Vampire Hunters
Vampire Hunters
R | 23 May 2003 (USA)
Vampire Hunters Trailers

In 17th century China, zombies and vampires roamed the lands, feeding on the unsuspecting. A group of martial artists / vampire hunters find themselves employed by a very rich - and very insane - old man who has kept everyone of his relatives preserved in wax and not buried. Apparently it is his family's tradition. So, having generations of potential zombies in your cellar may not be the smartest idea ever, but it takes two to tango. In this case, a thief wants the old-man's treasure and hires a zombie-wrangler to re-animate the waxed up relatives in order to sneak into the mansion and steal the treasure. It's up to the kung-fu fighting vampire hunters to save the day (or night).


Truly Dreadful Film

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Calum Hutton

It's a good bad... and worth a popcorn matinée. While it's easy to lament what could have been...

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Sarita Rafferty

There are moments that feel comical, some horrific, and some downright inspiring but the tonal shifts hardly matter as the end results come to a film that's perfect for this time.

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An old-fashioned movie made with new-fashioned finesse.

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Anssi Vartiainen

The Era of Vampires is an interesting idea. Take the typical wuxia martial arts film and add a horror element in the form of vampires. On the surface this sounds great. Extraordinary fighting visuals with dark and supernatural tone. The inborn grace and elegance of vampires seems like an excellent fit for wuxia.Unfortunately we end up getting very little of that. Partly because the vampire they end up going with is radically different from a typical Western vampire. It's more of a force of nature, an unstoppable monster that rips into pieces everything standing in its way, visually more of a zombie lord than an aristocratic vampire. And it is utterly terrifying. I actually really like this take on one of the oldest monsters in our collective mythic lore. Fantastic horror villain, even if it means that the fights are not as grandeur as they would have otherwise been.What really fails this movie is the lackadaisical nature of the script. You don't really identify with any of the characters, the side plots are either clichéd or have nothing to do with the other plots, the backstory is convoluted and the world building doesn't really work. Plus the whole film is shot way too dark. Oftentimes you have problems making out what's happening, making the fight scenes even less stellar.That being said, there are some good fights and as stated, the vampire is very impressive. Making this a film that's fine to check out if you're really into wuxia or you want to see a radically different take on vampires. It's not really a good film, but it has its upsides.

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I felt that this movie could have been better if i had focus more on the scares, however this is much of a neutral film, which is not that scary, nor frightening.The people focus are not that much, and the scare effects could have been better, but seeing that the film director is Hark Tsui, his films are usually made more for plot rather than characters.Somehow, i keep remembering the name of this film back in my mind, because it gives me the creeps sometimes when trying to remember it.However if you don't understand Asian (chinese) horror creatures, then its not really worth watching it.-Alright film to watch / can be creepy-

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I've seen bad HK vampire movies before and I have to say this is probably one of the worst. The special effects were bad, the characters forgettable and the plot non-existent. There wasn't enough plot development to make the story plausible. The characters were transparent and had bland personalities. And sometimes new characters would just pop out and try unsuccessfully to integrate into the movie.The master vampire was not scary at all. Not enough was done to explain the origin of the beast or how it became what it was. There were too many holes in the plot. I don't know what this movie was brought over to the U.S. It should have stayed in Hong Kong.

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Never judge a movie by its cover. Otherwise, you'll end up like me and spending 5 hard earned dollars on renting such a piece of crap as "Vampire Hunters" just cuz it looked totally awesome in the screenshots found on the back of the box. I feel almost ripped off, so much in fact, I want to take it back to BlockBuster Video and ask for my money back for wasting my time, energy, and money."Hunters" was like a mix of "Iron Monkey", with it's crap comedy elements, crazy unrealistic fight (and flight) sequences, and medieval Asian setting, and "Blade", for it's vampire/zombie hunting story, and a bit of "House of 1000 Corpses", being kind of a throw-back to classic horror cinema (in "Hunters" case, horror/kung-fu), and having so much cut out of the final release that most of it doesn't entirely make sense. "Vampire Hunters" is all this, plus underdeveloped characters, god awful dialogue, poor poor poor dubbing (even in the its original language!), sh*t for make-up, and an obviously low budget. Not that there's anything wrong with low budget films, but when trying to make a movie about high flying warriors fighting off decaying, flying zombies and vampires, you're gonna need a little more money than what these guys did with "Hunters".Everyone commenting on this flick so far is complaining about the look of the demons/vampires, but I have much respect for the way the creators of this film portrayed them as creatures who actually looked like they had died and come back to life. Let's face it, if you're dead grandmother was to pop out of the casket right now and hunt you down, she would not look like Aaliyah, that's for sure. The demons in "Hunters" look like they were actually pulled out from six feet under, and tied up with strings like puppets to move around."Vampire Hunters" was edited SOOOOO bad, and in the end, that's what makes "Hunters" so f*cking awful. Fight sequences can get pretty intense, but are cut very short, edited so poorly, and are usually instigated for almost no reason. ex: "So... you're the 'zombie wrangler'... Let's see how good you really are! HIYAAA!" Fight begins.The thing that p***ed me off the most about "Hunters" were the 2 love interests, Sasa, and some worker girl that pops up once in a while out of literally no where. Two of our heroes fall in love with the said women, even though they know nothing about them at all, except that they're hot as hell. One even agrees to marry Sasa if they make it through this vampire mess alive. This love element is what makes "Hunter" totally over the top, even if it doesn't have that much of an impact on the film as a whole. But it's so god damned annoying! ex: Warrior-"Who are you?" Girl-"I'm a servant here for the Jiang family." Warrior-"Lightning has Sasa, and now I have you." *couple walks off arm in arm*The only way I can suggest this film is if you can get the actual uncut version, which probably hasn't been released out here in North America. I give "Vampire Hunters" 2 out of 10. I give it that much only because the fight scenes look really cool for what they are, and Sasa is gorgeous!

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