| 15 June 2012 (USA)
Vuelve Trailers

A visual incursion into the troubled psyche of a young boy whose unstable and manipulative mother committed suicide in front of him.


Just perfect...

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Yash Wade

Close shines in drama with strong language, adult themes.

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Sanjeev Waters

A movie that not only functions as a solid scarefest but a razor-sharp satire.

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Sarita Rafferty

There are moments that feel comical, some horrific, and some downright inspiring but the tonal shifts hardly matter as the end results come to a film that's perfect for this time.

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Another masterpiece from the amazing writer/director etc. Iván Noel. Wonderfully yet beautifully written and filmed. After viewing Ivan's other films Brecha, En tu ausencia, and ¡Primaria! I fell in love with his work. His films are so astonishing and written to a point that you'll watch them non-stop. Tremendous characters, story, and above all tremendous picture and actors.Vuelve is a Fascinating tale some dramatic events and some special moments, but very full of emotion and intense moments. Renzo Sabelli, the bright young boy actor who starred as Gabriel brought on a beautiful yet joyful performance. It was amazing discovering a new boy actor like himself on screen he did fabulous job.

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Mr. Noel has created a new masterpiece, after 'En Tu Ausencia' and 'Brecha'. Noel is probably the most attention attracting Spanish cinematographer of the present. His movies are subtle, sensitive and both storyline, camera-work and music are astonishing. Astonishing too is the fact that all this,- story, music and camera -, are works of his own hand. Nevertheless his movies are made with an extremely low budget due to both lack of finance and of recognition. I wonder how long it will take before Art-house lovers will realize that there is a new Spanish master in our midst. 'Vuelve' is highly recommended (and so are his previous films).

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Lucas Lopez

Fascinating! Intriguing movie where you get lost in the character's mind. Incredible level of photography, as he usually does the director. A film that takes you to travel through all the senses. It goes from one extreme to another making you feel a sense of tenderness to darkness rarely experienced. In my humble opinion, a truly remarkable work, which, to be an independent production has nothing to envy, and is at the level to compete with any "big production". The music ... what, Ivan Noel ... is a kind of genius unrecognized?. I really could not believe when I read the title, if one person can achieve this level of quality. Obviously at this point I'm not being very objective, but this is a credit to director, producer, composer and who knows how many more thing God. Please ... when more movies are coming Ivan Noel???

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Karina Paola Bellina

Excellent thriller with moments of supreme drama, spectacular performances. Exceptional music, photography ... all whole and yet is beautiful dark. Ivan Noel as he usually does to its magnificent productions, which combines situations, images, music, all in a singular excellence. With a superb script, keeps us all looking forward the movie. Great performances from the smallest detail with beautiful places. Once again the genius of director through the screen to the spectator and have him caught from start to finish. A thriller that lovers of director movies not to be missed. Taken with the difficult issues Myor naturality and care. Simply brilliant.

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