Trumped: Inside the Greatest Political Upset of All Time
Trumped: Inside the Greatest Political Upset of All Time
| 27 January 2017 (USA)
Trumped: Inside the Greatest Political Upset of All Time Trailers

In a behind-the-scenes look at the biggest political upset in recent history, Mark Halperin, John Heilemann and Mark McKinnon offer unprecedented access and never-before-seen footage of candidate Trump, from the primaries through the debates to the dawning realization that the controversial businessman will become the 45th President of the United States.


Good concept, poorly executed.

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Although it has its amusing moments, in eneral the plot does not convince.

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Tayyab Torres

Strong acting helps the film overcome an uncertain premise and create characters that hold our attention absolutely.

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One of the film's great tricks is that, for a time, you think it will go down a rabbit hole of unrealistic glorification.

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I watched this show...twice. I wanted to ensure that my first opinion was not correct; give them a second chance, if you will. Oh well, I've been wrong before in giving second chances. As this election progressed, it became more and more apparent that the media showed prejudice with their interpretations, rather than reporting. This show contained nothing more than opinions by an obviously prejudiced group of over-paid people. They over-embellished on almost everything they stated as "fact!" John Heilemann's abusive language was insulting to listen to...he had to use the "f" bomb at every available opportunity; which was not necessary. If he thought he was "being cool" in some way, he certainly was NOT. No one in my home speaks like that and I did not appreciate my 96-year-old mother having to listen to his disgusting language. Mark Halperin's comment, comparing Mr. Trump's winning the election equal to The Civil War, WWII, and 9/11 was one of the most idiotic remarks I have ever heard; it just proves the fact that the media is not what it used to be. REAL media personnel, like Walter Cronkite, told the truth the way it was; why do these reporters feel they have the right to give us nothing more than their poor interpretations. This entire election has shown us all that the media has gone to hell on a handcart and is most certainly not a trustworthy source of information of any kind. This is pathetic because, as always, WE, the citizens, are missing hearing the truth. WE, the citizens, continue to lose because Congress will not do their jobs and assist the man that the majority voted into office. He is the President of the United States and deserves the respect and assistance required to do a good job for ALL of us, but he cannot do that with his hands tied behind his back by Congress! After watching this show, I thought of the American saying, "Land of the free, home of the brave." Thanks to the debacle during this entire election, they may as well change that line to "Land where NOTHING is free; home of the homeless," because of the media and Congress. They are destroying us all. Thanks a lot for doing your part in making the United States of America a bigger laughing stock of the world than it already is. You cannot blame Mr. Trump for THAT. Wow, maybe there WAS more truth to this airing; just not the truth we were all hoping for.

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Democrats have been losing elections for several years, other than Obama's 2 terms.The movie itself is another example of why the democrats lost. Every writer and pundit lost sight of their objectivity and job. They forgot the facts and were guided by their own emotions. And their emotions are now showing as a mental disorder. The country for decades has been going from party to party and back again seeking truth in leaders to no avail. Obama said what he thought people needed to hear, but then the people found he consistently lied and did just the opposite! His socialist ideology was dragging down the country. Any pundit should have known the people have been, and would have a tendency to switch to the republicans. There had been no major increase in the economy or any other reason to continue with the democrats. Especially since they had a severely flawed candidate in Clinton.The leaders and MSM had shown they were lairs and could not be trusted!To sum it up. Every thing in this film was slanted from the very beginning for Clinton. The end shows this in great detail when the people in the film are all disappointed at the end. Not one of the characters in the film showed any joy when Trump won.At the end the male TV pundit summed up why they missed what had happened. He said Trump had a plane and a hat. Missing entirely what Trump had been saying and giving promises to the people!

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...and can't seem to come up with an answer, in the end comparing Trump's victory to Pearl Harbor and the Civil War! I read some of the reviews of this documentary before writing my own, something I tend not to do, and I was genuinely puzzled at the claims of bias as I watched the first half, the part about Trump's rise to victory in the GOP presidential primaries to become the presidential nominee of that party. It does a very good job of compressing that 15 month period from Trump's announcement of his campaign to the convention and the mystified nature of the moneyed and anointed insider candidates who could not believe that this man who had never held any elected office in his life was pulling their base out from underneath them. Only Bernie Sanders, an anti-establishment candidate from the other side of the aisle, seemed to have any wisdom on the subject.And THEN comes the general election campaign. And somehow all objectivity is lost. Every scandal and misstep of the Trump campaign is examined in minute detail. Meanwhile Hillary Clinton is portrayed as the 30 year public servant with common sense who is unfairly struck down by FBI director James Comey who decides to try her sins in public and by the hacking of private American emails by Russia, a country whose head, Vladimir Putin, had said he preferred that Trump win. Never is it mentioned that the leaked emails showed a clear conspiracy of the media and the DNC with the Clinton campaign to deep six Bernie Sanders' candidacy and crown Hillary the nominee. Never are the security clearance infractions that Clinton committed that made it possible for Comey to impugn her integrity in the first place ever discussed. And not one word about how Debbie Wasserman Schultz, head of the DNC at the time of the sabotage of the Sanders campaign, was basically met by eggs and tomatoes by Sanders supporters at the DNC convention and had to resign her post.The cherry on top is the alleged "unbiased interviewer", Mark Halperin, following the campaigns around, showing up on Colbert's election night special - this was NOT a Trump love fest, I watched it - and agreeing with Colbert and his other guests that Trump's victory is a national calamity. Unbiased indeed.At least in the end one of the interviewers - I don't remember who - may not have "gotten it" but at least uttered words that indicated he did. He said that 2016 was a year of unbridled anger for voters from both parties. The Democrats messed up when they served up the same old boring solutions that all of the insiders had been serving up for the past 20 years with falling wages and rising costs for the voters, and windfalls for the bankers and insiders that took their jobs all the while saying let them eat cake. The voters looked at the establishment candidate and they looked at Trump and thought they could either repeat what had been giving their personal finances a downward spiral or blow up Washington DC and let the chips fall where they may. They chose the second option. Maybe Bernie Sanders can explain this to them sometime.Forgive me for pontificating in the last paragraph, but since the documentary did quite a bit of it I really don't see the problem.

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First, there is little original in this documentary: it is 100% taken from "The Circus," the Showtime series on the 2016 election with Mark Halperin, Mark Mckinnon, and John Heilemann, liberals all. Second, for the subtitle "Inside the Greatest Political Upset of All Time," there is almost zero understanding of why this happened.Heilemann's final "Americans wanted to throw a bomb into Washington and see where the rubble bounces" comment was not enlightening as to WHY a bomb is needed in the first place, or why the horrid Obama regime had drive so many white, black and Hispanic Americans to desperation. Van Jones's inane comments about the election being about race shows (thank God) that the moronic media still doesn't even begin to understand what happened. One would think a movie like this would have tried to explain just that.There is an amazing scene, totally un-commented upon (probably unnoticed) that occurs with Heilemann and Halperin immediately after Trump won the primary as they sit at a restaurant with Robbie Mook and John Podesta. The Politico guys are saying in essence, "Well, his tactics worked so far, but they won't work on you, right? RIGHT????" Mook was all sunshine pumping, but Podesta looked very, very concerned and said that the traditional slime tactics used by Democrats would not work on Trump, that he was impervious to that. My belief is that the knew then they were in for a helluva fight, and on the night before the election--in a clip the movie did NOT use---again Halperin asked Podesta about his confidence and rather than saying they had it in the bag, he deflected, dodged, and was again very, very concerned (cause he knew the real numbers, and likely was afraid to tell Hillary).The documentary did an extreme disservice by not capturing any of Hillary's meltdown on election night. but overall, the lack of any serious analysis as to Trump's strengths, the lack of curiosity as to why virtually EVERY poll was wrong at state levels---this is a lame attempt and we still await a real, solid documentary about the election.

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