Tim Driscoll's Donkey
Tim Driscoll's Donkey
| 01 January 1955 (USA)
Tim Driscoll's Donkey Trailers

Story of how a young Irish boy loses the donkey he has reared from birth.


Just what I expected

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disgusting, overrated, pointless

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Aneesa Wardle

The story, direction, characters, and writing/dialogue is akin to taking a tranquilizer shot to the neck, but everything else was so well done.

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This movie feels like it was made purely to piss off people who want good shows

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John Taylor-Medhurst

Except for the purposes of research where you're looking for parameters to judge films by, I doubt if anyone will ever watch this film, ever. I remember watching it in 1963 with some friends - the reason why it sticks in my mind is because it was always used as a benchmark to describe something else by, i.e.,'It was nearly as bad as......', or, 'It couldn't be any worse than...........' To be fair, this was a very low budget 'B' film shown in support of the main feature. It's about an Irish lad that takes his donkey called 'Patchy' to a local derby and races it. The 'speeded-up' special effects are very much of the time and are truly awful. There are some who will find this film rather quaint, but that's not a sentiment I can agree with! Judge for yourself, the Children's Film & Television Foundation Ltd., have uploaded a 5 minute clip onto Youtube!

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