We Need to Talk About Sandy Hook
We Need to Talk About Sandy Hook
| 30 November 2014 (USA)
We Need to Talk About Sandy Hook Trailers

A documentary promoting the theory alleging that the Sandy Hook incident was a hoax designed to increase popular support for gun control.

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the leading man is my tpye

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Yawn. Poorly Filmed Snooze Fest.

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In truth, there is barely enough story here to make a film.

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Robert Joyner

The plot isn't so bad, but the pace of storytelling is too slow which makes people bored. Certain moments are so obvious and unnecessary for the main plot. I would've fast-forwarded those moments if it was an online streaming. The ending looks like implying a sequel, not sure if this movie will get one

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Spoiler- It is revealed that the State of Connecticut has enacted legislation to seal ALL public information of ALL homicides within the state under a penalty of FIVE years in prison.Imagine, no person accused has the right to view public records even to make a defense case. There is a lot more I learned but this ONE thing alone, rocks me to the core. The elected are able to put you away for revealing what you know and what once was available under Freedom of Information.Watch this documentary, in segments (it takes some time) and then think about the way media is and has been going. The purposeful trajectory and demoralizing of the population. The control exerted over the youngest minds (Common Core), and deliberate changing of primary education.Take the time to share this documentary and make sure it survives.

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I began researching this SH project in Jan 2013 after reading professor James Tracy's blog, The Memory Hole all it took to convince me something was wrong was the piece he did where he simply put up the press conference of the Chief State Medical Examiner of Connecticut. No professional unless drugged or under a gag order would act like that. I mean, really? What coroner laughs throughout a press conference involving 28 deaths including the shooter and his mother. A father who never comes forward to offer a public apology, no press anywhere in the universe wants to interview this man? That is absurd! They spoke with John Hinkley's parents, Jeffery Dalmer's Ted Bundy's every serial killer they have interviewed the parents to get insight into the mind of a serial killer but for some reason, no journalist is interested, not even Oprah. This is so unnatural it causes one to suspend their reality to believe one second of this garbage. Good job for bringing this to America's much needed attention. We are losing our country, can't this be evident to everyone by now?

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Suzan D

Sandy Hook was a hoax, plain and simple. From the smiling, laughing faces of the "grieving parents" to the non-existent "Adam Lanza" and CNN's own CIA affiliate Anderson "Where's My Nose" Cooper and the fake news. It'll go down as one of the greatest deceptions with all the millions of donations made...that's right, I said MILLIONS. Our dear gov't used this trauma-based mind control to push their agendas. People need to wake up! We need to stand together and put an end to the lies and deception. The contributors in this film did their research. They presented facts, not speculation. For me, one of the most compelling facts found was the Gene Rosen piece and his leaked footage of him fudging his lines and the cameraman correcting him. BUSTED. I urge everyone to watch this and then tell your loved ones to do the same. Spread the TRUTH, wake people up!!!!

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Please watch this movie and then share it with your friends and family. What do you have to lose? This movie will wake you from your slumber and awaken you to how deep the rabbit hole goes.. but be forewarned, once you are AWAKE, you CAN NEVER GO BACK TO SLEEPING!! You will suddenly see this faux reality for what it truly is and how the media and governments of this world shape, mold & distort your perception of reality.I also want to thank the youtube truthers for all of their hard work and dedication in making this film and helping me over the past 2 yrs to wake up.. I love ya all & YOU GUYS ROCK!!

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