Trojan Warrior
Trojan Warrior
| 07 August 2002 (USA)
Trojan Warrior Trailers

When a comical mob bag-man rats out the local mob boss, the bagman's cousin must rescue him from both the mob and the cops so he can testify at the grand jury.


Sadly Over-hyped

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Brilliant and touching

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Haven Kaycee

It is encouraging that the film ends so strongly.Otherwise, it wouldn't have been a particularly memorable film

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After watching about half of this movie I noticed something peculiar ... I found myself constantly switching through tv-channels to see what else is on - not exactly a good movie trait.This movie is listed as being in a number of genres, and I must say it mostly failed misserably in every one of them. 80% through the movie I switched over to watch an old rerun instead. Bottom line - the whole movie felt as if the ones making it didn't exactly know what to make and ended up in a concoction with no discernable taste.

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The people who bag this film about not being artistic film making or whatever are completely missing the point...this is a fun film directed at a certain audience who appreciate it for what it tries to do and that is provide some light humour and spoof Melbourne's multi cultured underworld a bit. People of European descent will appreciate much of the humour which has a bit of fun with Greeks, Italians, Turks etc. It's trashy and sleazy at times, but like one guy said, it's meant to be, much of these characters are not pleasant people! It's questionable whether international audiences will understand a lot of it as it's heavily influenced by Melbourne and it's sub-cultures (and most of the cameo's by local celebrities will be lost on an overseas audience). I had a lot of laughs with this movie, a fun, lightweight home brewed independent flick. Not bad fight sequences too.

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At least the seats in the theater were comfortable and I ate the pop corn as loud as possible to drown out the inferior dialogue. This is absolutely not a girls film. Any blokes who like it, are the ones us ladies can be sure to stay far away from. Dumb story, mediocre dialogue and an overall cheap looking film. I've seen many, many movies but this one is the new winner in the bad category. If you do happen to see it, the one thing you'll look forward to is the ending. So you can finally run out of the theater as fast as you can.

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Well our standards have gone into the toilet. The direction was poor, the acting was mediocre and the writing was amateurish. And those are the good points. Hopefully there won't be a sequel. Otherwise, I might have to leave the country.

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