Tokyo Fist
Tokyo Fist
| 21 October 1995 (USA)
Tokyo Fist Trailers

A businessman, Tsuda, runs into a childhood friend, Kojima, on the subway. Kojima is working as a semiprofessional boxer. Tsuda soon begins to suspect that Kojima might be having an affair with his fiancée Hizuru. After an altercation, Tsuda begins training rigorously himself, leading to an extremely bloody, violent confrontation.


Don't listen to the negative reviews

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The film makes a home in your brain and the only cure is to see it again.

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Janae Milner

Easily the biggest piece of Right wing non sense propaganda I ever saw.

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Lidia Draper

Great example of an old-fashioned, pure-at-heart escapist event movie that doesn't pretend to be anything that it's not and has boat loads of fun being its own ludicrous self.

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Watching a movie by Shinya Tsukamoto is a bit like staring into the deepest pits of hell, or the darkest recesses of the male psyche, whichever way you want to put it. But then the two seem fairly synonymous, at least if the sheer visceral anger in Tokyo Fist is anything to go by.Those aware of Tsukamoto's feature-length debut Tetsuo (1988) will be familiar with the basic premise in Tokyo Fist; flawed relationship between man and woman is brutally disrupted by an outside element which challenges the protagonist to a potentially lethal, and eventually soul-destroying, duel. Similarly to other pioneers of horror (eg. Cronenberg, Miike), Tsukamoto chooses to use all kinds of repulsive visuals. Just to give you an idea, if a face almost literally falling off after a boxing match is too much for you, it's probably best to stay away from this film.However, the brutal imagery is not completely pointless. Tokyo Fist portrays male anger with such honesty that it is sometimes painful to watch, but that's really the point since violence is not something to be cooed at or to be admired (which is what many Hollywood movies seemingly aim to achieve, witness the way audiences are prompted to cheer for the good guy as he murders the baddie). The violence in Tokyo Fist is allegorical in nature, ie. it stands for something else than just simply fists flying: the inability between men and women (and, indeed, men and men) to understand each other ultimately leads to the kind of extreme violence we see on screen. This, ironically, makes Tokyo Fist a part of the great humanist tradition in Japanese cinema, alongside Rashomon and other such movies, because, even though it uses extreme imagery to make a point, it makes the same point all the same: if we relish in jealousy, revenge and anger we will only end up destroying each other, and ultimately ourselves. Does Hollywood ever deal with violence this eloquently?Also, as with Tetsuo, the characters in Tokyo Fist seem to live entirely in a world of their own. Many shots frame them either alone, or surrounded by an anonymous mass which fails to notice them or appreciate their presence (even as Tsuda stands in the middle of a shopping mall, his face beaten to a pulp). I can't think of another film-maker who sums up urban alienation as brilliantly as Tsukamoto does; the sheer contradiction of city life, in which a great mass of people are all huddled together at close range, and yet find themselves completely lonely and alienated from one another.For all intents and purposes, Tokyo Fist is a movie which requires a strong stomach and an open mind. But it's a great achievement all the same.

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The amazing movies of Shinya Tsukamoto are only a recent discovery for me, but boy, am I impressed! 'Tetsuo' remains an utterly unique and an unforgettable experience. 'Tetsuo 2' attempted to add conventional plot elements and character development to the originals more abstract experimentalism, and wasn't entirely successful in my opinion. However even that flawed follow-up wiped the floor with the brainless "action movies" Hollywood spews out year after year. 'Tokyo Fist', while not directly related to the 'Tetsuo' films, takes many of their elements, themes and hyperkinetic style, sets it in a more recognizable and relatively normal setting, and pulls off one of the most powerful and confronting movies you'll ever see.The basic plot of a love triangle set against the background of explicit and life-altering violence cannot fail to remind the viewer of 'Fight Club'. In fact the parallels are so similar that one must wonder whether the creators of 'Fight Club' (novel or movie) are aware of this movie. To my mind 'Tokyo Fist' is a much more original, morally ambiguous and complex film than that overrated piece of MTV nihilism. Some people have questioned what the "real meaning" of this movie is. To me that speaks volumes regarding it's worth. No-one I'm sure would have to ask what 'Fight Club' is "really" about. It's so bloody obvious and spelled out for the audience. 'Tokyo Fist' is nowhere near as simplistic. It makes you THINK. Kudos to Tsukamoto for creating such an interesting and extreme cinematic experience!

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Have you ever thought that almost every movie you see is bound to be american? Of course I am assuming that you live in the western world and you are living what has been called a perfect life. You go to work in the morning, then you return home to eat, watch maybe a little television or read a book and go to bed. That is how it is Japan too. But Tsukamoto doesn't think that way. He goes BEYOND that. And it isn't pretty whatever he sees. His movies has the same elements every time. Fast Editing and persons at the moment before they get a mental breakdown. Expect a dark, dark movie. He uses symbolism more than american presidents have lied and violence as a metaphore. I shouldn't tell what. This movie is bound to make you think for some weeks. And that can be nice? P.S Be sure not to miss his next film "Gemini". I saw it at Bergen International Film Festival and I am stunned.

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lemme start out by saying that i enjoyed tetsuo one very much, to me it was like a live action anime. i was excited to see tokyo fist when i saw the directors name and by judging the comments on it here. I have to say that i really didnt understand what he was getting at 90 percent of the time. lots of cameras shaking up and down and blood spouting from peoples heads does not a good movie make. I dont understand one of the comments here, saying that it was "infinitely more coherant" then tetsuo. for one thing the dialogue was so badly translated that they could barely put the most simple of english words in the correct context. i dont mind a complete lack of plot, as long as the ride is interesting. this to me was not.

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