| 01 January 1981 (USA)
Virago Trailers

Two groups of knife-wielding and kicking women in bikinis join forces to kill a gang boss responsible for killing their fathers. But they're not very effective. After three attacks on the culprit, the worst damage he suffered was having his ankle run over by a motorbike. Closer co-operation with a casino boss may help.


Expected more

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Brilliant and touching

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Neive Bellamy

Excellent and certainly provocative... If nothing else, the film is a real conversation starter.

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Raymond Sierra

The film may be flawed, but its message is not.

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Normally I should start with a small plot synopsis, especially since nobody else has written anything about this movie on IMDb, but I can't do that, because the "plot" (or should I say "plots" - it seems like it was comprised from at least 2 different movies) of "5 Lady Venoms" makes absolutely no sense! As a result, nearly every scene that has people talking is nothing but a waste of time. But even some of the action is terribly edited. There are moments of decent fighting here and there, but certainly nothing outstanding. In fact, the only real reason for this film's existence is an extended sequence, set on a beach, with about a dozen cute girls in bikinis and swimsuits fight training, stretching and working out under the guidance of Elsa Yeung, as the camera carefully inspects their bodies for quite some time. Thank you for that, Mr. Director, but for any Elsa Yeung fans out there, try to find her little-seen classic "A Book Of Heroes" instead. * out of 4.

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