Veerapandiya Kattabomman
Veerapandiya Kattabomman
| 16 May 1959 (USA)
Veerapandiya Kattabomman Trailers

After the East India Company forces Kattabomman, the king of Panchalankurichi, to pay taxes and be their subordinate, the latter decides to fight against them.


Really Surprised!

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Better Late Then Never

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After playing with our expectations, this turns out to be a very different sort of film.

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This is one of the best movies I’ve seen in a very long time. You have to go and see this on the big screen.

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this is an amazing tamil movie.................about kattabomman.........every one likes it....we see the real kattabomman through sivaji ganesan...........its awesome. It was one of the memorable films of Sivaji Ganesan, it was produced and directed by B.R. Banthulu, Veerapandiya Kattabomman was the Tamil chieftain who rose in rebellion against the East India Company and fought with alien combination. One of the earliest freedom fighters of India he laid his life in sacrifice at the altar of freedom of his motherland.This role of a historic figure Kattabomman was played with majesty and grandeur by this great actor Sivaji Ganesan portrayed this spitfire personality of the rebel hero in a most effective manner. His larger than life performance won him an international award at the Egypt Film Festival.

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Sivaji Ganesan brings the real kattabomman in front of our eyes. The powerful dialogs pierces swords in our minds. The movie portrays how the British East India Company set up trading centers, loaned money with huge amount of interest to the nawabs, and gained the tax collecting rights from the palayams(group of villages) in the south.The brave king kattabomman says, "if you want money we will lend it to you, or give it free for you, but you cannot try to control us and get tax from us". He started the freedom struggle with his fearless attitude refusing to bow down to the empire.Must watch movie....

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There are movies that can be reviewed. And there are movies one has to watch in wonder and salute it! We're incapable in our limited intellect and capacities to even comment about them. We just reverently watch them and salute them! This movie is of the second kind. Rather I should say the performance of Shivaji Ganesan in this movie is of the second kind! What a movie! This is an all-time classic! Shivaji Ganesan's career role! He got the best actor award in the Afro-Asian film festival at Cairo for this movie. One of the best performances ever by any actor in any movie. The supporting cast is uniformly good. When someone is inspired, he or she gives up all his individuality and in that surrender something everlasting is produced. This is the case in the movie. Shivaji is clearly inspired. Whew! After watching the movie, your step, your look, your demeanor will have a confidence and a swagger for days! DON'T MISS IT IF YOU GET A CHANCE!

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A classic for all time, Sivaji's portrayal of Kattabomman is awesome, and his famous lines have become part of popular culture. Grandiose sets, elaborate war sequences, terrific music and fine lyrics, magnificent dialogue, competetnt acting from the rest of the cast....Don't miss it for the world.

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