Torchy Gets Her Man
Torchy Gets Her Man
| 12 November 1938 (USA)
Torchy Gets Her Man Trailers

A notorious counterfeiter passes himself off as a Secret Service agent to Steve and gets him to unwittingly help him bilk the racetrack out of tens of thousands.


The greatest movie ever made..!

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This is one of the few movies I've ever seen where the whole audience broke into spontaneous, loud applause a third of the way in.

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Tayyab Torres

Strong acting helps the film overcome an uncertain premise and create characters that hold our attention absolutely.

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The film's masterful storytelling did its job. The message was clear. No need to overdo.

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One of the best of the Torchy Blane series is one that really puts her in the most danger in Torchy Gets Her Man. That title does not mean that Glenda Farrell and Barton MacLane finally wed. In fact the title is a misnomer in that the object of her story nearly gets Torchy with Geohagan thrown in for good measure.This is one bold as brass crook, a notorious counterfeiter played by Willard Robertson who impersonates a Secret Service man of all things. He's got a scam to use the racetrack to spread his phony bills and he's using the cops as shields because they think he's part of a sting.Torchy using the ever gullible Geohagan played by Tom Kennedy catches on, but they're both taken captive by the gang who plans to do them in. How she gets out is for you to see.Once again Tom Kennedy as lovable, but thick as an adobe brick Sergeant Geohagan steals the film. How he ever passed the civil service for the police is beyond me. And Barton MacLane turns out to be handy to have around.

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Like others here have observed, the "Torchy Blane" series by this point was moving further away from the mystery genre and more towards the crime-adventure genre. In fact, the one good twist of the plot is not only revealed to the audience halfway through, but Torchy herself never figures it out until it is revealed to her as well. Torchy is still smart, but no longer the smartest person, or should I say smartest living being, in the film; Glenda Farrell is still a winning lead, but the dog (a German Shepherd) steals the show. Overall, I would say that this series seems to be running out of steam. I did like Gahagan's racetrack-betting system, though. ** out of 4.

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After a one film absence (where Glenda Farrell and Barton MacLane were replaced with different actors playing their roles in a previous film), they are back. As a result, the quality of the film is better than this last outing, TORCHY BLANE IN PANAMA.This Torchy Blane story all revolves around how stupid the police and how audacious criminals can be. The plan that is hatched really is insanely dangerous and makes little sense, though it does make for a decent film--if you don't think very much!! A criminal poses as a federal agent (this will get you a bazillion years in prison if you are caught) and convinces the amazingly gullible police that he needs their help in catching criminals passing forged $100 bills. So the police arrange for the local race track to give this crook a job, where he makes a ton of money for his gang substituting real money with forged! Idiot cops.Overall, the film is a pretty typical and brainless outing for the series. The only thing of note is that the longer the series went, the less chummy Torchy and her boyfriend, McBride, behaved. In the first film they got engaged. However, here in the 6th, they are dating but that is all and there isn't much romance between them.The only bright aspect is Gahagan. The longer the series went, the funnier and more endearing he became. His "system" for horse betting is amazing...simply amazing.

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***SPOILERS**** Gabby and unflinching woman news reporter Torchy Blane, Glenda Farrell, ends up breaking up a counterfeit ring by ending up being taken hostage by it. Torchy get a bit ticked off when her fiancée police Det. Steve McBride, Barton MacLane, keeps her in the dark about the counterfeit ring that he and G-Man Charles Gilbert, Willard Robertson, are tracking down headed by the mysterious master counterfeiter $100 "Dollar Bill" Bailey.Bailey plans to pass off, or launder, as much as $300,000.00 in counterfeit $100.00 bills at the Hollywood Race Track together with a number of his hoods posing as horse betters. It's when Det. McBride's friend and chauffeur Gahagan, Tom Kennedy, is given a forced-after screwing things up-two week vacation he ends up at Hollywood Park with a foolproof system, involving higher mathematics, that he uses to almost break the track. This all draws attention to him by not only the counterfeiters and race-track officials but by Torchy, who's at the track tracking down her fiancée Det. McBride, as well.With Torchy and a confused, in being involved in her birdbrain actions, Gahangen ending up getting caught by the counterfeit ring and held hostage Det. McBride gets his rented, from a local pet store, bloodhound-like sniffing German Shepard Bitzer. It's Blitzer who, unlike Torchy & Gahagan, escaped the clutches of the counterfeit gang to lead Det. McBride together with a squad of police and G-Man Gilbert to the gang's hiding place. It's there where their keeping both Torchy & Gahagan tied up with a nitroglycerin bomb, that's to blow the place to smatterings, set to go off at any moment. It's then that we get to find out just who Mr. Big, $100 "Dollar Bill" Bailey, really is by him being forced, by Det. McBride, to be at the place just as it was about to blow! And with him being there and not wanting to end up as dead as both Torchy & Gahagan, as well as the cops who raided the place, he's forced not only to reveal is true identity but where the bomb is and when it's about to detonate!Typical Torchy Blane flick with Torchy getting things done her way against the advice of her, at first, fumbling boyfriend Det. McBride. In the end it was Det. McBride who by tricking $100 "Dollar Bill" Bailey into exposing himself, in him knowing that Torchy loves stake dinners, ended up rescuing Torchy and his bumbling driver, known to his friends as the Irish Police Poet, Gahagan. But Det. McBride didn't solve the case of the $100.00 counterfeit bills all by himself he needed both Torchy and the courageous and scent sniffing German Shepard Blitzer, the real hero of the movie, to help him do it!

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