Ursus in the Valley of the Lions
Ursus in the Valley of the Lions
| 01 January 2013 (USA)
Ursus in the Valley of the Lions Trailers

Bodybuilder Ed Fury stars as the legendary Ursus in this above-average sword-and-sandal adventure from veteran director Carlo Campogalliani. The plot concerns Ursus' attempts to rescue his kidnapped fiancee, aided by a pretty blind slave girl. Now an evil queen, Ursus' former love throws him into a gladiatorial arena with a bull, which manages to smack the slave girl in the head and restore her eyesight before Ursus defeats it and his enemies. The bullfight is particularly well-staged, and this exciting spectacle may be the highlight of Fury's erratic screen career. ~ Robert Firsching, Rovi


Dreadfully Boring

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Did you people see the same film I saw?

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I think this is a new genre that they're all sort of working their way through it and haven't got all the kinks worked out yet but it's a genre that works for me.

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Aneesa Wardle

The story, direction, characters, and writing/dialogue is akin to taking a tranquilizer shot to the neck, but everything else was so well done.

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Exciting Peplum odyssey , regularly-plotted , with a likable acting from Ed Fury as Ursus ("Ursus" is Latin for "bear") . Sword and Sandals film centers upon Ursus (Ed Fury or Edmund Holovchik) , of noble blood , he is the typical bouncing hunk man who fights against evil people . Ursus' parents were overthrown , then he was raised among lions . The good guys are the blond and beefy Ed Fury (Ursus) , Maria Luisa Merlo (the beautiful girl) , Mariangela Giordano and the bad guys are Alberto Lupo , usual nasty Gerard Herter (Spaghetti's customary) and Moira Orfei (sister of Liana Orfei also ordinary in Peplum) who's usually in these flicks as a Femme-fatale slave . Ursus will defeat them at an thrilling finale with elephants , battles and a firing scaffold . This moving Peplum contains emotion , noisy action sequences incorporating circus elephants , spectacular battles with lots of sword-wielding warriors , court intrigue , stirring ending with a burning gallows and many other things . This mythological movie is plenty of adventures , thrills , atmospheric settings , evocative soundtrack by Riz Ortalani and colorful scenarios well photographed by Tino Santoni . This is a regular spaghetti, myth-opera with action , love , battles and luxurious landscapes , but there are a few editing goofs . In addition to the muscular lead but always appealing sword and sandal elements are here ; however , this movie has not mythological accuracy neither expecting historical . The corpulent Ed Fury was a hunk man who made lots of roman epic films also called ¨Musclemen movies¨ . He was one of a number of bodybuilder and physique model types who followed muscleman Steve Reeves out to Italy in the early 60s and won campy notice playing Herculean characters in those campy Italian sand-and-spear epics . Ursus, Maciste, Goliath, Samson , Hércules , Atlas..., those Italian muscle man producers must have had a hard time figuring out what to call the musclebound actors who played all these legendary muscleman heroes . Other stars by the time on this type of movies are Mark Forest , Gordon Mitchell , Alan Steel , Dan Vadis , Reg Park , Brad Harris , Samson Burke , Richard Harrison , Rock Stevens , Kirk Morris and 'Gordon Scott' and , of course , the great Steve Reeves , as nobody , nevertheless, topped Steve in popularity . Fury started off his beefcake run off as a body double . Ed was the subject of legendary photographer Robert Mizer and appeared on the cover of Mizer's infamous magazine "Physique Pictorial" ostensibly promoting Fury's role in Ursus (1961), billed as "The Mighty Ursus". Ed was posing front-and-center as Herk himself and entering in the star-system based on pumped-up heroes playing ¨Sansone¨ or ¨Samson¨ or ¨Ursus¨ . On numerous occasions Ed was asked to play the legendary Greek hero , as well as the equally well-built demigods Samson and Ursus , even though the film titles often fused (or confused) them in their titles . Some other familiar faces show up here , such as Alberto Lupo , Gerard Herter , Andrea Scotti and uncredited Salvatore Borghese as warrior at Ursus' saving . And including gorgeous women : the Spanish Maria Merlo , Moira Orfei and Mariangela Giordano , they are insanely beautiful, and their flowing dresses and magic hair styles supplement this . The Ursus's love interest is very sympathetically and believably played by pretty Maria Luisa Merlo , or Mary Marlon , best in the cast .This film belongs to a quartet about this hunk character , ¨Ursus¨ , such as : "The Vengeance of Ursus" (1961) by Luigi Capuano with Samson Burke , Wandisa Guida , Livio Lorenzon , ¨Ursus¨ (1961) by Carlo Campollani with similar actors as Ed Fury , Maria Luisa Merlo and Moira Orfei and "The Son of Hercules in the Land of Fire" (1963) by Giorgio Simonelli with Ed Fury , Luciana Gilli and Claudia Mori . ¨Ursus¨ movie is derived from Buddy Baer's character who is named "Ursus" , a secondary role in the famous colossal ¨Quo Vadis¨ (1951) directed by Mervyn LeRoy and starred by Robert Taylor and Deborah Kerr . Evocative as well as atmospheric musical score by the prestigious as well as prolific Riz Ortalani . Colorful cinematography , being filmed on location in Lazio , Rome and Studios : Incir De Paolis Studios, Rome, Lazio ; Studio Olimpia, Rome , Lazio, Italy . The film was regularly directed by Carlo Ludovico Bragaglia who made many fables of this kind ("Semiramis , The Queen of Babylon" , ¨The Sword and the Cross¨ , "Mighty Crusaders" , "Amazons of Rome" , ¨Anibal¨ and "Hercules vs. the Hydra" or "The Loves of Hercules") . Carlo along with Vittorio Cottafavi , Carlo Campollani and Giorgio Ferroni continued to realize films in the historical-spectacular style , at which he developed an acceptable skill and mastery . The movie obtained success and originated sequels . Rating 4,5/10 , passable though mediocre .

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At some point in ancient history Generic Power Mad Usurper conquered Generic Greek CityVilleopolis and King Rightful Ruler was slaughtered. But not before Lil' Prince Trouble-Waiting-To-Happen...er I mean Ursus was spirited away by his mom and a couple ladies-in-waiting. Mom and the gang made it about as far as the parking lot behind the studio before they were fallen upon by the Usurper's men. Since they were escaping during a siege neither mom nor her guards thought to bring any weapons and are quickly butchered, except young Ursus, whose horse runs away with him attached. Eventually he is found by a pride of lions. Instead of turning him into a mid-day snack, they decide to raise him as one of their own. This is shown by a wipe type effect where a shot of a lion licking an infant's face (did they actually let a real lion lick a real infant's face!!??) is replaced by a shot of a lion licking a grown and strapping Ursus' face.Ursus spends most of his time frolicking with his lion friends, yanking their tails and shouting" HO SO YOU THINK YOU'RE STRONGER THAN URSUS? HAHA!" Yet the lions let him live. This would have never gone over in my family, not that seeing this movie as a kid influenced me to behave in any like manner. No way. Not me.So Ursus lives a simple life which he really seems to enjoy until one day while out hunting he finds in his pit trap, not dinner, but a slavers wagon, loaded down with some sweet looking slave girls and their slave trader.Ursus hauls the wagon out of the pit and exchanges googly eyes with one of the slave girls. They have a real Hubba Hubba moment and Ursus decides to throw her over his shoulder and haul her off to his cave. The slave trader doesn't want to lose good product do he follows Ursus to the Cave of Lions, where he is scared spitless by a Cave full of lions. He demands payment and Ursus, not knowing what money is, offers one of his lions as a trade for the girl. The slaver is less than enthused until he sees an amulet, an amulet that was given to Ursus by his father right before he died, an amulet that is in reality...THE ROYAL SEAL! The slaver knows he can get a pretty denari for that, so he offers to take it off Ursus' hands. Ursus agrees and off the slave trader goes to sell the Seal in the Big City.The slave girl is charmed by Ursus' simple honesty, massive physique and inexplicably well groomed hair and teeth and decides to stay with him, despite the fact that the only furniture in her new house is a rock, some elk bones and some lion poop.But their rustic happiness can't last forever. Eventually the Royal Seal falls into the hands of the Usurper, who fears Ursus will one day visit some poetic justice on his behind, and sends his soldiers out to kill our hero. They fail of course, probably because ancient despots didn't have access to modern human resource-style motivation and training techniques. They do manage however to kidnap Ursus' lady and kill most of his lion friends with poison meat. (Because lions are immune to arrows) I'll leave the rest of the movie a surprise, although I will say Ursus spends it rescuing his honey and avenging the death of his father, mother and lion friends. He fights tons of soldiers, a pack of trained killer hyenas and a herd of elephants among other things. Although it would have been really funny if the writers added a little more "fish out of water" humor when Ursus was learning about civilization, overall this was a very entertaining peplum. It's absolutely worth your time and shekels

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The print I saw was a very worn black and white one from Sinister Cinema and as the film went on it rapidly became clear that the print's lack of quality and color work against real enjoyment of the film.The good king and queen of some far off kingdom are brought down by an evil invader, however the queen escapes with their infant son. She soon commits suicide rather than be taken prisoner, but does so only after getting the baby away. The baby ends up being raised by lions. Years later the adult Ursus ends up captured by the evil king who killed his parents and moves to prevent him from ever taking the throne. There's more to it than that but it at least gives you the basic idea of the plot.The movie is a step or two above the normal sword and sandal film thanks to a largely knowing translation that has Ursus speaking of wanting to become the special friend of a slave girl he's carried off. I know you're saying why would Ursus carry off a slave girl, simple he was raised by lions. The acting isn't bad and the translation seems to match the lip movements.Is this a movie your going to watch over and over again? Probably not but should you run across it on TV late one night you'll find yourself entertained.

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This was Ed Fury's second film in the Ursus character, and in this one we learn that Ursus, of noble blood, was raised among lions. When he enters the "human" world, he is wide-eyed and naive, but gradually adapts to the ways of the world, saves a beautiful woman who loves him, and overthrows an evil dictator. Fury plays the various phases of the character's evolution (from naivete to a kind of disgusted smirking to a regal heroic bearing) well. The scenes among the lions and the wolves will be an easy mark for those who want to nit-pick, but the techniques used here will be familiar to any fan of low budget films and won't bother anyone familiar with the concept of "willing suspension of disbelief." As is common among budget-conscious Italian "spectacle" films, the art direction and production design are quite imaginative and suggest a lot for a few lira. I've got to give some credit to a film that takes a lot of chances, and this film is, like an old serial, so over-the-top in its entertainment value that anyone looking to have some fun and set aside any critical questions should have an enjoyable 90 minutes with Ed Fury and crew. I've been digging out the old Ed Fury films recently, and I must say that he brings a special charm to the peplum genre--it was nice to see him honored with a retrospective at UCLA last year. Director Carlo Ludovico Bragaglia has credits dating back to the 1930s, but his 1960s credits tend to be costume adventures and comedies. With this film, he's created a unique mix of peplum heroics, fantasy, and wit that I found quite entertaining.

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