Weapons of Death
Weapons of Death
| 22 February 1977 (USA)
Weapons of Death Trailers

When a crime boss sends out his thugs to terrorize an entire city, they do whatever they want, which includes anything from petty theft to robbing the police station in broad daylight. Napoli spara! (internationally released as Weapons of Death and Naples shoots) is a "poliziottesco" film directed by Mario Caiano in 1977. It is an unofficial sequel of Napoli violenta, of which reprises the character of Gennarino (still played by Massimo Deda).


Am I Missing Something?

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This story has more twists and turns than a second-rate soap opera.

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True to its essence, the characters remain on the same line and manage to entertain the viewer, each highlighting their own distinctive qualities or touches.

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Great movie. Not sure what people expected but I found it highly entertaining.

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In all honesty, I must state that my rating and review of "Napoli Spara!" perhaps aren't 100% reliable. Reason for this is because I watched the film in Italian language, without any subtitles, but I don't speak Italian at all! In my defense, the film had been standing on my must-see list for an awful long time and the only version available for purchase was this cheap Italian DVD-R without any extras or language options whatsoever. Here's a word of advice: if you ever, like me, assume that you don't necessarily need to understand what's being said in a Poliziotesschi film, think again! Of course these movies are primarily about wild action sequences, explicit violence and guerrilla stunt work, but the plot and the dialogues are still very important! What I did understand is that the ultra-charismatic Henry Silva depicts a real bad SOB! He commits an extremely violent armed train robbery, with naturally lots of civilian casualties, and even organizes a heist on the evidence room of a police station! Leonard Mann is the devoted police detective tailing him, but Silva is the smart and slimy type of gangster who always comes up with a waterproof alibi. Mann is also looking after a clever street kid, to prevent him from becoming a juvenile delinquent. Standard poliziotesschi stuff, in other words, but there were also other things going on in "Napoli Spara!" that I couldn't follow properly, like a Maurizio Merli lookalike taxi driver assisting the police and mafia retributions on the parking lot of an illegal casino. I also spotted many familiar themes, like corruption (within the police force as well as in prison), bloody attacks on genitalia and the kicking of pregnant women in the stomach. Auch! But "Napoli Spara!" was also released in 1977, and from this year onwards the poliziotesschi began to lose its overwhelming force and impact. There are still many car chases and shootouts, but they are approximately 25% less raw and gritty. To compensate for this, the directors started throwing in comic reliefs, like in this film when Mann's little protégé-kid carjacks a sports car and goes on a joyride through the crowded streets of Naples. He can hardly even reach the pedals or look over the steering wheel, for crying out loud!

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I'm not sure I agree this is a classic example of the '70s Italian crime film genre, but it certainly is a solid example of one. Personally, I felt that the classic examples, the best of the genre, were put together better. I agree with the comment that said it was a bit slap-dash. Has an odd combination of interesting plot twists and real agonizing drawn out "you know xyz is going to happen". The latter are pretty trite and that's not something I'm used to seeing in the genre and I think it's weak that way. But for all the other reasons you watch one of these, it's a solid example, so I'm giving it 6/10. The scenes of Naples are fun and stitch the whole thing together. Food suggestion: pizza margherita and a cheeky red wine

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Weapons of Death is not the most original Polizi flick you're ever likely to see, but that's not too much of a problem since the genre tends to borrow from itself often anyway. This film includes pretty much all the staples that you would expect from an Italian crime flick, and it has to be said that prolific director Mario Caiano has pretty much hit the nail on the head as Weapons of Death features no shortage of car chases, shootouts and cool characters. The plot is just your basic Polizi stuff, and focuses on a city where crime is taking over - with organised robberies becoming the norm. Naturally, the police don't take too kindly to this and it's not long before Captain Beady decides to do something about it and soon identifies gangster Santoro as one of the causes of the problem. However, getting something to pin on Santoro is not all that easy as despite plenty of criminal acts pointing to him - the man always has an alibi. This plot is run parallel with a less interesting tale revolving around a young kid, himself getting into crime.The fact that the film isn't very original doesn't really affect the enjoyment level of it much as the director keeps things going with a constant stream of action. The film features a strong cast which features Henry Silva as the lead villain; and despite being horribly dubbed, he cuts a menacing figure. His opposite number is Leonard Mann who fits into the role as the hard-bitten copper much better than I thought he would considering his 'pretty boy' looks. The film also features an all too brief performance from the beautiful Evelyn Stewart. I would not rate this film as one of the more violent Polizi flicks, but it certainly has its moments - a castration springs to mind instantly. The way the plot works helps to keep things interesting too; there are a number of things going on in the film, sometimes certain parts of it feel irrelevant, but it's usually brought together by the end. The plot line revolving around the young kid is slightly irritating (particularly the music) and it's always obvious that it's going to lead into a ham-fisted moral lesson; but that's by the by and in spite of it, Weapons of Death is still an excellent Italian crime flick!

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Surprisingly tolerable poliziottesco thanks to its action-packed narrative (with robberies, shoot-outs, fistfights and chases galore) and vivid locations (this was one of a long list of such thrillers revolving around a specific Italian city); Francesco De Masi’s score is also serviceable. Leonard Mann, however, is no substitute for Maurizio Merli (or even Luc Merenda) – at one point, he takes on two thugs in a bar, but he’s just too skinny to be a credible tough guy! On the other hand, while Henry Silva isn’t particularly taxed by his overly familiar criminal boss role, he always proves to be good value for money in this type of film.A number of seemingly irrelevant subplots are eventually nicely integrated into the main storyline: Mann occasionally looks out for a likable juvenile delinquent who subsequently saves his life from the clutches of Silva’s minions (the boy’s own sacrifice at the end was rather unwarranted, though); Alfredo Lastretti appears as a would-be child kidnapper who’s put behind bars and castrated by his fellow inmates (an incident which serves as a diversion for Silva’s own escape); and Evelyn Stewart appears very briefly at the end as Silva’s old flame (whom he now wants dead), brought back from abroad by Mann specifically to bait his old nemesis.The film is quite violent: apart from the afore-mentioned castration, a pregnant woman is kicked in the belly during the opening bank robbery, a squealer is decapitated, and Silva himself is graphically trampled by a train at the climax. There isn’t that much of the typically hard-boiled dialogue (which actually sounds even funnier when spoken in the almost unintelligible Neapolitan dialect) but the standout is when a bank robber tries to persuade his associates to give themselves up rather than shoot it out with the cops, because if they’re caught “not even the Virgin Mary could prevent them getting a life sentence”!

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