Tokyo Gore Police
Tokyo Gore Police
NR | 04 October 2008 (USA)
Tokyo Gore Police Trailers

In future Tokyo, a young woman in the privatized police force tracks down her father's killer while battling against mutant rebels known as engineers.

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not as good as all the hype

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A bit overrated, but still an amazing film

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A movie that not only functions as a solid scarefest but a razor-sharp satire.

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Actress is magnificent and exudes a hypnotic screen presence in this affecting drama.

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Wow...Yes, Japanese cinema is absolutely bonkers! Many people on this board has said so, and i am definitely not arguing that fact!I do not know what other movies this director has made (haven't bothered to check yet), but one thing is certain: He desperately wants to do - nah, strike that, he desperately DREAMS about "doing" the heroine, Eihi Shiina! Not "doing" as in killing her, but "the other kind" of doing her! Just look at the juxtaposition in the scenes, the's sexy as hell despite all the gore...(which tends to get a little boring, to tell the truth...How many shots of limbs cut followed by the cameras lense getting sprayed by blood do a movie really need?!)Now, i don't blame him; she is gorgeous in all her scenes (no doubt because the director shot it like this), doing a good job at portraying a character we can believe in in this mess of a story...come to think of it, maybe this movie exists because of her? It's telling that i'd still want to see HER in another movie after having tormented myself sitting through this movie...

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Anssi Vartiainen

Tokyo Gore Police delivers exactly what its title promises. In the future the police force has been privatized and its methods against the newly arisen threat of fiendish mutant "Engineers" can be described as brutish and barbaric at best. The movie is nothing more than one action-packed scene after another, riddled with scenes of bizarre creatures, even stranger people and quite honestly things you wouldn't see even while high as a kite.And for what it is, it's great. This is quintessential gore film where it's more important to go through as many liters of blood as humanly possible instead of focusing on the story. It has its own style and I cannot lie and say that I don't appreciate it every now and then. The visuals are fantastically strange, the action works very well and the setting is great.Unfortunately the movie suffers from slight pacing and acting problems. Not that the latter is really required from a decent gore film, but it's always a plus. Eihi Shiina plays our main character, Ruka, a detached loner with a definite talent for combat. Unfortunately she plays her a bit too detached, leaving us detached from the experience as well. The rest of the cast is also prone to overacting, which can be problematic. But the biggest problem is the film's tendency to overindulge on the gore. The very first fight is simply minutes after minutes of blood splashing around. It looks impressive on a technical level, but if the viewer gets bored by the blood before the first fight of the movie is over, you're doing something wrong. And yes, I said that blood trumps story in gore films, but even then there needs to be even an attempt for both.I cannot really call Tokyo Gore Police a good film. It's an intriguing and entertaining one, certainly, but it's more style than substance, which is a problem most gore film battle with, admittedly. Worth a watch if you're a fan of the genre, others should steer clear.

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I've only seen a couple of Japanese "techno-horror" movies before this one, and have always found them a bit confusing, but I thought I'd give this a try and I found it to be really good fun.Tokyo Gore Police is intentionally extreme and sensational in its use of blood and gore. If you choose to watch it, be prepared to see almost every part of the human body ripped apart in close up. Luckily the tone of the whole movie is one of black comedy, so although the effects are startling, they should not make anyone feel too nauseous. But if you can't stomach the sight of blood, I would stay away! The story sees a future version of Tokyo in which a new type of criminal is causing mayhem in the city and the futuristic police squad have a special "star officer" who excels in hunting them down. This special type of criminal is infected with a parasitic tumour that enables the host to turn wounds into weapons, therefore it isn't long before the screen is full of outrageously mutated characters who sprout knives, chainsaws and other killing tools from their own twisted flesh.The movie starts as it means to go on with a shock gore effect pretty much within the first two minutes, and it barely lets up for the entire running time. Most of the action is directed at hysteria pitch throughout. In between action scenes there are fake commercials for tasteless products and recruitment messages on behalf of the police force. Japanese horror directors must enjoy parodies of TV advertising, as I had seen this before in "Stacy", which this movie resembles in a lot of respects.There are very few quiet spots, but when they do happen, the movie benefits from a subtle but intense performance from Eihi Shiina as the leading character (the criminal hunter). She looks terrific, even though she spends a lot of the movie hardly saying a word. Mind you she is dressed up in some superbly fetishistic outfits, which also adds to the appeal. The look of the movie, is of course everything. The gore (of which there is a lot) is often jaw dropping, and yet sometimes also hilarious, and as a result the film is NEVER dull. Thankfully the plot is not complicated, and character motivations and fairly clear. I often have trouble unravelling character motivation in Japanese cinema, I assume it's a cultural thing, because they expressions on the actors faces often seems at odds with the translated English dialogue we get, but here it mostly seemed to make sense. I should point out that I saw the DUBBED version of the film where all the dialogue is in English. This seemed very out of place, the American drawl given to all characters seemed very far away from their real cultural identity. I would have probably chosen the subtitled version given a choice, as the lip synching was terrible, as much as the accents were. However having dialogue in English did allow me to focus purely on the visuals. Oh and also the music – the movie features a terrific theme tune, very much like the gladiatorial anthem from "Kill Bill", which crops up throughout, and it really works wonders, elevating the stylishness of the movie still more Watching Tokyo Gore Police made me curious to see more in the same style, so after seeing it I tried "Meatball Machine", which was only half as good, so in my opinion, "Tokyo Gore Police" is one of the better examples of the "high-gore" trend coming out of Japan.

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Truly strange.It is a future dystopia where Tokyo has privatized its police force into a bunch of guys who wear Samurai armor and mete out street justice by killing suspects without some pesky thing called a trial. Meanwhile a group of super-criminals called "Engineers" have arrived, who grow weapons out of parts of their bodies that are injured.The central character of this movie is a woman named Ruku who is an engineer hunter, but she is infected with an engineer device and discovers the people running the department murdered her father. Or something. I think they just had the basics of a plot to hand the various methods of slaughtering characters on to.I think there is some social satire going on here that would be lost on a non-Japanese. Or maybe I'm just hoping SOMEWHERE on this planet, this movie made a lick of sense.

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