wanted is the reason why it does not get a 1.

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