| 25 April 2015 (USA)
Unbranded Trailers

Documentary about four friends on a 3,000 mile journey across the American West on horseback.


The greatest movie ever!

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Am i the only one who thinks........Average?

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Roy Hart

If you're interested in the topic at hand, you should just watch it and judge yourself because the reviews have gone very biased by people that didn't even watch it and just hate (or love) the creator. I liked it, it was well written, narrated, and directed and it was about a topic that interests me.

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It's a good bad... and worth a popcorn matinée. While it's easy to lament what could have been...

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Four young men agree to undertake a 6+ month journey riding formerly wild mustangs from Mexico to Canada. If you enjoy adventure documentaries, this has a lot to offer. The story is unique. The cinematography is excellent, with beautiful shots of the remote Western US.The editing choices created a compelling narrative and allowed glimpse into how this crucible affected the humans involved, for better and worse.My only nit is I wanted to hear a bit more post-journey recap to understand how the four friends saw themselves and each other after the fact.

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Ordered the DVD from our local library on suggestion of a friend who knew I loved horses especially the Wild Mustangs and advocate for them being Wild and Free. Having been around horses all my life from a kid riding my little mare to our summer Bible camp to breaking, breeding, riding competition trail rides, barrell racing, doing 4-h exhibition at rodeos in our drill team on horseback I was so interested to see this film. I was not disappointed at all. Just wishing I was younger and could have gone with them! A well done film from beginning to the end. I was so impressed at the strength and durability of those wild mustangs under saddle on some really treacherous terrain! Gorgeous country they traveled, funny stories and incidents that happened along the trail. So neat to have had that elder man assist them too in housing and trailering them when necessary. Ben really planned the ride well, course unexpected issues happened but all in all its a film that deserved all the awards received for sure! Like looking back in time of the days when horseback was mode of travel and just totally awesome how well the young fella's eventually all got along, did for one another in spite of some issues at times, took such good care of those mustangs. A film kids should see for sure. Its definitely an inspiration that when there is the will to do, it can be done! The ending is so special. I jumped for joy too when they were so elated hitting the Canadian border. I felt like I rode it with them. See the film folks, you will want to own a mustang! What an awesome breed of horse. cudos to the whole story.

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Told in complete chronological order, this trail ride is a 16x9 presentation of our mass-population's ignorance, and a very small portion of the rest of us who will get off of our half-moons and participate in a solution.Its not a popular solution, it may not even BE a solution, but it is a trip on the way to MANAGEMENT. Like the trail ride, the experience of the trip creates its own progress. No one should expect a silver bullet bringing the problem of over-grazing by horses to a close in 30 days. It just will not happen. Maintaining a balance by a long-term management of resources, curtailing herd sizes, rehabilitation of some horses into markets needing pleasure riding or breaking horses for the experience, they all come together to MANAGE.If you're not part of the solution, you are part of the problem. If any one component of the solution is criticized, the critic becomes the problem.

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Jack Kintner

Saw this tonight in a theater full of horse people, and we all loved it. Scenic, accurate in terms of back country riding, well produced and filmed. I was pleasantly surprised, expecting a much rougher go-pro kind of thing, but this was slick, well edited and a lot of fun to watch.Not much to say about it plot-wise, but you do get a little deeper look at the human dynamics of almost six months on the trail than you'd expect, not to mention a balanced look at the politics of preserving the Mustangs.This is a documentary straight out of today's west, showing a lifestyle that's unfettered, offering a welcome relief from all the urban blow-em-ups and superheroes in movies now. It's authentic, even to the cowboy poet singing his own song about the ride. It's well worth seeing, and is one you could take kids to.

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